Chapter 302 Soul Society Is Here

"Captain Mayuri, please explain about the current situation in the Human World!"

After the meeting started, Genryusai looked at Kurotsuchi Mayuri. After all, monitoring this kind of thing was the responsibility of their 12th Division, and it is their 12th Division that reported this matter first, so that the current meeting was held.

"There is a huge hole in the sky above Karakura Town, and this hole is constantly releasing Reishi into the Human World. At this rate, although I dare not say that the concentration of Reishi in the Human World can reach the level of Hueco Mundo or Soul Society, the content of some of land with high-level of Reishi will skyrocket, and the place where the hole appears, Karakura Town is one of it."

"And until now, we still don't know the origin of this hole, or even how long this hole can last. If it takes too long, perhaps the concentration of Reishi in the Human World may surpass Soul Society by then!"

Mayuri has an expression of very interested and wanting to take a look. If he didn't get the meeting order, it is estimated that he would have already appeared in the Human World and started to study this hole.

"Since this kind of thing has happened, shouldn't we figure out the situation as soon as possible? This thing is not something trivial!"

Kyoraku Shunsui said, as this matter is indeed a bit too big. If the Reishi of the Human World reach the same level as Soul Society, then maybe many souls don't need to be sent to Soul Society.

After a person in the Human World dies, their soul will be sent to the Soul Society, or degenerate into a void. The biggest difference between the Human World and the Soul Society is the concentration of the Reishi. One is a place for humans to survive, and the other is a place for the soul to survive.

Just like fish need to be in the water to survive, and humans need oxygen to survive, the soul also needs enough Reishi to survive. If the Reishi of Human World exceeds the standard, then it may be possible that some monsters will be created by then.

Moreover, the Human World will become a Hollow's paradise. Their Shinigami's manpower is not enough to deal with so many Hollow in one breath. After all, the difference between the number of Shinigami and Hollow is too much.

"In this case, I'll give the order now. The Captain of the 2nd division, Soi Fon, and the Captain of the 12th, Kurotsuchi Mayuri, you two are responsible for this matter. Try to find out the source of this hole as much as possible, and then close it! Any objections?"

Genryusai knocked his crutches on the ground and also felt that what his apprentice said was right, but he still took a formality. After all, the Captain was sent, and it wasn't just one, so the matter was not small and a meeting had to be held.

After receiving the order, no one else dared to say anything more. Soon, everyone, except for Soi Fon and Mayuri, dispersed. But there is another person who is very interested in this matter, Aizen.

"Captain Aizen, do you want to see what happened? There seems to be something happening in Hueco Mundo too. Fifth and Eighth Espada were silently killed. The traces left behind are very obvious, but no one heard any commotion. They didn't even sense the Reiatsu, do you really not care about it?"

After the meeting, Aizen used Kyoka Suigetsu to conceal everyone, and took Ichimaru Gin and Tousen Kaname back to his secret research room. It was just like the 12th Division's, but not as complete.

But he can also monitor the huge hole above Karakura Town at this moment.

"Gin, you have already said that there is no commotion, and everyone didn't even sense the Reiatsu. In that case, it is undoubtedly a fool errand to find who the other party is. Instead of wasting time on this matter, it's better to do something else, such as the hole this time. This thing is much more important than two Espada!"

Aizen said lightly. Of course, it wasn't that he didn't care, but he can't control the scene, and there is nothing he can do to take care of this matter. He, Aizen, is not Yhwach, who has the ability of omniscience and omnipotence.

So even if Aizen wants to do something about this, he can't do anything. Because of this, he can only focus on other things, such as this strange hole. As for Espada, he can just find two more and it will be done. After all, there are a lot of Adjuchas-level Menos Grande in Hueco Mundo, and with enough effort, even finding some Vasto Lorde is not a problem.

Hueco Mundo is… a pure mess, and the Las Noches established by Baraggan has no way to completely unify these Hollow.

Otherwise, if they are united, their power will be much greater than Shinigami. Although their high-end combat power is a bit better, in terms of the highest-level combat power, Hueco Mundo is really nothing that can fight against Soul Society.

So when Aizen lost two of the Espada, he didn't worry at all. For such an Espada, he can get as much as he wanted. Although he felt it was a pity for losing the Fifth, he doesn't care about the Eighth, as he is nothing more than just having a little bit of scientific research ability. Compared to him, it really is nothing.

It's like comparing Caesar Clown and Vegapunk, there is no comparison at all.

"Aizen-sama, are you going to Human World?"

This time, it wasn't Gin who speaks, but Kaname.

"Yes, I am very interested in this thing, so I plan to check it out. I'll leave Soul Society to you guys!"

After Aizen finished speaking, he immediately left, and Gin's fox eyes flashed a little fluctuation. As for Kaname, he is Aizen's diehard.

Gin is probably one of the most successful undercover agents, but his identity has been known to Aizen a long time ago, knowing that Gin is by his side only to be an undercover agent and cause trouble.

But Aizen still kept Gin until the end, and even Gin finally gave Rangiku a fake death, so that the inflated Aizen relaxed his vigilance. If it wasn't because he didn't know about Hogyoku's overpowered, it is estimated that Aizen would have died by his hand. So, all squinting eyes can be said to be monsters.

Soon, a large number of Shinigami appeared near the huge hole. Mayuri's various equipment has also begun to be built, but it is probably unrealistic for them to know what this thing is. After all, Hell has completely collapsed into a large number of pure Reishi.

So no matter what they do, it is useless to study it. Unless they guess the destruction of Hell, it is impossible to find the reason for this matter.

When people from Soul Society came, Asahi has also finally met with Kisuke, the super scientist in this original work, which is also a smart planner. In truth, Asahi didn't plan to meet him at first.

But after destroying the Hell this time, Asahi felt that maybe this guy can be recruited, and he has some ideas about it. Right now, it depends on the effect, after all, what he said to Yoruichi before is not for nothing.