Chapter 303 Meeting Urahara Kisuke

"It's really a nice place. Compared to my small shop, it's much more luxurious! It's the first time we met, right? I am Urahara Kisuke, and you are… Asahi-san, right!"

Kisuke is still dressed as a normal store manager at this moment. And when he met Asahi, he praised him.

"Really? I felt that it's nothing compared to the space in your basement!"

Asahi also smiled and greeted Kisuke. And after Asahi said so, it made Kisuke a little bewildered, and then his eyes directly moved to Isshin next to Asahi.

Isshin directly waved his hand to show that he is innocent, but he didn't say anything. People knew them well, so if Isshin didn't said anything about it, that means he is telling the truth.

Although Asahi really asked him about Kisuke, he would definitely say it, but since Asahi hadn't asked him, he is quite innocent.

"This must be Tsukabishi Tessai-san, the former Captain of Kido Corps, right? But it is really surprising that Yoruichi-san didn't turn into a black cat this time!"

Asahi once again greeted the other two people, one is Tessai, and the other is Yoruichi in human form. He has to say that Yoruichi, the black beauty, is indeed great. She has the wild-type of beauty, of course, it's mainly because of the other's abilities and bloodline problem, that's why there is such a wild beauty.

"At any rate, I came to apologize. It seems a bit too unreasonable not to maintain the human form!"

Yoruichi remembered the scene of Asahi teasing her with dried fish, and said with a half-hearted smile.

"That's true, then please, go in and have a seat!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he took the guests in. These are all talents, but he is not sure if he can dig them out. In short, the probability is very small. According to the original work, the relationship between Yoruichi and Kisuke does not need to be said. If he wanted to get her, he can only change the settings of the original work. But time travel is wrong. And although the two people in the original work did not get along directly, it is not long for them to become close.

Tessai is even a good friend of Kisuke, as these two people often seem to be quietly engaged in philosophy, so it is almost impossible to recruit him them, but Asahi still wants to give it a try, as the biggest problem lies with Aizen.

As Asahi said in the past, one of the key points of poaching people is the foreign enemy, and the foreign enemy that Kisuke faces is… Aizen. Aizen is very strong, and now that the plot has changed, Ichigo has not fully entered the other party's eyes.

Moreover, because Asahi helped them cover their aura, Kisuke didn't realize Ichigo's strength at all. Whether to keep shrinking, or joined Asahi's family to fight back, it depends on how this guy decides.

"Asahi-san, I thought about the things that you said to Yoruichi for a long time, but I still can't understand how this is done. Can you help me solve my doubts?"

Kisuke asked with a smile. He didn't come here this time to apologize with Yoruichi, but to use this opportunity to explore the principles of these time and space ability.

"I've already said the method. As for helping you solve your doubts, I am a sensible person, but you have to tell me why!"

After squinting his eyes, Asahi said, "It's fine to beat around the bush, but you need to use different methods to deal with different people. The best way to deal with foxes is… to be straightforward.


After hearing Asahi's words, Kisuke was a little confused. 'Straightforward?'

It's just like when he was about to take driving exams, he had already trained his cornering skills and obtained the master cornering certificate, but now that the exam starts, the driving exam is actually just driving in a straight line.

For a while, even Kisuke, who is quite scheming, has nothing to say, and he is a little confused.

"Kisuke, can you do it!"

At this time, Yoruichi's mocking voice came into Kisuke's ears, and Kisuke came back to his senses.

"Asahi-san is really straightforward. If that is the case, then I'll be more straightforward. Please tell me the principle. As for the price, you can ask anything!"

Since the other party is so straightforward and disrupted his plan, Kisuke can only go straight.

"Are you sure that you can afford the price? After all, the things you are asking about involve space and time. As far as I know, Soul Society and you haven't studied these things yourself, right?"

Asahi's smile remained the same. The news that Yoruichi brought back was also deliberately said by Asahi. Of course, it wasn't for the purpose of attacking Yoruichi and the others directly, but for the purpose of getting them hooked. He still wanted to try to see if he could succeed.

Kisuke is indeed a scheming person, and being his opponent would indeed make people sleepless. However, Kisuke is good with his own people, as he had saved the Visored back then.

So Asahi has spent this period of time thinking about it. If you want to dig this guy, the first thing is to put him under his command first, and slowly grind him through time, so that this guy will treat him as his own person, and then he will naturally be dug over.

Although the time for than is a bit long, it depends on how the breakthrough is made. And if the breakthrough is made, it won't be a problem.

"There is indeed no research record on these things in Soul Society does not have a research record of these things, but I have a lot of good things here that can be used for trading. For example, this portable Gigai. It can turn into a Gigai by simply blowing air into it. When you encounter enemies, you can use this to confuse the enemy. I also have a lot of other things, maybe there is something you would like."

Kisuke said as he took out a lot of things, including the portable Gigai in the original work that was used by him. This thing is indeed good, however, it is just good to deal with reckless man like Yami. To deal with other people, it won't be that useful.

As for his other things, it doesn't actually have much effect to Asahi. To be honest, Tenshintai (Divine Transfer Body) is a bit interesting, but Asahi doesn't use Zanpakutō, so these things are not useful for Asahi.

What Asahi more interested in is Mayuri's Superhuman Drug. This drug is indeed quite good, and it can be said to be very deadly. It makes a person's senses infinitely accelerate, and as a result, when a few seconds passed for the others, the victim lived for tens to hundreds of years, which is much worse feeling than death.

To be fair, if Mayuri's Superhuman Drug is used as a poison, it will be overpowered, and it is simply horrifying to the extreme. So in terms of value, these things that Kisuke has are not as good as Mayuri's Superhuman Drug. Of course Hōgyoku was not included, but even if Hogyoku is quite good, but for him, it is also not very useful.