Chapter 304 An Olive Branch That Can’t Be Rejected

"Well, just tell me directly, how can make you to tell me these things!"

Seeing that after talking for a while and the other party's expression did not change, Kisuke that he was talking in vain. Because of that, he did not continue to speak, and asked Asahi's thoughts instead.

"Although the things you said are quite good, they are not of much use to me. The value of that kind of thing depends on people. If I like it, the value is naturally high, and if I don't like it, that means it's not valuable."

"You don't have anything worth looking at in your hand, but you yourself is pretty good. Work for me for a while, and I can naturally tell you about these things."

Asahi watched Kisuke's step-by-step acceptance, and now he also throws out his olive branch. Of course, he only asked Kisuke to work for him temporarily. It's mainly because it is difficult for this guy to become a permanent worker, so he temporarily added time limit to reassure him.

"Is this… recruitment?"

After Kisuke heard what Asahi said, he immediately understood, 'No wonder… The other party came for me. As for Yoruichi, the news she brought was true, but it was just bait. It can be said that from the very beginning, when the other party spotted Yoruichi, he used Yoruichi to use something I am very interested in to attract me to the bait.'

"Yes, but the nature is similar to that of Soul Society. I have a scientific research team under me, and they have information on these things in their hands, and I also have disclosed the learning methods of these things with my research team. I don't need you to help me forever. Fifty years is enough."

"It only takes fifty years. When you were in Soul Society, you were also the Captain of the 12th Division. At that time, To put it bluntly, you were also working for Central 46 and the nobles, so it should be all right to change places now!"

Asahi said with a smile. For most people, fifty years is can be said to be more than half of their lives, but for the powerful Shinigami, fifty years is not much.

As long as the Shinigami doesn't die in battle and their strength reaches the Captainlevel, they can live for one thousand years at the very least, so these fifty years will not be long at all.

"It's indeed very tempting, but what if I refuse?"

Kisuke is a little speechless when he heard Asahi's explanation.

"It doesn't matter if you refuse. We are not enemies. To put it bluntly, it is just a transaction this time. I will recruit you and give you enough knowledge and things. If you think it is worthy of being recruited, you will agree, and if it is not worth it, you will refuse. It's a normal thing. Of course, after rejection, we may be able to make another transaction. In addition to the power of time and space in my hands, there is also other thing that can also use power of time and space."

Asahi said indifferently, as his silver tongue is not so simple.

"There are other people that have power of time and space?"

Kisuke was surprised, as he wondered why he didn't know about it.

"Yes, then, Urahara Kisuke-san, make your choice, accept my recruitment and I will share the knowledge with you, or take a step back and we will make another deal, or, not to trade at all. You can make your decision!"

Asahi saw that it was almost done, so he handed over the choice to Kisuke.

"Right now, I seem to understand how Isshin was recruited by you. It's all because of his weakness. Time and space have a terrifying attraction to me, and I am also very interested the scientific research team you said, then 50 years. I will work for you for 50 years, but I have a prerequisite!"

Kisuke didn't think much and said his choice, but he still had a prerequisite.

"Just tell me, I'm listening!"

"It's very simple. Although I can work for you, I also have my own enemy. You must know Aizen, right? That guy is very dangerous and also our enemy. Strictly speaking, if you recruit Isshin, you have already stood on the opposite side of him, but I'm also his enemy, so my prerequisite is very simple, help me get rid of Aizen!"

Kisuke feels terrifying amount of hatred towards Aizen. It's all because of Aizen that he's having such a live right now. If it wasn't for him, he would still be the Captain of the Twelfth Division in Soul Society. To tell honest, Soul Society is his home, and now, he can't live in his own home, and is wanted by his own companions, so there's no way he would let Aizen go.

Kisuke is very insidious, but he also wants to live a normal life. It may be unbelievable to say it, but Kisuke does not have ambitions like Aizen. He just wants to have a peaceful life, so that he has the time to engage in scientific research.

In the original work, Aizen asked him why a talent like him should be under the Soul King at the end. To put it bluntly, it is because he has no ambition, so naturally, there was no such thing as being inferior to anyone else.

"Aizen? No problem, he is also my target. After all, his goal will affect me, so even if you don't tell me, I will take care of him!"

Asahi said calmly. Since Kisuke's request is just, then it's not a problem at all. Right now, he only needs to recruit Urahara Kisuke as the first step, and he indeed needs to take care of Aizen, as he might be a problem.

For the next step, as long as Asahi doesn't try to deal with Kisuke, then this period of time is enough to recruit Kisuke completely, so although Kisuke is not completely his own now, after disclosing important information to the other party, Asahi is not afraid that he will run. Because there is no need for it at all.

"Aizen's goal? What is Aizen's real goal?"

Hearing what Asahi said, Kisuke is also a little confused. After all, in the original work, he only knew about Aizen's goal later when Aizen betrayed Soul Society. So right now, Kisuke only knows that the other party is eyeing Hogyoku and has become the master of Hueco Mundo. And right now, he is doing research on Arrancar and the Hollowfication of Shinigami.

"Soul King. Aizen has great ambitions. He is unwilling to be under the others, so he wanted to attack the Soul King, but the Soul King is the cornerstone of the world, so in order to prevent this thing from destroying this world, this guy must be killed no matter what!"

Asahi told Kisuke of Aizen's goal, and Kisuke felt that Aizen is a crazy lunatic, but he also felt that this also fits in line with Aizen's character. As a person who is extremely arrogant and dismissive of others, how could he allow himself to be under the others?