Chapter 308 Aizen Has Left? Let’s Do It!

After a while, the Shinigami all stayed in the sky, and because of the skyrocketing Reishi, besides the 13th Division, the other divisions also sent some people to the Human World. It can't be helped, after all, the Reishi in the Human World has become so rich.

Those, who used to be disdainful to come to the Human World before, come together this time, and besides normal Hollow, there are also powerful Hollow. Even Gillian-level Menos Grande has come out, so the Shinigami are also very busy now.

As for Aizen, after some research, he left. It's because he didn't research anything, but he also had a certain guess. Knowing that there is no benefit for staying here, he doesn't need to stay anymore.

And according to his calculations, it is estimated that the eruption of Reishi will stopped after a while, and the hole will also disappear at that time, as if nothing happened. Except for the addition of a large number of Reishi, nothing will happen, so it is naturally not worthy of his attention.

He also took a stroll around Karakura Town along the way, but he never found the location of the Visored and Kisuke, so he gave up and left. He believed that as long as it is only a matter of time before he finds the other party.

"Aizen has left, so we can start. Yoruichi, I will hand over Soi-Fon to you. Urahara, you will go with me to deal with Kurotsuchi Mayuri! I will suspend the times of other Shinigami, and we'll get it done as soon as possible!"

After Aizen left, Asahi started his plan. After a snap of his fingers, the time of those Shinigami in the sky was stopped, and everyone excepted Soi-Fon and Mayuri, seemed to be paused like a movie.

"Huh? What's wrong with you guys? Hurry up and continue working!"

Mayuri suddenly noticed that the other people's movements had stopped, and said angrily. They were doing some tests now, but as a result, these guys had a problem, so he was really upset, but after he scolded for a while and found that the others hadn't moved, he was was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately pulled out his own Zanpakuto.

In this state, no matter how he looks at it, it doesn't seem to be normal.

"Captain Kurotsuchi, do you know what happened?"

Soi-Fon, who is also alert, asked, as she also found that something was wrong.

"I don't know, but they seem to be controlled by someone, but they are completely controlled. How did this happen? It's really interesting. Does their blood also stopped flowing?"

Mayuri stabbed one of them with his sword as he said this, as this guy is just that crazy. Fortunately, Asahi didn't plan to put him under his command from the beginning. To put it bluntly, Asahi intends to control him, as it's more worth it. He would only persuade people if they are worth recruiting, as for the enemies that are not worth recruiting, then there is no need to say more.

Originally, Mayuri was also a recruitment target, but this guy is a little too uncontrollable, and the level of danger of this guy is also higher than Kisuke, because he is too crazy and lacks reason. As for the other aspects, just from the matter with Ishida Family, it is impossible to directly recruit this guy. Since he has recruited one party, then he will find a way to resolve the other enemy.

"Long time no see, Soi-Fon. I didn't expect you to grow to this level!"

At this moment, Yoruichi appeared in front of Soi-Fon with such a carefree attitude.

"Yo! Ru! I! Chi!"

"You still dare to appear in front of me. That's good too, as I will take you down today, you traitor!"

As the saying goes, love breeds hatred. And regarding Soi-Fon, this girl really likes Yoruichi, but she felt that Yoruichi has betrayed her, so she became like this.

After seeing Yoruichi, Soi-Fon lost her usual calmness, and then she chased after Yoruichi, who has left. She didn't care about Mayuri, and it took less than five seconds from Yoruichi's appearance to the two people leaving, so Mayuri, who was left alone, was at a loss.

"Shihouin Yoruichi, since she is here, then Urahara Kisuke is also here. Urahara Kisuke, do you still not want to come out?"

Mayuri quickly thought of something, that is, this is a trick to pull the tiger away from the mountain.

"It's been a long time, Kurotsuchi Mayuri. I heard that you are doing well in the 12th Division!"

Kisuke and Asahi suddenly appeared, and were looking at Mayuri with a smile at this moment.

"We finally meet again, Urahara Kisuke!"

After seeing Urahara Kisuke, Mayuri began to make small movements. This guy is quite powerful in playing with drugs, but Asahi has blocked the surrounding air from the beginning, and his drugs cannot penetrate Asahi's air wall when they are spread in the air, so no matter how awesome the drug is, it is useless when used against the other party.

Mayuri's goal is to surpass Kisuke. It can be said that he has reached the point of madness regarding this. It was Kisuke who got him out of the Nest of Maggots, but he is still targeting him.

"Although I don't want to disturb your chat, I personally think that it is not the time to chat, and put away your little tricks, Captain Kurotsuchi Mayuri, after all, the poison you used is completely useless to us!"

Asahi said very speechlessly. At the moment of seeing them, this guy actually released a lot of poison here, and the quantity and type are a bit exaggerated, and it can be said that it was a bloody effort to kill Urahara Kisuke.

When Asahi said this, Mayuri couldn't help but being stunned. He didn't expect that his little trick would be discovered so quickly, and seeing that the other party's completely indifferent expression, it was obvious that he has a way to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Mayuri directly releases his Zanpakuto. To be reasonable, Mayuri's Zanpakuto can be used to make horror movies, but being his Zanpakuto is also very unlucky thing, as it was being constantly reformed by Mayuri.

Other Shinigami would regard their own Zanpakuto as their most prized position, but Mayuri, not only he remodeled his own Zanpakuto, but he also left some backhands on his Zanpakuto. So that even if his Zanpakuto betrays him, he can take care of it easily. It is equivalent to equivalent to planting a time bomb on the other party's body, and it is the kind that can be detonated directly…

So this guy is indeed ruthless, and he doesn't hold back at all. Asahi won't recruit this guy unless he has lost his mind.

"There is no need to release your Zanpakuto. Let me modify your brain a little bit!"

After saying that, Asahi invaded Mayuri's mind directly and began to modify some of his memories. Of course, besides modifying the memory, Asahi also added an energy bomb in Mayuri's mind. Once this guy realizes that his memory has a problem, he will directly detonate the dust.