Chapter 309 Kisuke, Who Is A Little Scared

To deal with scientists like Mayuri, Asahi has to be a little more cautious. Even if he modifies his memory, it cannot be completely guaranteed that it will be safe. Although Asahi trusts his own power, Mayuri is merciless against his own people.

However, Asahi has already added that he is not allowed to do anything to him and the people around him, and to be honest, Mayuri will still die after Asahi finished using him.

"You can really modify the memory of the other party?!"

Asahi didn't mean to hide it, so a trace of worry flashed through Kisuke's eyes when he learned this. He felt that this method is too terrifying, what should he do if this method is done on him too? Although he is smart enough and knew that Asahi has not done anything to him and won't use this method on him, he is still a little worried, after all, people's minds are like this, and soul is no exception.

"If you are worried that I will do something to you, you don't have to. I use this method to deal with other people. There are only two reasons why I use this method to deal with other people. One is the target I must kill, and the other is a threat."

"You also know how crazy this guy is, right? He even dared to attack his own companions, so I don't dare to keep this kind of madman, and he can be said to be enemies with the Ishida Family. Ryuken's father, Ishida Soken, died in the hands of this guy, so he definitely can't be kept. If he's not useful, I would have already killed him now!"

Asahi also knows what Kisuke is thinking, and it is normal to think so. Because of that, he has said that he won't do it to people who don't pose a threat to him, so even if Kisuke didn't plan to cause trouble to him, he won't be a problem now.

After Kisuke heard this, he took a deep breath. He was indeed speechless, and he didn't want to talk anymore. His thoughts had been seen through by other party, and he realized that he was indeed thinking too much. If Asahi wanted to do it, he would have already done it, there's no need to show this ability to him now.

He also knows what the other party thinks. Since he has the ability to directly modify other people's memories, he can even directly modify all Shinigami's memories, so that there is no trouble, and Soul Society can be directly taken down.

But the other party didn't do so. Even he himself knew that there would be great disadvantages from doing so. Not to mention other things, it can't be guaranteed that his abilities will never fail, as Kisuke didn't dare to say that about his own ability. After all, the emergence of Hogyoku was… an accident.

So for Kisuke, he almost understood some of Asahi's thoughts. Instead of planting a bunch of time bombs by his side, it is better to find time to dismantle all these bombs. Although this is a little troublesome, there will be no future trouble when it's done.

"It's done!"

After Asahi processed Mayuri's memory, he snapped his fingers and Mayuri woke up.

"Greeting my lord, is there anything you need that you come to see me this time?"

At this moment, Mayuri's memory is modified by Asahi from the beginning. Asahi has inserted the memory of him sending Mayuri into Soul Society, so Mayuri is now an undercover agent.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to tell you that after you go back, I will go to Soul Society once, and if there's no accident, the 2nd Division will also cooperate with you. I will also need to use your monitoring system later. Remember to always to be ready to be contacted at anytime!"

Asahi has already thought about it clearly, which is making Mayuri his eyes in Seireitei.

After explaining a few things, two huge Reiatsu burst out on the other side.

"It should be Shunko, but there are actually two strands." Kisuke is a little surprised. Shunko is a technique he knows, as it is Yoruichi's special technique, "But why Soi-Fon can use it?"

"Maybe she learned it by herself. After all, it's not a completely impossible thing to do, but it is still too immature. Compared with Yoruichi's Reiatsu, it is simply the gap between a seedling and a big tree!"

Asahi shook his head. He naturally knew that Soi-Fon has invented this technique herself, but her talent was indeed exaggerated, as she developed this technique without any guidance. Although the application is very immature, it is still very good.

However, the attributes have not been developed yet. The attribute thing is a further expansion of Shunko. Yoruichi's Lightning, and his younger brother Yushiro's Fire, are all attribute types.

Soon, the two huge Reiatsu disappeared, and then Yoruichi, whose appearance has become a little haggard, appeared in front of them with Soi-Fon.

Seeing this scene, Asahi also knew that the reason Yoruichi's appearance became like that was because she was holding back. After all, it was her who abandoned Soi-Fon back then, so she felt a little guilty and let the other party attack a few more times.

Otherwise, if they really fight, and Yoruichi used Shunko with attribute instantly, Soi-Fon would have been defeated in an instant. How could she still make Yoruichi like that, as the strength of the two sides are not on the same level.

"How did you manage to get this guy?"

Yoruichi is a little confused. There is no Reiatsu eruption from here, and she felt that the speed with which she takes care Soi-Fon was already fast enough, but now she finds that these two people are faster than her, which is too much!

"Sorry, we're just…so fast, as for the reason? Before I said it, let's make it clear first, don't make it up when the time comes so that others regard us as a big devil!"

Asahi said, as he let Yoruichi make it clear that their goal is to reform, not to destroy.

"Yoruichi-sama has already told me about your goal. I will try my best to help Yoruichi-sama, but before that, I will have a final confrontation with that man over there!"

As she spoke, Soi-Fon pulled out her Zanpakuto and pointed it at Kisuke.

"Uh, why is it me? I didn't provoke you!"

Kisuke realized that the fire was burning towards him inexplicably, so he was a little confused in an instant.

"It was because of you that Yoruichi-sama left me and left Soul Society back then, so you, a sinful man, needs to accept sanctions!"

Soi-Fon started moving as soon as she finished speaking.

"Hey hey hey, how can you blame me like that? That's too much, boss, please… help!"

Kisuke asked for help. He thought that with Asahi's silver tongue, he should be able to convince the other party easily, after all, he and Yoruichi were persuaded by him.

So he thinks that Asahi must have a way to deal with Soi-Fon, otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do. Even from he was in Soul Society, Soi-Fon had already thought he was quite unpleasant.