Chapter 310 There Is An Error In The Plot?

"Ahem, since that's the case, then let me be blunt, Captain Soi-Fon. You like Yoruichi-san, right?"

After Asahi coughed, he stepped forward to smooth things over, but this sentence made everyone couldn't help but be stunned, 'Although everyone knows about this, is it really okay for you to say it so directly?'

"You… What do you want to say!"

Soi-Fon was also taken aback, and then her small face couldn't help but blush. She knew about this, and other people also knew it, but saying it and not saying it are two different concepts, so Soi-Fon blushed at this moment. On the other hand, there is no change in Yoruichi's expression. She didn't feel surprised or ashamed. Instead, she looked at Soi-Fon with a reassuring expression, making Soi-Fon's little face even redder.

"Look, you like Yoruichi, which means you will be inseparable from Yoruichi in the future, right? You hate Kisuke because of his relationship with Yoruichi. However, think about it carefully. If Yoruichi really married Kisuke in the future, with your temperament, you definitely can't just ignore it, right?"

"But at that time, he will be... the husband of the person you like the most. How else can you stay with the person you like? I guess you will marry him too, right? So listen to my words, using violence is useless, so why bother?"

Asahi said a lot of words in one breath, and finally gave Soi-Fon to budge for a moment, and even nodded. To put it bluntly, although Soi-Fon is a model of a strong woman, her common sense and perverse aspects of life are equal to zero.

So in an instant, she was fooled and couldn't find anything wrong with it.

"Wait…, what are you talking about? Kisuke and I are very good friends, okay, I just treat him as a male best friend!"

This time Yoruichi spoke, and even the expression on her face felt a little frizzy.

"Male best friend? Who are you trying to fool? You directly attack Central 46 to take him away, abandon your identity as the Clan Head of the Shihouin Clan, and then ran away with this guy to this world, and you said he was just a male best friend?!"

Asahi looked at her as if she is an idiot, but at this moment, Yoruichi's face is getting darker and darker. When Asahi looks at Kisuke, he finds that Kisuke also has an innocent look, and then he immediately opened his mouth to explain.

Yoruichi on the side also gave a quick explanation, and they finally came to the conclusion that… Yoruichi and Kisuke are best friends, very good companions…, somewhat similar to the original relationship between Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

The reason why she saves Kisuke is also because of this. From the same angle, Tsunade will also save Jiraiya and Orochimaru if something happened to them. But there is some discrepancy between this and the plot that Asahi knows.

'Is it the butterfly effect? But how long has it been from the time I come here to participate in the plot? This is all a hundred years ago, okay!'

Asahi also couldn't help but feel a little bit confused. He didn't understand that butterfly effect can also be fanned to hundreds of years ago, isn't it a bit weird?

"So Yoruichi-sama and Kisuke have nothing to do with each other, right!"

At this time, Soi-Fon also spoke, but her tone is more like a questioning, while Yoruichi and Kisuke nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I see, so it means that Yoruichi-sama has nothing to do with Urahara Kisuke, so there is no way he would have any relationship with me. Urahara Kisuke, accept your death, take my Bankai!"

Soi-Fon started chasing Kisuke again, but this time, even Asahi's silver tongue can't find any way to stop this. He has made such an excuse before, but this excuse has now become a joke, so he couldn't do anything more. Right now, he can only temporarily mourn for Kisuke for 0.001 second to express the emotion in his heart.

But when Kisuke was being hunted down, Tessai came to help.

"Yoruichi, I have another question!"

At this time, Asahi whispered to Yoruichi.

"Ask away!"

"Well, I know the relationship between you and Soi-Fon, then, is Tessai and Kisuke's relationship the same type?"

Asahi, who was full of thoughts at the moment, asked with a bit of fear. He is not afraid of powerful enemies, but he is afraid of encountering this kind of thing. And combined with what he knows from the original work, it seems that the philosophical atmosphere of Tessai and Kisuke is getting stronger and stronger.

"Eh… I am not very clear about this, but it is possible, maybe, probably!"

Yoruichi couldn't say more. She wanted to deny it, but when she saw the appearance of these two, she suddenly felt that she had nothing to say, and she couldn't say anything even if she wanted to refute it.

"I see, I understand. I didn't expect that the dignified super scientist would actually play this. No, I have to stay away from them in the future!"

Asahi's words made Yoruichi even more ashamed. She was also directly led astray by Asahi, and she found that she couldn't look at these two people directly anymore. She had been in this world for hundreds of years, so she naturally knew a lot of things in this world. Because of that, she has nothing to say now.

A farce that lasted for a few minutes was stopped by Asahi. After all, there are still a group of people whose time is suspended here, and Mayuri didn't care about this farce at all, but continue to observe the hole.

After that, Asahi also told them the reason for the formation of the hole. Even Mayuri, whose memory has been modified, showed shocked expression. As for Soi-Fon, she can't understand how a person can destroy a world.

Her Bankai is very powerful, and among all Bankai, its destructive power is also very high, as the destructive power of the missile blasted out is comparable to nuclear weapons, but she could only use it once in three days.

Of course, she can use it twice in a day, but the overload will cause her to be unable to use Bankai for a short period of time, as seen when she's fighting against Baraggan in the original work.

And now, she still can't understand how the Hell was destroyed. She calculated it herself, and found that even if she can continuously use her Bankai for a hundred times in a row, it is estimated that Hell will not be destroyed, so she didn't feel too good now.

"We've finished talking about what should be said, so the next step is… do your own business. Take the things for contact, and everyone can leave now!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he took Kisuke and the others, and left. After they left, those… whose time had been suspended, all recovered.

"Captain, why are you there?"

Because the position changed before and after the time was suspended, the Shinigami of the scientific research unit was a little confused.

"It's nothing. Pack up your things, we're leaving. I have found the reason of this hole's appearance!"

A gleam of light flashed in Mayuri's eyes and then he asked everyone to pack up and prepared to leave.