Chapter 314 Dangai

Originally, Asahi planned to enter Soul Society directly, but suddenly remembered that there is something there is such a thing as Dangai, so he directly entered Dangai instead of entering Soul Society. For other people, Dangai is very dangerous, because of Koryu and Kototsu in it.

Asahi thinks that there is no need for Kototsu to exist, as the most dangerous thing is always Kototsu. Once someone caught by Kototsu, it is equivalent to being permanently lost in the void, but Kototsu can be destroyed, and once it is destroyed, this place would indeed be a very good place to train strong people.

It's because the flow of time here is different from that of the outside world, as Ichigo spent a few months inside and only an hour passed outside. It can be said that it is the same as an alternative version of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but it is still dangerous here.

Even for the existence of the Captain-level, it is impossible to hold the Koryu for too long, and the technology of Soul Society can't do this, of course, Asahi, who is proficient in space, can do it. What Asahi needs is time, so he can develop the Soul Energy Source in the Boundary.

When he thought of this, Asahi suddenly felt stupid. Originally, his plan was to go to Soul Society, then force Aizen to come out, and then give Hogyoku to Aizen, and makes Aizen work for him for free, but now, his idea is has changed. In Dangai, the flow of time is very different from the outside world.

He can develop this kind of thing here in one breath. This is equivalent to an alternative version of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and he doesn't have to worry about being attacked by the Koryu and Kototsu, as he can just create a space barrier to protect himself.

After Asahi came to Dangai, he almost cried stupidly by himself. He wondered why he didn't think of such a method earlier, feeling that he is a failure among failures! After coming to Dangai and creating the space barrier, Asahi began to study the Soul Energy Source inside, which to put it bluntly, is the further improvement of the Natural Energy Source.

As for the subject of the experiment, it is naturally Hollow. Right here, there is no need to worry about the time passing on the outside world to be too long. In the entire Bleach World, only he can do such an amazing thing. After all, his ability is here, so he can easily do things that no one else can do.

In Dangai, Asahi stayed for more than ten years, which means that this is more difficult than when he developed the Natural Energy Source. After all, soul is indeed a bit strange, and also a bit too vague, but after more than ten years, Asahi's understanding of Reiatsu has become much better, and he has even analyzed the qualitative change process of Reiatsu and analyzed Kisuke's Hogyoku.

Not only did he develop the Soul Energy Source, but he also researched about Arrancar, and Shinigami's Hollowfication is not a big problem for him now. Although he has not actually tested it, it's really not a big problem.

It can be said that he is already equivalent to a walking Hogyoku, and his limiter has been working all the time during this period. His soul, body, and energy are constantly improving, and this kind of improvement is very terrifying.

Just think about Saitama, his incomplete limiter can reach that level in just three years, and Asahi is even more exaggerated. He has been here for more than ten years, so his strength is getting more and more exaggerated more. And with the help of the limiter, his life level has improved again, and his understanding of the law has also become easier. His current life level is better than those in the world where Gods exist. He has reached Tier-3, and he now has a kind of natural suppression of ordinary life.

After his life level reached this level, just like the pressure of Conqueror's Haki in the One Piece World, he can suppress the existence with the life level below him to a certain extent. Of course, life level does not represent strength, but life level is the best catalyst for the improvement of strength.

For example, at Tier-1 life level, people's training speed can reach ten at most, while the average person is only one, and some geniuses can reach numbers ranging from one to ten, but no matter how talented they are, reaching ten is the limit.

But after reaching Tier-2, not only is there no problem with lifespan, the speed and comprehension of training can be increased from the so-called ten to one hundred, and for Tier-3, it's from one hundred to one thousand.

It's not the same level at all. The improvement of life level is so overbearing, but only Asahi can improve his life level like this. Other people will be limited by the world, even if it is a God, but he is different. He himself is an existence that transcends the world, so the world can't limit his growth.

At most, only his limiter can be restricted, but if it is a training, it cannot be restricted at all.

After improving the Energy Source, with the help of the system, he discovered that it would take tens of thousands of years for other people to improve their life level before, but now, the time has been shortened by more than half. Of course, as long as he continues to improve it in the future, the time will become shorter and shorter.

This Energy Source will become more and more perverted, and even form a super-strong cultivation technique, which is still in its infancy now.

'I have researched such a thing for more than ten years. Should Orochimaru and the others' research institute be moved here?'

Asahi squinted his eyes. For people engaged in scientific research, the thing they lacked the most is time. Time will always pass quietly, so he thought of building a laboratory here, so that Orochimaru and the others can come here to research when they need it.

'This seems very good.'

After this idea came out, it was basically out of control, but Asahi didn't plan to do it right away. He intended to finish handling the things in his hands before taking care of this. The time flow rate of Dangai is two thousand times that of the outside world, which is much more exaggerated than the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. In Hyperbolic Time Chamber, one day is just equal to one year, and since a year has 365 days, with the two thousand times from Dangai, the time he got from staying here is little more than five times of Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Even after he stayed here for more than ten years, in the outside world, only two or three days have passed, which is simply miraculous. Of course, only those with longevity and strength can afford something like this, otherwise, it is just nonsense.

After all, with normal human lifespan, after spending ten to half a month of the outside world here, they would have died of age. They also have no strength, so they would directly be swallowed by the Koryu, so there is no need to think about it.

As for Kototsu, Asahi didn't see that thing. It seemed that his location was a very remote branch, and Koryu should have closed this branch after a while, but since he has created a space barrier, he is fine.