Chapter 315 Backward Rukongai

After leaving Dangai, Asahi entered Soul Society. He found the nearest point and found out that it appeared in Rukongai instead of Seireitei. After looking at the reception around, Asahi had to shake his head, as it's too much.

Compared with the Human World, that is the gap between modernization and ancient times, he doesn't know how these souls live. In fact, he has always been curious about those who are used to modern life, after coming to Soul Society, habe they gotten used to it? Why didn't anyone bring technology here? Logically speaking, Rukongai should not become so unbearable. Almost all the souls of death in this world come here, but the development here is still the same as it was hundreds of years ago.

This is too exaggerated, and there is nothing modern in this place, so Asahi can't understand. As for Soul Society being a world composed of Reishi, so technology is useless, there's no way it can be true. After all, in 12th Division, there are a lot of black technology.

So for this backward Rukongai, Asahi is still a little speechless, and he is unable to understand why it became like this.

After strolling around Rukongai for a while, Asahi lost interest and left this area directly. Rukongai is also divided into regions, and the more the front area located, the larger the area is, and the better the security is. As for the last two areas, 79th and 80th districts are completely… lawless area. In here, fighting is… a common practice.

And Zaraki Kenpachi also rose from here. Kenpachi was even more straightforward, as rushed directly to Seireitei, and cut the previous generation of Kenpachi, and then becoming the Captain himself, but Kenpachi's position can be said to be like this from the start.

Whoever is strong will be the Captain, so Kenpachi relied on this wild road to directly take the position of the Captain of the 11th Division. Thinking about it, he is also somewhat amazing. Others graduated from the Shin'o Academy, but they need to continue training to reach this level. But Kenpachi, as a wild man, directly defeated the opponent and became the Captain.

After arriving at the front area, Asahi found that there are more powerful Reiatsu here, and he also found an acquaintance here.

"Is this a coincidence?"

Asahi was a little speechless. He didn't expect to find an acquaintance after just arriving in Soul Society. Of course, this so-called acquaintance is someone he knows, but they didn't know him. And this person is, Hitsugaya Toshiro, the Captain of the 10th Division.

His Zanpakuto is claimed to be the strongest in ice and snow element. Of course, after comparing it with Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki, it is somewhat impossible to determine who is the strongest.

After all, Toshiro's Bankai was uncontrollable at the beginning, and Rukia's Bankai, Hakka no Togame was the same. After her Bankai is used, the enemy will lose in seconds, but she could also die in seconds. At that time, Toshiro has completely mastered his Bankai, and it looked stronger than Hakka no Togame, but Hakka no Togame was also the kind that couldn't be controlled at the time, so it's really unclear which Zanpakuto is the strongest in ice and snow element.

As for the setting, Asahi has long been thrown aside, setting this thing is for tricks, and it is not suitable for him.

Asahi has already focused on Toshiro, as Toshiro is also his target. As for the reason, Hinamori Momo is already enough. To be honest, Asahi doesn't like Momo's character. After all, he can't understand the things she had done in the original book.

Although it is true that Aizen did something to her, the impression Asahi got from Momo is somewhat similar to that of Sakura…

Sakura, as one of the Konoha 12, can be said to be a super failure in terms of character creation. In the early stage, it's okay for her to be infatuated with Sasuke, but she continues to insult Naruto, and this insult also spread to his parents, which makes people speechless.

In addition, there's that disgusting affectation afterwards. All of these have reduced everyone's goodwill towards her to the freezing point, and Momo is almost the same.

Undoubtedly, Aizen played a guiding role, but Aizen did not use much Kyoka Suigetsu to Momo in the later period. He just disguised himself as a perfect person, and after Momo saw the so-called suicide note left by Aizen, she directly attacked Toshiro without saying a word, so Asahi couldn't understand his mentality.

After all, they are like siblings who grew up together. Although they are not related by blood, they have grown up together for a long time, and then after this person directly slanders her little brother, this older sister does not check or even think about it, and just directly threw the blame at his little brother, and even shouted and attacked his little brother ruthlessly.

It can be said that Momo's will is very weak. Although Aizen's affairs are indeed a blow to her, but Aizen has already said that he is a villain, but she is still not giving up. Even after Aizen took the initiative to attack her, she still didn't give up. This kind of person is hopeless and can no longer be saved.

Anyway, Asahi is very speechless towards Momo. But to deal with Toshiro, he still needs this hopeless person. After all, Toshiro still held Momo as his most important person, so as long as he uses Momo as the starting point, there is naturally no problem.

This time, Asahi didn't show up, but just left a letter to Toshiro. He didn't want to expose himself prematurely. After all, Aizen's true face was not exposed yet, so it was impossible for Toshiro to trust him completely.

That's why he left a letter to Toshiro to explain the affairs between Aizen and Momo, as it depends on Toshiro's own operation.

After writing the letter, Asahi left and went to find Byakuya. Byakuya is his next target, and he quickly sent this letter to Toshiro, who went home to see his grandmother.

After Toshiro saw the letter left for him, he was somewhat puzzled, but after opening and seeing the contents inside, Toshiro's face became very strange.

In the letter, it explained Aizen's true face, as well as Aizen's Zanpakutō's abilities and trigger conditions.

With Momo becoming 5th Division's Lieutenant, as long as there's a problem with Aizen, Toshiro will definitely pay attention to this matter, and the biggest flaw in what Aizen does is… he keeps using his Shikai.

As long as a newcomer joins, Aizen will definitely use his Shikai as demonstration. This is something that happens every time. Others regard him as a good old person, but after reading this letter, Toshiro's face changes.

'If Aizen's ability is really as stated in this letter, then it means that even if Aizen walks in front of me now, I will not be able to find the trace of the other party.'