Chapter 316 Meeting Byakuya

"Was the Captain Defecting Incident 110 years ago also because of Aizen?"

Looking at the contents of the letter, Toshiro recalled the description of this incident. He had not joined the ranks of Shinigami at that time, and naturally did not know the specific situation, but as the Captain of 10th Division, he learned about this matter. And he also knew some details. After all, half of the Captains defected collectively, and then ran away. This was a huge impact on Seireitei.

He still remembers what he learned back then. Except for the 12th Division's Captain, Urahara Kisuke, Kido Corps's Captain Tsukabishi Tessai, and the 2nd Division's Captain, Shihouin Yoruichi, the other Captains and Lieutenant experienced Hollowfication.

The existence after Hollowfication naturally has to be killed, but then Yoruichi directly attacked Central 46 and rescued Kisuke and the others. Kisuke and the others then took away the transformed Hirako Shinji and others and ran away.

And Toshiro still remembers that in the materials he saw, there was Kisuke's confession of blaming Aizen, but it was useless at all, because at the scene, there was Reiatsu from Kisuke and others, but there was no Aizen's, and Aizen also has the perfect alibi.

To be honest, Toshiro has always been unhappy with Aizen. Not because of other things, but because of the matter with Momo. If a person can maintain a persona all the time, then no matter whether it is true or false, it can be considered their normal persona.

And Aizen's good-natured persona is… actually normal, but he doesn't think about Aizen's personality, and he is just unhappy because of Momo. Some things seem to be accidental, but if they are connected, it is not accidental.

Toshiro even remembered the incident that Momo and the others were attacked in the past. At that time, it was Gin and Aizen, who rushed to the scene, and helped them. He was not among the students, but he heard Momo say this more than once.

It just happened that others did not arrive, but they are the ones who arrived. Moreover, Gin and Aizen were very close at the beginning, but after Gin became Captain, the two people seemed to be born to repel each other and seemed unhappy when looking towards each other.

In almost every Captain's meeting, they will have collisions and frictions. And this is something Toshiro has seen since he became a Captain himself.

He also has often heard Shiba Isshin say that Aizen is a little fake, and his good-natured personality was even better than Ukitake Jushiro, which can be said to be very strange. After all, as the saying goes, the more perfect something is, the more problems there will be.

And also, the incident of Isshin's disappearance afterwards made Toshiro extremely frightened. A Captain was suddenly missing and disappeared without a trace. After he connects all kinds of things, and since he is already unhappy with Aizen, Toshiro is full of all kinds of suspicions about Aizen at this moment, and also feels a little frightened.

He didn't go to trouble Aizen directly, as he is not that stupid. Even though he looks like a small kid, he is responsible for his own actions. Although the series of things he connected all show that Aizen has certain problems, but it will take some time for him to think about what is the specific problem and where is the problem.

He can't rashly believe the things in this letter. It is obvious that this stuff was written by someone, but who wrote it is a huge question in itself.

Toshiro feels like he has been involved in a huge whirlpool. Of course, his idea is actually very simple, that is… just keep himself and Momo safe.

After destroying all trace of this letter, Toshiro went back quickly. He needed to investigate Aizen's situation, but at his level, if he wanted to investigate the other party's situation, he would definitely be caught by Aizen. After Aizen caught Toshiro tailing him, he would madly target him.

While Toshiro was constantly thinking of a plan, Asahi had arrived at Kuchiki's house and looked at the portrait of Kuchiki Hisana. Regarding Hisana, Asahi can only say that she is a perfect reflection of the kind of thinking of a normal person.

Hisana thinks she can't feed Rukia, so she just put Rukia on the side of the road to see if someone can take Rukia away and raise her. In fact, this kind of thing is quite normal.

Hisana's body itself is a little weak, so she can't even support herself. In this case, when she abandoned Rukia, in fact, this is not cruel, but also a compromise.

It's equivalent to tuōgū, but this technique is a bit too awkward, as she should at least find a rich family for Rukia, but at that time, it is estimated that Hisana could not do it even if she left the current area. (T/N: Tuōgū means entrusting an orphan to (a friend, relative, etc.), but since I can't find the English word for it, I wrote it as the raw said.)

So after putting down Rukia, she was already planned to wait for death, but by chance, she met Kuchiki, so she transformed from a poor girl to the wife of the Kuchiki Clan's Clan Head. But even after that, she still did not forget her sister. And before her death, she even handed over this task to Byakuya. Byakuya then discovered Rukia after some time, and made it clear to the old antiques in his clan that he would not disobey them in the future as a pledge, and managed to take Rukia into Kuchiki's house and make her his younger sister.

It can be said that Byakuya is not pedantic, but because of his promise, Asahi doesn't hate this person. That's why he is here now.

After dealing with the 6th Division, Byakuya returned to his home and came to this so-called mourning hall, but to his surprise, after opening the door, he found that there was another person inside the room.

"You're finally back. If you don't come back soon, I guess I would have gone to 6th Division's barrack to find you!"

Asahi said a little amused.

"Who are you and why did you appear at my house? Report your identity immediately!"

As the current Clan Head of the Kuchiki Clan, Byakuya spoke up. He couldn't sense the so-called Reiatsu on this person, so he was a little puzzled how such an ordinary person could appear here, 'Could it be someone from other noble houses? '

"My name is Asahi, and I come here to make a deal with you!"

"I don't need any deal. Tell me how you got here. Even people from other clans don't have the qualifications to come here!"

As Byakuya said that, the Reiatsu on his body began to rise.

"Don't reject it so quickly, and if you want to use Reiatsu to oppress someone, it is best not to use it in front of me, because you will find that this is useless. On the contrary, you will be the one unlucky!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he released the oppression originating from his life level. This is not Reiatsu, but the suppression from life itself.

This kind of suppression is invisible, intangible, and undetectable. In Byakuya's eyes, this ordinary person instantly becomes an existence even more terrifying than Genryusai. That kind of oppression originates from the depths of the soul. It's not Reiatsu, but it's more terrifying than Reiatsu.