Chapter 317 Swaying Byakuya to Reform The Clan

The huge gap in life level makes Byakuya basically unable to bring up the thought of resistance. This kind of oppression alone makes him difficult to move an inch. It has to be said that it is indeed very terrifying to be able to make such a Captain-level Shinigami like him become like this from just oppression alone.

"How about you calm down and talk about it now?"

After withdrawing his pressure, Asahi looked at Byakuya with a half-smile. But at this moment, Byakuya's back was full of cold sweat, and he found himself a bit like a frog in a well. The gap was so big that the other party's pressure could not be resisted at all. It's just like ordinary Shinigami facing their released Reiatsu suppression with all their strength, the gap is so big that it can't be made up.

"Haahh… what do you want to do?"

Knowing that the strength he was proud of was useless, Byakuya asked. Even if he knew that the other party was stronger than himself, his personality can be said to be arrogant, so he would not change just become timid because the other party was stronger.

"As I said just now, I just wanted to make a deal with you. You must miss your wife, Kuchiki Hisana very much, right? Normal souls will be reincarnated after some time, but your wife is more tragic and just disappeared, but this is more convenient for me."

"Here is the deal, I will help you resurrect Kuchiki Hisana, and you need to help me with one thing!"

Asahi looked at Byakuya and said. When he heard Asahi said Hisana's name, Byakuya's face changed, but when Asahi talked about resurrecting Hisana, Byakuya's face became even darker.

"Even if you are strong enough, you can't use my wife as a joke. The soul that has disappeared has become pure Reishi, and there is no possibility of recovery!"

Byakuya pulled out his Senbonzakura very simply. For him, his wife is his weak point, and now that someone is trying to play around by using his wife, he can't just let it go. Even if he knows that he is not the other party's opponent, he can't let it go…

"It's better to use your own eyes to see it, but it seems that your wife should not be able to communicate with you normally if she is not resurrected. Then, I'll make an exception and pay you first!"

After saying that, Asahi stopped paying attention to Byakuya, but started to resurrect Hisana. It's the same steps as before, and soon, a living Hisana appeared. As for Byakuya, the Senbonzakura in his hand has already fallen on the ground when he saw this.

Needless to say, after the resurrection, Hisana and Byakuya directly sprinkled a wave of dog foods at the surrounding. Regarding this, Asahi couldn't be angry at them. It's not that he doesn't have a wife, and although it seems that he hasn't held a wedding yet, it doesn't hinder anything.

Byakuya is also somewhat embarrassed. Now that his wife is really resurrected, he knew that the other party is not deceiving him, but he can't understand this process at all. Even if Asahi explained it a little bit, he still can't understand anything.

The difference in the world is so weird. In some worlds, the combat power is high, but there are only few abilities related to time, but in some worlds, the combat power is average, but it can control time, which also makes people weird.

Of course, this is not the time to talk about this. After chatting with his wife for a while, Byakuya has already stood in front of Asahi, and the current Byakuya didn't have the same aura from before.

"Speak up, as long as it doesn't violate the principle, it's fine for me to do anything!"

From what he said, it can be seen that he really loves Hisana, so that he can break the rules of the Kuchiki Clan, as someone who has grown up in pedantic since childhood. And it happened twice, which shows how much he loves Hisana.

"Don't worry, it's not a big thing. In fact, it's actually a good thing for you. I want to do something with Central 46 and Captain-Commander. Of course, it's not the kind of… subversive nature. To put it bluntly, I intend to change the Soul Society's atmosphere. You must also be very dissatisfied with the rules of your Kuchiki Clan, right? Although they are nobles, some aspects of the nobles are so pedantic that they are not as good as ordinary people."

"You should be very clear about breaking the rules. There is almost no family affection in this kind of place. The big clan only cares about benefits, and you, because you are the current Clan Head of the clan and the Captain of the 6th Division, and also that no one can replace you, you still have value, so those old guys will compromise with you."

"But once you have no value, you will be unlucky at that time. Everything is about strength and status. The supremacy of interests has become a definite conclusion in the clan. Of course, there are exceptions, such as the Shihouin Clan."

"Their clan is pretty good, at least not as pedantic as your Kuchiki Clan. What I want to do is reform the Soul Society. I have already recruited a group of helpers, and I want you to join it too!"

Asahi said, sharing everything about Soul Society with Byakuya. His purpose is very simple. Because it is unreasonable, he will modify it. In the future, this will be his territory, so this kind of noble setting must be changed. It's like the slavery system and Celestial Dragons in One Piece World.

"Directly subvert the entire aristocratic system? With your strength, it is indeed possible to do it, and it should be very easy, but why do you need my help?"

Byakuya is a little confused. With the strength Asahi shown him, he wondered why do he wants him to help.

"As I already said, what I want is reform, not war. You should know what is the situation of the nobles now. If I just bulldoze your Soul Society horizontally, I can indeed do it, but then there will be war breaking out. I just want to reform and don't want to cause war, that's all!"

Asahi said. Since this Soul Society will be his own territory in the future, he naturally don't want it to be destroyed, so it is better to reform it.

"So that's the case. But if we really do this, we won't have enough manpower!"

Byakuya shook his head. The reform is indeed good, at least his life will become better after the reform, and so will his wife's, but it is not easy to complete the reform.

"Of course it's not enough…, but there are some people I have already recruited. Right now, I also need to find other people, so I will notify you when you need to act!"

After saying that, Asahi suddenly disappeared from in front of Byakuya. Even if Byakuya had been paying attention to him, he still didn't couldn't understand how the other party suddenly disappeared, and it is completely impossible to catch the other party's trail.