Chapter 320 Destroyed Muken

Muken, known as the highest-level prison in Seireitei, and under it is the Nest of Maggots. Mayuri was pulled out of the maggot lair by Kisuke, and then became a member of the 12th Division.

Those who are locked in the Nest of Maggots are better as they have a chance to come out. As for those who are locked in Muken, their imprisonment is completely indefinite. It can be said that after being locked in, they will continue to live there until they die, and the environment inside is also very helpless.

There is almost no light inside Muken, and it is completely dark. Those who are locked there, even if they are immortal, would become crazy, but the number of people who are locked there is so small that they can be counted on one hand.

After all, before the destruction of the Soul King, Soul Society would always execute the dangerous people. But since Aizen could not be executed, he was imprisoned in Muken.

So right now, Muken, which was used to suppress the legs of the Soul King, has now turned into a prison directly.

"Found it!"

After entering Muken, Asahi only needs to scan the place to find the legs of the Soul King. The whole Muken is… a huge seal. Perhaps it is because Soul King knows that his body will give birth to intellect, so he chose to this.

This seal is completely integrated with the suppressed legs below. Once the legs are taken away, the whole Muken will collapse directly. Of course, Asahi didn't hesitate about this, and directly take away the legs of the Soul King.

As soon as the legs disappeared, the entire Muken began to vibrate and collapse quickly, and because of the strength of the seal, after the seal was broken, the power spread to the entire Seireitei, like a powerful earthquake.

"What happened? Why is the whole Seireitei constantly shaking?"

At this moment, all Shinigami were stupefied, but they quickly found the location of the incident. When Muken was destroyed, a large number of Reishi spewed out, as the Reishi, that was suppressed by Muken for a long time, was released.

These legs are somewhat similar to the Reishi collecting device, and once the surrounding Reishi is attracted, they will be suppressed in Muken and cannot be released. So right now, they are released in one breath. Asahi didn't care about this, and he has left with the legs of the Soul King at this moment.

As for the other Shinigami, they quickly came to the scene of the incident.

"This place should be the Muken, right? Why did Muken collapse directly? Can this kind of place also collapse?"

Anyone who knows the horrifying defense of Muken knows exactly what is going on. This is equivalent to the body armor being torn to pieces by a child by hand, but can such thing possible? After all, Muken's existence is…super strong defense.

It is estimated that even Genryusai couldn't cut it, unless he used his ultimate move. But now, it collapses inexplicably, so they were all confused.

Just when the group of Shinigami looked dumbfounded, from the direction of the 13th Division's barrack, a pitch-black energy soared towards the sky crazily and directly rushed into the sky above Seireitei.

This is a sign that the power inside Jushiro's body has been taken back. It will take some time for this power to return, and at this moment, the Soul King, who was frozen, in the crystal has come out. The crystal has completely broken, and his legs have returned. And above the stump on his right hand, there's pitch-black energy. This is the link of his right hand, which is inside Jushiro's body, and Soul King is taking back his own power at this moment.

"It's really good to be free again. I thought I would stay here forever!"

Soul King feels very good at this moment. Give him a little time and his right arm will recover. After that, only his left arm, heart, and omnipotence will be left. When these three parts are back, his strength will be fully restored.

"This…This is…!"

At this moment, the members of the Zero Division were also shocked by the sudden change. The pitch-black energy from below ignored the 72 barriers and rushed to the location of the Soul king, but when they arrived here, they found that not only there is an extra stranger here, but there's also Soul King, whose his legs have recovered, and his right hand is constantly recovering.

"Don't panic, this is that I am recovering, and in the future, when you see this lord, it will be like seeing me. All his commands are equivalent to my commands!"

Soul King said straight to the point. Although he has always been in a crystal, it's not that he and the Zero Division never have communication, so the Zero Division also knew that Soul King was still alive even in such state.

"Yes, Reio-sama!" (T/N: Soul King is Reio in Japanese, so I changed it to Reio when people called him with -sama.)

The five members of the Zero Division directly knelt on one knee. Since this person can be regarded by as a noble person by Soul King, they naturally have nothing to say.

What they did not expect is that Soul King has actually recovered. Among them, there are younger generations, but there are also older ones, such as, the inventor of Zanpakuto, Nimaiya Oetsu, and the one who gave the name of Zanpakuto, Hyosube Ichibe.

The other people did the same, either invented Shinigami's outfit, or the pioneer of Kaido, in short, none of them are simple.

"When are you going to recover your left hand and heart?"

Asahi didn't care either, but asked the Soul King.

"It will take some time. Although I have regained some of my strength, in the end, the separation time is too long. So it will take a while for these powers to fully integrate!"

The Soul King said. He has recovered half of his hand, it is estimated that in a short while, Jushiro will be finished.

On the other hand, the members of the Zero Division have their backs drenched with cold sweat, 'What the hell, we seemed to have heard something terrifying.'

At first, they only knew that Soul King was missing his limbs, but they didn't expect that even his heart is gone.

Moreover, this Soul King is also awesome. After his heart is gone, he can still live without trouble. Should it be said, as expected of Soul King?

At the same time, on the Soul Society's side, the fact that Mukan just collapsed is big enough, but now, something extraordinary has happened in 13th Division's barrack. After many Captains arrived here, they found that Jushiro's state at this moment is very strange.

"What the hell is going on? Why does this energy give everyone such a huge sense of oppression!"

Seeing the energy that is constantly surging emerging from Jushiro's body, all Shinigami who saw him were shocked.

"The direction this energy is heading to may be the Soul King Palace!"

Looking at the changes in Jushiro, Shunsui, his best buddy, has an idea about what happened. After all, there's an incident that happened when Jushiro was three years old. As his best buddy, he knows some information about this.

He also knows that Jushiro survived because of Soul King's right hand, but he has never paid attention to it. After all, no one has seen what the Soul King is like. So what could be classified as Soul King's right hand? So he didn't care at that time. But now, the situation is different.