Chapter 321 Come Down With The Zero Division

"You know something about this?"

The other Captains was stunned by what Shunsui said. They didn't understand what this guy was talking about. They wondered how could Jushiro have something to do with the Soul King Palace, as it's incomprehensible! But Shunsui didn't hide it, but repeated what Jushiro said to him to all these people, and once again stunned the others for a while.

"So this energy is the power of the Soul King? And it is taken back now?"

Sajin asked hesitantly. At this moment, he still has a big toilet bowl on his head. It can't be helped, who told him to have the head of a dog?

"Perhaps… This energy goes up vertically, which means that it basically leads to the Soul King Palace, but if this energy leaves completely, then Jushiro will…"

After Jingle Shunsui said this, he stopped talking, and the others were also silent. If there is no accident, there is no doubt that Jushiro will die. Although this energy has helped him for so many years, but watching a Captain die like this is somewhat unacceptable for them.

But they couldn't do anything regarding this. This energy is not something they can touch, as it belongs to Soul King. Soul King's energy has a high level of itself and has an absolute influence on other Reiatsu. Furthermore, they serve Soul King, and can be regarded as Soul King's subordinates.

Now that Soul King is taking back his power, what can they say? Jushiro Ukitake can live for hundreds of years because of his kindness, so they really can't say anything more about this. It's like lending you a sum of money, and the money was lent to you for decades, so now that the other party is asking it back and there is no interest, you have to pay it back, right?

In this way, the power inside Jushiro's body was quickly absorbed, and after the energy was gone, Jushiro's illness could no longer be suppressed, and he died immediately.

In this regard, the saddest ones are the 13th Division's members and Shunsui, but besides them being a little sad, there is another thing worth noting, that is, why the Soul King takes back his power?

This power has been on Jushiro's body for hundreds of years, so why did he take it back at this time? Besides, what is the reason for Soul King to cause his hand to split and fall to Soul Society? This is the big question.

"It seems that something has happened to the Soul King Palace, I'll go back and find out first!"

Genryusai left after he finished speaking. He needs to go back and contact the Zero Division now. As the Captain-Commander, he has the ability to contact the Zero Division, so he now needs to contact the Zero Division to inquire about the situation.

After all, he also knows the importance of Soul King. Once Soul King dies, the world will be over, so no matter from what angle it is, he didn't want to see Soul King dies, so he had to communicate to inquire what happened.

As for Jushiro's body, it was temporarily handed over to members of his family to prepare for the funeral.

Soon, Genryusai, who returned to the 1st Division's barrack, got in touch with the people in the Soul King Palace, and then he called the other Captains again.

"Commander, what happened?"

Sajin asked. He couldn't just let something like losing a captain so inexplicably go. Even if his strength is not good, he must figure out what is going on.

"Be quiet, just listen to me. I have just received the news that the Zero Division is about to arrive. In addition to Zero Division, there's also another important person coming with them. As for the specific reason, we will wait until they arrive before asking for explanation. For now, go to the landing place and wait!"

After he finished speaking, Genryusai took the lead and set off, and the landing place was not inside Seireitei, but outside.

At the same time, staying in Tenchuren with the people from Zero Division, Asahi was a bit speechless. Tenchuren was like a house, with many small rooms, operating systems, etc. It looks like a very strange cylinder from the outside, but the internal structure is not bad.

Of course, at this moment, only him has time to observe the surroundings, as the people from Zero Division didn't even dare to breathe loudly. It's because Soul King has already said that this person's status is like him.

Soul King did not say that Asahi's status is above him, as saying that will be counterproductive. Equal status is already enough, and since Soul King is now Asahi's subordinate, whatever Asahi said, he can just pass it on at that time. After all, wanting these people to suddenly adapt to their boss having a boss will be a little hard and strange. So it would be better to have one more boss with the same status for now.

At this moment, everyone is going to Soul Society together, which is also Asahi's order. After all, he has to deal with those nobles, so he needs the help of the Zero Division, but he can imagine that since the nobles below have been maintaining such life for so long, it is impossible if he wanted to change in one breath. But with Byakuya and Soi-Fon as his insiders, there is naturally no problem.

The rank of the Zero Division is high, but since they don't appear even once in hundreds of years, these nobles can completely deny them, as no one can control them, so Byakuya and the others will still play a role.

Tenchuren's descending speed is very fast, of course, there was a delay in the middle, because the seventy-two barriers are a bit troublesome. To be honest, these barriers are indeed very useful, even though Yhwach can take advantage of the loopholes.

With the barriers, he couldn't go up by himself, so he could only wait for a weak spot before heading to the Soul King Palace.

The Zero Division is also quite weird. At first, they were as fierce as the tigers, but later easily defeated by Yhwach's Sternritter. Ichibei is okay, as he was defeated by Yhwach himself, but the others were quite shameful as they are defeated by Yhwach's subordinates.

The reputation of the Zero Division is gone with this. At any rate, except for Hikifune Kirio, the others are all thousands-years-old monsters, but they are all defeated so easily.

Just look at Oetsu, everyone thought that since he had created so many Zanpakutō, his abilities would be very awesome. Then, he would bring a lot of Zanpakuto to fight with others, which is very awesome, but in the end, this guy just took out a sword with no soul, and its only advantage is its sharpness. It makes people speechless, as he jumped directly from Bleach's style to One Piece's style.

After passing through the barrier, Tenchuren directly landed to the ground, and then a huge pit was formed. Immediately after, the gate opened and a few people walked out from the inside. At this moment, there are Genryusai and the others, who had been waiting for a while.

"It's been a long time since I came down to take a look!"

After the Zero Division came out, they began to feel emotional. After all, the number of times they came down can really be counted on one hand.