Chapter 331 The Experience Pack Will Never Be Given Away

"Stop, Your Majesty is here!"

After Gremmy took away Aizen's Zanpakuto and the Wandenreich has already invincible, Yhwach saw that there was no threat, so he also came to the battlefield at this moment. In an instant, the battle stopped. Yhwach's charisma is indeed quite high.

Moreover, his subordinates are extremely loyal. As long as he says a word, these people will carry it out unconditionally. Yhwach's control of his subordinates is much better than Aizen's, as Aizen's subordinates won't completely obey his orders, and even if they are, they would have other ideas in their hearts, but Yhwach's men are different.

All of Yhwach's subordinates are his diehards, and if it wasn't for Yhwach using Auswahlen to take back most of Sternritter's power, Bazz-B and the others would not betray him, and even help the Shinigami to deal with him. To put it bluntly, it's all his own fault that caused his death.

"So you are His Majesty!"

Aizen's face was not very good after seeing Yhwach. Only now he realized that he was so powerless in the face of someone, and the most important point is, his Kyoka Suigetsu is gone, which made Aizen a little flustered at the moment.

Everything was beyond his imagination. Without Kyoka Suigetsu, he naturally couldn't control everything in his hands.

"Aizen, your ability is very good, and I appreciate it very much, so I'll give you another chance, do you want to surrender to me?"

Yhwach is a person who loves talents. Of course, it is not that selfless thing. This kind of love is not real, as he loves talents only because the other party's strength would improve quickly and he can take it back at any time.

Everything is always under his control and cannot be separated from it. This is the love of Yhwach.

"What a joke!"

Aizen's heart is also cold at the moment. Although he said it so arrogantly, he has no way to fight against Yhwach. He has the incomplete Hogyoku in his hand, but it takes time for him to fuse with the incomplete Hogyoku.

He even hasn't started yet.

So right now, he can't compete with Yhwach at all.

"Even without Kyoka Suigetsu, you are still so hard-headed, since that's the case…"

Yhwach shook his head. Although Aizen does not have Kyoka Suigetsu, he still has some pride, so he also plans to respect the other party's choice and kill the other party, but before he can make a move, an ax wrapped in black and purple energy rushed towards Aizen.

This scene happened very abruptly, and no one reacted. The person who did it is Baraggan. He knew that he was basically finished this time. Facing the opponent's power, he couldn't even resist, so he didn't mind surrendering, but vefore surrendering, he wanted to kill Aizen, the man who took everything from him.

Baraggan thinks that he will always be a king, and this king also has the courage to say that his hatred for Aizen cannot be eliminated, so he directly targets Aizen at this moment.

However, Aizen still managed to react. When he realized the danger, he used Shunpo to avoid Baraggan's attack.

"Baraggan, what are you doing!!"

After seeing Baraggan's hands, Aizen's diehards collectively exploded. As for Starrk and Harribel, they didn't express much, after all, they have seen Aizen's attitude towards them.

Fifth and Eighth Espada were killed by Nelliel back then, but after Aizen came to Hueco Mundo, he only asked a simple question regarding this. Even if he knew it, he didn't show any respond. For Aizen, there is no shortage of Arrancar. After all, they are just his pawns, so he can just replenish them.

So Starrk and Harribel had already seen Aizen's face clearly at that time, so they naturally wouldn't say much.

They didn't leave at the time because of Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu ability. Although Kyoka Suigetsu is gone, there are still stronger enemies watching right now. As for Barragan attacking Aizen, there is no fluctuation in their hearts

It can't be helped, after all, Aizen is cruel to them, so there's no way they would care about him. It is better to keep an eye at the enemy on the opposite side, otherwise, they might die without knowing how.


Without saying much, Baraggan just stared at Aizen, and the power of aging in his hand continued to emerge and attacked Aizen.

Without Kyoka Suigetsu, Aizen can only constantly dodging this power of aging.

"Your Majesty, this…"

Jugram glanced at Yhwach, but the other party shook his head and told him not to intervene. Such a scene is indeed quite interesting. Let them make a fuss by themselves first, and they will just watch the show.

As Aizen kept dodging Baraggan's attack, a ray of light flashed away. When Aizen came back to his senses, his chest had been penetrated by a sharp blade, and the sharp blade had been extending outward, and how far it extended is unknown.


The moment Aizen saw this sword, Aizen's heart turned cold. He knew very well that Gin, who had been following him, has a problem with him, but he had always had Kyoka Suigetsu, so he didn't care about Gin at all.

But now, Gin stabbed him directly when he was most vulnerable. It can be said that Gin is indeed awesome. In the original work, he is also the only one except Kisuke who managed to trick Aizen. If it wasn't for Hogyoku's ability to be too perverted, he would have succeeded in killing Aizen.

And now, he did the same. Taking advantage of Aizen losing Kyoka Suigetsu, and being entangled by the Second Espada, Baraggan, he used his Kamishini no Yari. He has been waiting for this moment for so many years.

"Ichimaru Gin, what are you doing?"

Kaname and the others, who are helping Aizen deal with Baraggan, are dumbfounded. This series of changes makes even makes the people of Wandenreich nearby looked dumbfounded, 'What is this situation? Why the hell Aizen would actually plant so many time bombs around himself?'

The most dumbfounded one is Gremmy.

He didn't expect that taking Kyoka Suigetsu from Aizen would cause such a big effect. What he done can be said to be the fuse for all of this. Without Kyoka Suigetsu, Aizen was really pushed into the wall by everyone, and he was directly betrayed.

And there are not only one person betraying him, but two, which is interesting.

"I can't let you kill this guy so casually. If you want to have him killed, I have to be the one who do it!"

Asahi, who has been paying attention to everything, finally made a move. This is an experience pack, so there's no way he would let it go. In fact, Gin has also tipped him off, but he has always been watching the movements of Wandenreich, so the information Gin gave him is kind of useless.

At the beginning, he left something for Gin to let Gin contact him, but he didn't expect that after he blocked the shadow's space, there would be such a big movement. It can be regarded as a butterfly effect, so the contact he gave to Gin has also became useless.