Chapter 332 Cutting Leeks

"Who are you?"

After seeing Asahi, Yhwach quickly recalled all the faces of people he knew, but there is no Asahi, and he also was not on his special attention list. After all, Asahi had not been exposed for a long time, and the people of Wandenreich, who went to spy on the information, were all caught, so Yhwach naturally couldn't get Asahi's information.

"I just came here to cut the leeks. I want to let you grow some more, so I will temporarily left you alone for now. By the way, Starrk, Harribel, can you two give me an answer now?"

After Asahi finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to Yhwach, but turned his head to look at Starrk and Harribel. He planned to dig out these two before, so now is time to take them away.

"I believe I have no other choice!"

Starrk said very helplessly. In this situation, let alone that he is extremely disappointed with Aizen, and that still needed to save his companion Lilynette, it is impossible not to agree to Asahi, otherwise, it is estimated that he won't end well by staying here.

Harribel on the side also nodded. This time, there is indeed nothing to say, so she admitted it decisively. As for her Fraccion, because the enemy attacked too fast this time, they are not in danger, so they will be taken away together.

Since both of them have agreed, there is nothing left to say.

"Do you two want to betray Aizen-sama?"

Kaname's face is very ugly, as he didn't expect these Hollow to be so unreliable. Aizen also had a livid face at this moment. They betrayed him one after another, but fortunately, these two did not make a move just now, otherwise, he would have been finished.

"I've never been loyal to him, so how could I betray him? I was just looking for companions, but he obviously didn't treat us as companions, so he shouldn't have much hope from us in the beginning!"

Starrk shook his head. He had already seen Aizen's situation clearly. As for Kaname, he was a real Aizen's loyalist. Aizen helped him take revenge, so he naturally gave his life to Aizen.

"I'll cut you guys first, you traitors…"

Kaname was also extremely angry, but before he could do anything, a knife directly stabbed on his body. In an instant, Kaname's body began to collapse until it disappeared. Since the dead point was hit, it's a game over for him.

Regarding these experiences, Asahi will not let them go. This is a super experience pack, and he is also thinking that if he kills Yhwach and Aizen's groups here, it will be very profitable. And it is estimated that his MEoDP will become 100% directly.

At that time, new power can be extracted.

With the small knife in his hand, Asahi did not give the others time to react, and kept stabbing the Espada. In the end, except for Aizen, Gin, Starrk and Harribel, the other Espada are all gone.

MEoDP's percentage has also increased drastically, which can be said to be quite good.

"Any last words?"

Asahi looked at Aizen. After those guys were killed by him, it was naturally Aizen's turn. As for Wandenreich, they are temporarily ignored by him. Seeing his current situation, Aizen suddenly smiled, but in this smile, there is a lot of bitterness.

"I always thought that I am the truth of everything, but now, it seems that I am nothing more than a stupid clown. As expected, this world is really not so simple. There are so many powerful people hidden!"

Aizen said helplessly. He used to be arrogant and proud, but now, he can't do anything.

"Don't say that, you are also a generation of heroes anyway, but you have not fully grown up yet. After you fully grown up, maybe that guy will suffer a loss in front of you. I can only say that the timing is wrong. Although Hogyoku is good, it's a pity that you will never get it. After all, the other one is in my hand!"

Asahi said as he took out the Hogyoku. At this moment, Aizen's eyes were opened very wide. He knew how strong this person is. Although Asahi didn't do much in Soul Society, he just killed everyone easily. As far as human ability is concerned, he can't see how he did such thing, as Asahi just make everyone disappeared without a sound.

Aizen couldn't understand what exactly was this method. It was obvious that Asahi's knife didn't pierce the opponent's body, and just poked them a little bit. But as a result, these people dissipated completely.


Just when Asahi was about to send Aizen on the way, a Reishi bullet shot towards him, but for Asahi, this kind of thing is useless, so he just squeezed it.

"It's not polite at all to attack someone from behind!"

Looking at Lille Barro who was sniping at him, Asahi crushed the Reishi bullet in his hand. He didn't expect this guy to actually snipe behind his back.

In fact, Lille Barro is also unhappy with Asahi. After all, Asahi has thrown Yhwach and them to the side, and dealt with Aizen first. He also chatted with Aizen on his own, as if they did not exist, so he attacked him.

However, Asahi's move made him somewhat horrified. Although he did not use his full strength, Asahi was actually able to squeezed his attack with his bare hands. It's completely incompressible.

"Why don't you speak? But since you have given me a gift, I should return the gift, right!"

After saying that, Asahi directly threw the small knife in his hand towards Lille Barro. Everyone also saw the horror of this knife just now with their own eyes, so they mistakenly believed that the reason the other party can kill so many people easily was because of this knife.

Lille Barro was also quick, and he took a shot and wanted to shoot down the knife.

But Asahi has the power of the Sunshine attached to this knife, and even Yhwach can't move this knife, let alone Lille Barro.

This knife directly pierced his dead point, and in an instant, Lille Barro turned into Reishi and dissipated just like the Hollow just now.

After killing the opponent directly, Asahi once again ignored the other Quincy, and then stab Aizen with a knife. At this moment, Aizen knew what the opponent's method was. It is a kind of obliterating power.

He simply can't resist the erosion of such power, just like Baraggan's aging. He can dodge it, but once he is contaminated by it, he can't eliminate it. At the moment of dissipating, he finally understands how big the gap between their strength is.