Chapter 333 The Arrival of Soul King

"Lille Barro died just like that?"

The Quincy does not care about Aizen's death, but they are really scared now. This person's attack is too terrifying, as he can directly kill the leader of Yhwach's Schutzstaffel with just one move. After all, their strength is not sorted alphabetically.

Lille Barro's Epithet is The X-Axis, which means piercing everything. As the leader of Yhwach's Schutzstaffel, his strength can be said to be quite high, and only the other Schutzstaffel, Jugram and Yhwach can be compared with him. The enhanced version of Lille Barro can directly kill Oetsu without the other party being able to react.

But now, such a powerful person was directly killed by Asahi, and Yhwach didn't have time to stop him, which is a face slap to him.

"Go to hell!"

With Gerard's violent temper, he couldn't bear such thing, so the big sword in his hand was slashed towards Asahi directly, but in the next second, his body was completely swallowed by flames and turned into nothingness. Of course, this guy is not dead. He has Miracle Manifestation, and he is also the heart of Soul King.

So Asahi didn't use MEoDP to deal with him, and just burned him, but the ability of this guy is very special, as the heavier the injury, the stronger his strength after recovery. Asahi deliberately restrained his attacks, and did not directly kill him from the soul level.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have a chance to resurrect. After being burned, this guy appeared again. This time, his body swelled to a height of hundreds of meters, like a super giant.

"It's too big, you should shrink. And Soul King, I'll leave this guy to you!"

After using Command T to directly reduce Gerard's size from a height of hundreds of meters to a few centimeters, Asahi threw this guy to Soul King. This guy is the heart of Soul King, so he naturally received it himself. When Soul King arrives, Asahi can already sense him.

"Thank you very much!"

At this moment, Soul King's legs and right hand has recovered, so only his left arm and his heart are left.

After grabbing Gerard, Gerard's body suddenly turned into a pitch-black energy that continuously gathering towards the chest of Soul King, recovering Soul King's heart.

"Soul King!"

After seeing Soul King, Yhwach's face could no longer be emotionless. He didn't expect that Soul King would actually come here. Originally, after he obtained the power of Soul King, he always claimed to be the son of Soul King, and even wanted to replace Soul King.

But now, Soul King has actually appeared, and both his legs and right arm have recovered. He also knows that Gerald is his heart, so now, his heart has also recovered. But he before he could say anything more, Soul King directly stretched out his hand and grabbed his left arm back. His left hand naturally gave birth to intelligence, but it is useless against Soul King.

After absorbing his left hand, Soul King's body has completely recovered, and only the omniscience and omnipotence inside Yhwach are left.

"Yhwach, I have always been very clear about what you did, but I didn't stop you at the beginning because I was powerless. Now that I have recovered, can you give me back my ability?"

From Soul King's expression, no one could tell he is angry or what. Even though this guy is in a human form, he didn't look like a human being, on the contrary, he looked like an alien.


Yhwach's face collapsed and he immediately initiated Auswahlen, and the target is naturally his Sternritter and the other cannon fodders. Even his confidant, Jugram was no exception, as all their powers were drawn.

Yhwach has always put his own interests first. At the beginning, he extracted the power of all unpure Quincy in the Human World to restore himself. He can extract the power of the people around him, but it is not necessary. As doing this will make him lose more.

So Yhwach started by dealing with those people. This is considered a level. He just numbered these tools, starting from the lowest and the most useless tools, he just discarded those that he didn't use, and it raised to the higher level.

But now, he is facing Soul King, so Yhwach didn't care about this number anymore, and initiated Auswahlen to completely recover his power. After Auswahlen was activated, no matter how strong the Quincy are, their power will be drawn away by him.

This is Yhwach's ability. When Yhwach was born, he has eyes but couldn't see, he had mouth but couldn't speak, he has ears but couldn't hear, and he couldn't even move, which was equivalent to not having any senses.

However, his blood was found useful by the others, so his blood was used as a medicine and distributed to other people.

But what those people don't know is that Yhwach's blood can take root in their bodies, and then take back this part of their power when they become healthy and strong. Afterwards, Yhwach relies on his blood to restore his own senses.

And he keeps getting stronger and stronger. So now, he doesn't care about other people anymore. Facing Soul King and an unknown existence, he doesn't want to lose, so he can only abandon these existences. It is a last resort, since he won't abandon his subordinates without reason, but now, he has no other choice.

'Damn, how dare you take away my experience packs!'

Asahi was shocked when he saw this scene. He was counting on these dozens of experience packs to provide him with his power's upgrade. But now, this guy actually intends to suck up all these people, so he can't bear it.

When Yhwach initiated Auswahlen, Asahi cut off the space around him, so that even though Yhwach seems to be still in the same place, the space he is in is equivalent to another world, and his Auswahlen naturally couldn't be activated.

With the space barrier, Yhwach couldn't communicate with the blood power he had left in everyone's body, so after the activation of Auswahlen failed, Yhwach, who has no idea, was confused and wanted to continue using Auswahlen again.

But with no surprise, Yhwach still failed after using it, and there's no effect at all.

'Fortunately, I made it in time. I almost lose all the experiences because of this guy!'

Asahi didn't play around anymore, and quickly eliminated all these Sternritter. None of them were left, even if it's a girl. He didn't regard the other party is a girl, so he killed them all ruthlessly.

Seeing that the 'tonics' he wanted used as a sacrifice were gone, Yhwach's face is full of disbelief. He no longer knew what to do. Now, he can't even use omniscience and omnipotence. After all, he hasn't reached the level in the original work.

If the Auswahlen is successful, then his strength will undoubtedly become stronger, even stronger than the end of the original work, but now, there is no chance at all.

It can be said that Yhwach is also quite tragic now, but who told him to be a villain?