Chapter 334 Completely Filled the MEoDP

"You can take back your ability, but his life belongs to me!"

Asahi said, as he wanted to kill Yhwach himself. Unlike the other body parts, Yhwach only has Soul King's ability, so he shouldn't die like Gerald. At this moment, Asahi's MEoDP is almost 100%, so he naturally can't let Yhwach go, otherwise, he will have to go back to One Piece World to complete it.

"No problem, my lord, but with all due respect, why have you been keen to take their lives by yourself?"

Soul King is a little puzzled, he wondered if there is any good in doing such thing.

"It's special training method, you won't know even after I say it, just hurry up!"

Seeing that his abilities were about to reach 100%, Asahi rolled his eyes and ordered Soul King to do it quickly. In this regard, Soul King did not ask more, and directly extracted the abilities that belonged to him from Yhwach.

After Soul King took back the omniscience and omnipotence, his eyes suddenly changed, and his pupils that were originally star-shaped directly become multiple pupils. It even has a sense of seeing a ghost movie, but Asahi doesn't care about these.

He knows that this is the effect of omniscience and omnipotence, of course, this omniscience and omnipotence is not as amazing as it sounds, as after the world fused, the upper limit of this ability is not so high.

After all, Soul King is different from him. He has his limiter released, and also has a system. His life level is also higher than that of Soul King. Soul King's omniscience and omnipotence may be overpowered against people weaker than him, but against people stronger than him, like Asahi, it's completely useless.

After seeing Soul King regained his power, Asahi used MEoDP to directly kill Yhwach, but the result made his eyes twitched wildly, 'What the f***!!! It's just a little left. Why isn't it completely filled? Is Yhwach really weak?'

Seeing that he might still needed a few more Adjuchas before reaching 100%, Asahi is a bit speechless. He didn't expect that he would be stuck at the last point!

"Starrk, Harribel, Hueco Mundo will be handed over to you in the future, but the loss this time is so big, so it will be a little troublesome to develop. But it's okay, and remember to take good care of those guys in Hueco Mundo. It doesn't matter how you manage that place, and for those who are strong, I might recruit them in the future!"

Asahi handed over Hueco Mundo to the two to manage. As for the last bit of experience, Asahi has already found a good candidate.

"Soul King, you can go back first. I will find you if I need something!"

After that, Asahi also let this guy go back. Although the fusion is finished, this guy is not completely recovered yet, and he still needs time to adapt. It is the same as before. At any rate, he is also a strong person in Tier-2, so it's not bad to have this kind of existence as a subordinate.

Gin also returned to the Soul Society with Soul King. To be honest, Gin was also flattered, as Asahi actually asked Soul King to send him back. He believed that no other people could receive such treatment.

After that, Asahi left Starrk and Hulibel, and left. As for their companions, after they deal with the matter of Hueco Mundo, Asahi will introduce them, and he would also let Nelliel come back and manage this place along the way, as it's more convenient.

"It's really troublesome. As for how to manage this place, Harribel, I will leave it to you. You know that I never know how to do this!"

Starrk spread his hands as he spoke, and the corners of Harribel's mouth kept twitching as she saw this.

"Starrk you bastard, you're… going to work to. If that person doesn't like you, what would you do if they kill us at that time?!"

Lilynette was upset, and now she reprimanded Starrk desperately. Starrk, who just wanted to be lazy, couldn't do anything about this, and could only honestly manage the world's problems with Harribel.

As for Asahi, he has found his preys, and these preys have actually appeared in the original book. They are Sojiro and the pair of Arrancar sisters.

At the beginning, Sojiro was sent to Hueco Mundo by Oin, and then slowly grew up. Later, he had this pair of sisters under his command. But although his strength is good, he still couldn't achieve Bankai. After all, his sword was influenced by Toshiro, and he himself is not that talented.

Others people spent decades and even hundreds of years to achieve Bankai, and this is also for genius. Sojiro might not be a mediocre, but he is definitely not a genius, so he can't achieve Bankai at all.

Asahi had no thought of recruiting Sojiro, as he is different from Bount. Bount has gotten their revenge, so they live in Soul Society now, but this guy is different. This guy is a real villain, so he can't be retained.

Asahi has his eyes on him. As for the Arrancar sisters, they are relatively unlucky. After all, it is basically impossible for the villain to have a companion, so Sojiro is just using them as tools.

After finding these three, Asahi didn't talk nonsense, and killed the other side directly with the MEoDP. This time, the percentage finally rose to 100%, and he finally mastered MEoDP completely.

After fully grasping MEoDP, it can be turned on and off at will, and here's no need to worry about time, as it can be activated as long as he wanted. However, Asahi thinks it will be used when cleaning up monsters in the future.

In the past, he used to deal with enemies roughly, especially when he only had the first ability, Sunshine Grace. He was indeed very rough.

After that, it gradually changed, and now, he estimated that he would not need much movement to kill the opponent in the future. He can just hit their dead point and the dead line with his flame, and they would immediately end.

If before, he needed to use 10,000 combat power to guarantee killing an existence, he only needed one point now. After all, the enemy will die after being attacked at the dead point. Of course, it is better to not kill when he can. After all, he also plans to use these people as experience packs.

Even though Hell has been destroyed by him, he can just ask Soul King to recreate it, and then he can use it as a prison. He himself can also create it, but it is more troublesome, so it's better to leave it to Soul King. At that time, as long as he doesn't use MEoDP, he doesn't worry about killing those guys.

It can also allow them to continue to train and become stronger, so that it will be more convenient to gain experience in the future, so why not do it?