Chapter 335 New Ability

The equipment from MEoDP is a bit tasteless, as even though it's not just normal knife, but to be honest, this thing is not as good as the Divine Axe Rhitta, so it was thrown aside.

Of course, this is not the key, as he is about to extract a new ability now. After the extraction is completed, Asahi's complexion has become much brighter. Every time before, he would only get ability, but this time, he not only got ability, but also got equipments.

"This… Why does it feel that in the future the equipment subsystem can really be scrapped directly? Even my ability gave me equipment now? Then what's the use of this subsystem!"

Looking at what he had drawn, the corners of Asahi's mouth kept twitching. He wondered if this system was playing with him, otherwise, how could it be so coincidental? He always complained that the equipment subsystem was not very useful, and this time, it actually gave him a lot of equipment.

The thing he draws this time, it's called Gilgamesh's comprehensive ability. It's not a treasure or a single ability, but a comprehensive ability that combines all Gilgamesh's possession. There are Gate of Babylon, Clairvoyance, etc., which is equivalent to combining the abilities of the King of Heroes, and then package and distribute them in one go.

It can be said that this is a super ability, as it not only has skills, but also countless Noble Phantasm.

Of course, in fact, these abilities are of little use to him, but they are better than nothing, and these abilities are still quite comprehensive. As for the Noble Phantasms, their abilities are enough to overwhelms countless other abilities.

But these Noble Phantasms also require more percentage to unlock, and it also needs to reach the end before he can use some of the more powerful ones. Like Ea and other powerful Noble Phantasm. For now, all he can do is using the lowest level of Noble Phantasm to bomb the enemy around.

Although these Noble Phantasm also has a name, and can be liberated, it is not necessary to do it, as the power after being liberated is not very great. It's better to use it like Gilgamesh in the original work, and slowly upgrade it.

But fortunately, this time, it is not as cheating as MEoDP. Because there are no more villains in the Bleach World are left, and the prison has not been expanded yet, he can only harvest those guys in prison. So with this ability, there is no need to worry about killing everyone, and the leveling will be much easier.

After extracting the new ability, Asahi left. Strictly speaking, the Bleach World is already his, after all, Soul King is his subordinate now, so if there's no accident, the new world should appear soon.

The Human World will be slowly taken over in the future. As for Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, they have long been in his pocket. Although this world has strong combat power, there are too few representatives of the forces, so it didn't take long to conquer this world.

As for the remaining small villains, such as the novel Can't Fear Your Own World, the Movies' villains, or the filler ones like Muramasa, he should just see it later. For now, he doesn't bother to pay attention to these things.

After returning, Asahi went to find Soul King and told Soul King what he had to do. It was to create a new Hell, and after Soul heard that the previous hell was destroyed by Asahi, the corner of his mouth twitched.

But he is now the other party's subordinate, so he can only agree to this, but with just Soul King's ability, it will take several months to complete the construction of a new Hell.

During this period of time, Soul King was tired, and Asahi, the lazy manager, didn't need to do anything.

Asahi this time is not busy with having a new world, and because the Shinigami on the Bleach World are a little curious about what the other worlds looks like, he takes them to other worlds. Asahi didn't hide it, so after the matter stabilized, the others plan to go to other worlds to see it.

Soon, the people from the Bleach World gathered together for a world travel.

This time, the place where the passage was opened was on the sea, and it was also on the side of the world, plus it was hidden by Asahi, so no one have found it. It was not until Asahi returned again that the passage was opened.

Afterwards, they will be responsible for dealing with this world. After all, for powerful people like them, it is only a matter of time before they can master this world.

This world is not like other worlds, which have intricate countries, and it is also not like Earth. After all, this world is an independent world, and once the person in power is changed, everything will be settled naturally.

Asahi brought this group of people from the Bleach World to the One Piece World to travel.

At the first stop, Asahi went to Zou. He didn't pay attention to it before. Before, he just removed Zou from Zunesha's back so that Zunesha would not have to worry about the Mink Tribe on his back all the time.

Then Zou naturally became this island.

Since he wanted to take them to see the other world, it is naturally better to show them a special place to first. There are a lot of special places in the One Piece World, and this Zou is a good place to start.

Zou's leaders are Nekomamushi and Inuarashi. Both of them were with Oden at the beginning, so they can be said to be the subordinates of the Kozuki Clan. In the original book, the entire Zou was almost ruined to protect one of Oden's retainers, which is enough to show their loyalty.

Regarding Wano Country, Asahi has never understood what is going on in this country. Their so-called Shogun's position, isn't it just equivalent to a king? And this king also needs public opinion to support him.

If they are dissatisfied with Orochi, why not take action directly? And there's also Oden, who is playing at the street like monkey in the original work. Asahi really can't understand what the hell is going on.

Oden's thoughts were that he didn't want anyone to die because of this incident, and ended up doing stupid things. It can be said that he is a super idiot, and Rayleigh also said he wanted to help, but this guy refused.

He said that it is really a family matter that doesn't require outsiders to take care of, but he can't handle it himself, and ended up doing stupid things.

At start, it can be said that Oden's character positioning should be a person who is tough enough, righteous enough and cared for his companions and his people, but because of a series of strange operations, he has become a strange guy.

Of course, these are all in the past. The current Wano Country has been liberated, Kaido has been taken by him, and so is Orochi, so naturally, there is no problem with this matter.

After some time, Asahi found a problem. It seemed that every time he went to a world, he would marginalize the protagonist, and they wouldn't even have many chances to appear on the stage.