Chapter 336 Mink Tribe

"The travel to another world, our first stop, Zou. Yoruichi, actually, the people here have something in common with you!"

After Asahi brought the group of people to Zou, he suddenly said something to Yoruichi, making Yoruichi a little confused, but when they arrived inside Zou, she understood what Asahi meant.

The people living in Zou is Mink Tribe, which is equivalent to a beastman tribe. And although Yoruichi is not a beastman, she can turn into a cat, so strictly speaking, she is somewhat similar to them. For people, who enter Zou, they will be judged as enemies or friends.

Unsurprisingly, Asahi is judged as friends. Because the new government under his control has directly solved the affairs of the Wano Country, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi are naturally grateful to him.

It can be said that Asahi is in a very high position in their hearts and is estimated to be second only to the people of the Kozuki Clan.

"It's really a beastman!"

Seeing this scene, a switch seemed to be activated on Orihime, and she looked at the Mink with stars in her eyes.

"Here, they are called the Mink Tribe. As for the country's name, it is Mokomo Dukedom. Oh, their leaders have arrived!"

With that said, Asahi pointed to the front, and saw that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi rushing towards here crazily, as if they were running in a race.

Although the conflict between the two has been resolved, and they will not be divided into night and day again, but these two guys still like to compete. To be honest, Asahi really doesn't know how to describe these two.

The follow-up plot will not be said because he has changed it, but what these two guys did in the original work is making him extremely speechless. They have very strange persistence in some strange places.

Not to mention a lot, just look at when they are fighting with Jack. They have to fight separately because they keep their agreement and fight against Jack separately. Why don't they work together? Can't they solve the other party quickly with that? They and Kaido are also mortal enemies. Since the fight has already started, then naturally there is no need to think about it, but in the end, they fought separately, and after so many days, they were finally defeated by the poison gas.

Asahi is really powerless to complain. If the two of them worked together to defeat Jack directly, the others will be able to take care of the cannon fodders, so they won't be defeated by the poison gas in the end.

Moreover, the people in One Piece World are a bit weird. It is clear that their body is tough, and even if they don't use Haki to take a mountain-breaking attack, they will be fine, but on the contrary, Oden is killed by boiling oil, and these people died because of poison.

It also seems that Roger died because of a disease. Asahi wanted to say, this world is so weird. If poison is so effective, then why these guys can still live without trouble?

Asahi felt that it is a little incomprehensible. To be honest, if someone from Wuxia World come into this world, there is no need to think about the result, especially the world of Xiaoli Feidao, where people are poisoned at every turn, and they will die after eating something.

Although the people in the Wuxia World are completely incomparable to the people in this world in terms of strength, their poisoning skills can bring the world to an end directly. After all, poison is so easy to use, but not many people use it here.

At this moment, the two behemoths, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi, rushed towards this side like two heavy tanks.

And looking at it like this, he saw that the two couldn't stop anymore, so Asahi could only take everyone to hide temporarily, and then Inuarashi and Nekomamushi rushed past him like this.

"Sorry, Asahi-sama, the two lords started making a fuss again!"

Wanda said helplessly. Once these two started making a fuss, all the Mink could do nothing to stop them.

"It's ok!"

Asahi shook his head, and at this moment, these two guys turned back again. However, their heads are butting against each other, so they almost immediately started fighting.

"Why are you two still causing much troubles? Should I take you to Wano Country?"

Seeing that these two are still quarrelling, Asahi said a little speechlessly.

Although everyone said that Momonosuke must die, but to be reasonable, he hasn't done anything this time, so Asahi simply ignored him, and let him stayed in Wano Country honestly. But to be honest, if it's Momonosuke in the original work, Asahi really wanted to kill him.

"Please don't!"

After the two heard about Asahi's words, they decisively stopped fighting. They are the retainers of the Kozuki Clan and they are very loyal to the other party, so they don't want to trouble the Kozuki Clan at this moment, and decisively stop quarreling.

"That's good. Let me introduce you guys, these two are the rulers of the Mokomo Dukedom, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi. Although they look fierce, they are actually very good people!"

Asahi pointed at the two and said, and when they heard this sentence, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were speechless, 'What do you mean by looking fierce? Do we look scary?

The two looked Wanda and the other Mink at this moment, as a result, Wanda and the others directly looked away, and tried to whistle innocently.

These two are indeed different from the other Mink. Just like Wanda, although she is a canine, but compared with the two, Wanda is very cute. As for Inuarashi, he looked like a completely bad dog, well, there is also Nekomamushi, which looked very blood-thirsty with his sharp teeth. Not to mention the way they acted.

"Let me introduce to you two, these are my friends. And this time, I came to play with you. By the way, don't provoke them casually. After all, their strength is very strong, and most of them are much stronger than the two of you!"

Asahi spoke to the two of them, but this actually ignited Nekomamushi's fighting spirit.

"Much stronger? Let's fight!"

Nekomamushi rushed out immediately, intending to challenge the people Asahi brought. In this regard, Inuarashi couldn't help but slapped his face in shame.

"Just play for now!"

Seeing Nekomamushi like this, Asahi decisively took out a cat stick toy from Nekomamushi's residence, and then, there was no more. After all, no matter how awesome he is, he is still a cat.