Chapter 340 Mira’s Plea

"Levy, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Levy's appearance, plus Asahi's look that said 'you are right', Mira was confused. She wondered what kind of stupid riddle are these two people playing? Just now, Asahi denied that he didn't know Levy, but now, he showed such look, making her a little confused.

"Just look at this!"

Levy didn't say much about it. She opened the thick book and handed it to Mira. After Mira took the book and read with a few glances, her expression began to change. Her puzzled expression slowly turned into surprise, and then to horror.

Finally, she stared at the book and Asahi's face in disbelief several times in a row, and in the end, she realized that this was true.

The Asahi in this book is exactly the same as this person, and the passage recorded on it also surprised her.

'Four hundred years later, he will return to Fairy Tail, and it is just in this time period. This simply going against the sky!' The stunned Mira opened her small mouth slightly, but she didn't know what to say, and can only be stunned.

"You… You are really the First Guild Master? You have lived for four hundred years?"

Mira couldn't understand how a normal person can live for four hundred years. It's four hundred years, for a powerful person, living more than a hundred years is very simple, but that is also the limit, so how can someone live for more four hundred years? She really can't understand.

"Basically, why is it hard to understand?"

Asahi asked with amused expression. After all, there are many of the people around him who are old monsters over four hundred years old. After all, there are even people, who have lived for more than 1,000 years in Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.

"This is not something that is difficult to understand, but something that is simply incomprehensible. How can a normal person live for four hundred years!"

Both Mira and Levy complained in a low voice. It's not that they like to make complaints, but that this kind of thing is indeed unacceptable.

"As long as you have enough strength, let alone four hundred years, you can live until the world is destroyed, and there are many things recorded in this book, right? It's not a problem to live four hundred years!"

Asahi has read Levy's memory about this book, which recorded some of his methods, and it can be said to have deified him, but now, he is indeed not much different from the Gods.

"The things recorded in this book are true?!"

Levy exclaimed again, and when Mira saw this scene, she flipped through the book again. After she saw the content in the book, she was stunned again.

Because the things recorded are too much. Apart from his words about returning after four hundred years, there are also some introductions about Asahi's abilities, such as proficient in all the magic in this world, has power that is enough to destroy the world, is the strongest in the world, and also comparable to the existence of Gods.

What made Mira stunned the most was that it even involved the terrifying ability to revive the dead. This kind of god-like ability was incomprehensible, but it also made Mira became quiet.

Staring at this ability fiercely, she thought to herself, 'If the dead can really be resurrected, doesn't it mean that he can resurrect my sister?' At this moment, Mira's hand trembled with excitement.

"Shodaime-sama… this… this… Is it true that you can resurrect the dead?"

Mira's voice trembled a bit when she said this, and Levy couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this. After all, the matter of Mira's sister, Lisanna had caused the entire guild to slump for more than a month, and it can be said that the incident was indeed hurt for everyone.

"The resurrection of the dead is indeed possible. Why ask? Do you have a loved one who died?"

Asahi asked very calmly. He naturally knew what Mira was thinking, so he just took advantage of this opportunity to tell her that her sister is not dead.

"Yes, my sister Lisanna is also a member of the guild, but because of my willfulness…"

Mira said as her face turned a little dim, but she still told Asahi about what happened. At this moment, inside Fairy Tail, there are completely two extremes. One side is people fighting in full swing, and the other side, Asahi and the others is in another style of painting.

"Trying to resurrect the dead is not… so easy. And if you resurrect the dead casually, you will be targeted by other Gods. Of course, according to what you said, your sister may not be dead!"

Asahi touched his chin and said. He didn't promise to resurrect people. After all, this Fairy Tail can be said to be full of orphan, so he won't do this, and just say that this is a taboo.

And Mira was a little flustered and anxious when she heard what Asahi said at beginning, but was stunned when she heard the words behind.

"You mean… Lisanna is not dead? But how could it be possible? She dissipated right in my arms!"

Mira asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, that's where the problem lies. Let me ask you, after a normal person dies, will their body dissipate?"

After Asahi asked this, both Mira and Levy shook their heads. It is true that they will not dissipate. If a normal person dies, the corpse will remain, how could it dissipate and nothing is left?

"This is the problem. Just when you asked this, I tried another special magic, and found that your sister is indeed alive. As for the situation you mentioned, she is probably taken to other worlds. That's right, I remember that during this period of time, Edolas has been stealing magic power from Earth Land, so I believed that she was sucked into another world at that time!"

Asahi is familiar with the plot, and his identity as an old antique four hundred years ago also made it easier to make everyone believe him.

"What kind of place is this Edolas?"

Mira and Levy asked with a confused expression. They suddenly discovered that the world seemed a little far away from them, as it actually hid a lot of things they and the others didn't know. But now, they didn't have any doubts about Asahi's identity.

"Edolas is another world, which is equivalent to the opposite of this world. People who exist here will basically exist in Edolas, but there are also differences. Some of the people in that world are opposite to those in this world, either in terms of character, strength, or even race."

"In the past, that world lost the magic power of the world by itself, so in the end, in order to continue, the residents from that world kept stealing the magic power of this world, and this world was called Earth Land by them."

"The reason why your sister didn't even have her body, then 100% of her must have been sucked in when the other party stole the magic power from our world."

"But since she is not dead, she should be alive in another world now. This probability is quite small, so I don't know if your sister is lucky or unlucky!"

Asahi explained the specific situation to the two.