Chapter 341 Bringing The Two to Edolas

"There is actually such a world… That means, Lisanna is still alive… That's great. Um, can you help me find Lisanna back? I am willing to pay any price!"

Mira immediately cried out, and then begged Asahi to help her find her sister.

"It doesn't cost anything, after all, I was also the Guild Master of Fairy Tail. Although I am just the former, I am still a member of Fairy Tail. It is not a problem to help you with this little favor, so let's go!"

After saying that, Asahi directly used Space Magic to take the two of them and disappeared from the guild, but the group of people who were fighting naturally did not pay attention to this point, and no one noticed that the three of them have disappeared.

At this moment, the three of them had already appeared in Edolas. Asahi doesn't care about the plot at all, and in Edolas, there are not many things, just three or two cats, which are of no value at all.

"Where is this place? Why my magic can't be used anymore!"

Levy found that the magic power in her body was like being sealed, and she can't use any magic.

"I almost forgot. Because of the lack of magic power in this world, and there is no magic power in the body of the human in this world, you can't use magic here, but it's not a big problem!"

Asahi discovered that the magic power in their bodies was suppressed by a force, but this force can be easily broken, so after breaking it, the two can naturally use their own magic again.

As for Mira, the magic power in her body has never disappeared, but the knot in her heart made it impossible for her to use it, so if she didn't see her sister, it is estimated that she would never be able to use magic again in her life.

"The Ethernano in the air is indeed very thin. Then, if the people in this world cannot use magic, how can they survive!"

Levy couldn't imagine how the people in this world survived, but it's actually normal. It's like a modern person who has come to ancient times, without electricity and all kinds of entertainments, they will be bored to death.

"The people in this world think the same as you, that's why they steal Earth Land's magic power. We will talk about these things later. For now, we should go and see yourself in another world, and also your sister!"

After Asahi spoke to Mira, he started walking. Just less than a hundred meters in front of them, there was a building that looked like a big tree. This thing is the Fairy Tail Guild of this world.

However, because Fairy Tail of this world violated the king's order and used magic power without authorization, they became a dark guild.

"This is… Fairy Tail of another world!"

Levy and Mira couldn't help but be stunned when they saw the familiar mark on the big tree.

"That's right, there should be another you here, but some of you might be the opposite of them, so it is best to prepare mentally. You can explain the circumstance to them, I am too lazy!"

After saying that, Asahi opened the door and walked in. The people inside couldn't help being stunned when they saw them, especially Edolas Mira and Edolas Levy. And Lisanna, who came over from Earth Land, had a wonderful expression on her face.

After a period of dead silence, the guild boiled up, and it became a mess of porridge, but soon, Levy and Mira explained what happened.

"Although I have thought that such a day would come before, it is still a bit unacceptable now that it really happens!"

Edolas Mira said helplessly, while the others looked at her collectively.

"In fact, after Lisanna's accident a few years ago, we had speculations when we saw Lisanna who came back. After all, we three siblings are real siblings, so many things can be seen clearly."

"At the beginning, Elfman and I saw that there is a problem with Lisanna, but at that time, we found that Lisanna was very kind and was no different from our sister, so we also concealed this matter."

"But I also know that sooner or later, Lisanna will leave."

After Edolas Mira recounted what happened back then, everyone was stunned.


Looking at her sister and brother in this world, Lisanna's expression turned very sad. When she came into this world, she was indeed unable to accept it. But because her siblings in this world are also very good to her, she chose to stay. After all, Lisanna in this world is dead, which is something Lisanna had guessed long ago.

"There is always a time when we need to say goodbye, but my sister and I are very grateful that you can be with us for so long, and no matter what, you will always be our sister!"

The Elfman in this world is very quiet, but he is very fond of Lisanna, and treats her as his real sister.

"Cough, in fact, there is no need for you to part with each other like this. I can open a space door in your guild and Earth Land's Fairy Tail. With that, everyone can visit back and forth. There is no need to be so sad!"

Asahi said helplessly. What he hates most is this kind of thing.

"Eh… That's right, with the strength of Shodaime-sama, this kind of thing can definitely be done!"

Levy's eyes lit up, and Mira also showed a smile on her face. Based on their current understanding of Asahi, he is simply… an Almighty Gods and there is nothing that can't be done with Asahi around.

"Mira-nee, what are you talking about?"

Lisanna was also stunned, and then Levy explained everything about Asahi.

"An old monster that has lived for four hundred years?"

"The First Guild Master of Fairy Tail over there has created Fairy Tail 400 years ago? What kind of monster is he!"

The group of people exclaimed in an instant.

"If it's not because you didn't mean to curse me on purpose, I will definitely knock your heads off!"

Asahi said speechlessly. All they said is old monster this and old monster that. Although he really didn't care much about such thing, it was still a bit too much. If it wasn't for these people didn't mean it, he would definitely blow their heads off. After all, isn't trouble usually come from the mouth?

"I'm sorry… we were wrong!" The group of people apologized collectively, but it can't be helped, after all, who told Asahi to be so awesome? By hugging such a thick thigh, do they still need to worry about the kingdom's pursuit in the future?