Chapter 342 Fairy Hunter?

"Not good, Fairy Hunter is here! Levy, run quickly, wait…, how come there are two Mira and Levy!!"

Just when everyone admitted their mistake, a person rushed in from the outside, it's none other than Edolas Gray, who was wrapped like a rice dumpling.

"Fairy Hunter?! Not good, Levy, run quickly!"

Lucy was also shocked when she heard this, Fairy Hunter is their natural enemy, so they must run quickly.

"I got it, don't order me, you bastard!"

Levy in this world is of the tomboy type, and her relationship with Lucy can be said to be incompatible.

"Fairy Hunter? What is that?"

Levy looked at her other self, who suddenly ran to start a weird machine, and asked in confusion.

Mira on the side also showed a very interested look.

"Levy, Mira-nee, Fairy Hunter is Erza-san of this world, but because the two worlds are opposite, she is not the Titania in this world, but the Captain of the Kingdom's 2nd Magic War Division, who is specifically responsible for capturing us, the members of Fairy Tail!"

Lisanna explained about Erza from this world.

"Erza is attacking Fairy Tail?!"

Mira really couldn't imagine such a scene, after all, it was very unexpected.

"No, she came too fast, it was too late to start this stupid machine!"

Seeing that the other party has already flied over them and the machine is still not working, the group of people were frightened.

"Leave it to me. I want to see what's going on with Erza in this world!"

After saying that, a burst of black magic power surged out of her body, and then her whole figure turned into a demon form. It's Take Over Magic, and Mira can take over the power of Demon, and she has super destructive power.

"Mira/-nee, you can use magic?!"

Both Levy and Lisanna exclaimed in shock. Lisanna exclaimed because she couldn't use Take Over Magic in this world. As for Levy, it was because Mira hadn't used her magic for years, and it seemed to be sealed by herself.

Now that Mira has untied the knot in her heart, she naturally can use her magic again.

After using Take Over, Mira's expression became a little cold, and after replying, she rushed out towards Erza in this world.

"If Mira-nee can use magic, she will definitely be able to defeat the Fairy Hunter!"

Lisanna was a little excited, after all, people in this world don't have magic power in their bodies, and they only use magic items.

She hadn't seen Edolas Erza's true strength, but she believed that Mira would definitely be able to win, after all, Mira is a S-Rank Mage.

"Not necessarily, although Mira's magic power is also very strong, she is still a little worse compared to the Fairy Hunter!"

Asahi shook his head and said. When Mira does not use magic in the original work, although her magic power has been increasing, the increase is not as great as Erza. Moreover, her combat experience, and so on have all fallen by a large amount.

And despite her not being able to use magic, the weapon in Edolas Erza's hand is also among the best in this world.

Even if Earth Land Erza came over, she would only have 50% chance of defeating her. At the beginning, Mira and Erza could be said to be tied, but after so many years, Mira have actually fallen a lot.

So it would be impossible for Mira to defeat Edolas Erza, and at most, she can last for a while.

"Is Erza in this world so strong?"

This time, even Levy was surprised. She knew Mira's situation, and she must be a little bit behind Erza, but Erza in this world has no magic power in her body, so how can she fight against Mira?

"She's not considered strong, and after throwing away the weapon in her hand, she is just an ordinary person with slightly stronger fighting ability, but the problem lies in her weapon."

"The power of this weapon is strong enough to make up for her lack of magic power. Of course, it still has upper limit, but it is still too difficult for Mira to win!"

Asahi shook his head. Although Edolas Erza could use magic items to make up for her lack of magic power, but the flaw itself is… a flaw, and the upper limit is also obvious. Her strength can reach the low-level Ten Wizard Saints at most. After all, she relies on foreign object, and can an ordinary person to forge a divine weapon? Being able to create such a weapon like the Magic Spear: Ten Commandments is already incredible.

"Then… Won't Mira-nee be in danger?"

Lisanna looked at Mira with some worry.

"There will be a little bit danger, but it's not a big problem. Since the other party has weapon, and she doesn't have weapons in her hand, it is indeed a bit too much. So, let's support her a little bit!"

Asahi snapped his fingers, and a golden ripple appeared beside him, and then, a red spear shot out from it, shooting to in front of Mira directly, and along the way, it also forced Edolas Erza back. The weapon then stopped in front of Mira.

"This is…"

Looking at the red spear in front of her, Mira looked at the direction where the spear flew from, and she saw the golden ripple beside Asahi, and then she suddenly understood and caught the spear without hesitation.

Facing Edolas Erza, she is indeed at a disadvantage. The weapon in Edolas Erza's hand was the crystallization of the wisdom of this world, and it is also a super magical weapon.

This change corresponds to the change of Earth Land Erza's armor. Through Requip Magic, Earth Land Erza can continuously transform her form, and through the special armor, she can give herself effects like super attack, super fast speed, super defense, magic resistance to other attribute magic, etc.

And for Edolas Erza, the Magic Spear: Ten Commandments in her hand is almost the principle as Earth Land Erza's armors. It can increase her speed, create explosions, use some big moves, etc. In short, it is powerful.

In addition, Mira hasn't done anything for so many years, so it is not strange that she is in a disadvantage.

"This is… What a powerful weapon!"

After catching the spear, Mira found that there was an extra stream of information in her mind. This information was is about this spear's special ability.

"You are not from this world, right? You must be from Earth Land. People in this world don't have the ability like you!"

Edolas Erza raised the spear in her hand and asked calmly.

"Whether I am from this world or not, I am a member of Fairy Tail, but you kind of surprise me. After all, in another world, you are the guardian of Fairy Tail, Titania, but I did not expect that in this world, you would be against Fairy Tail!"

Mira wasn't in her usual sunny state at this time, so she talked back to Edolas Erza directly.