Chapter 343 Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death

"Shut up!"

Edolas Erza's face changed when she heard this. Just like Earth Land Erza couldn't accept that she would target Fairy Tail, and Edolas Erza also felt that she couldn't understand how she would protect Fairy Tail, so she chose to attack without saying another word.

The two started fighting once again, but there is some difference between the Noble Phantasm before liberation, so now Mira is still being suppressed and beaten. After all, she is used to being bare-handed, so after getting a spear, on the contrary, she doesn't know how to use it.

But Asahi is not worried, after all, the concept of Noble Phantasm has been input into Mira's mind, so as long as the spear is liberated, the fight will instantly end.

What he gave Mira was not the Gae Bolg: Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death, but the Gae Bolg: Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death. The concept of Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death can pierce the opponent's heart, and it belongs to the anti-unit type Noble Phantasm. As for the Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death, it is like a bomber.

One is an anti-unit type Noble Phantasm and the other is an anti-army type Noble Phantasm. The reason he gave Mira this is because Asahi intends to occupy this place, and keep it, after all, it is still a resource, and no one can take it from him.

He intends to bring this world under his control, and then open a passage for others to manage it. As long as the world is connected, he can easily open other spatial passages.

Asahi also wondered what kind of expression Mystogan will have when he comes back and sees his home's big change.

This Erza is a diehard loyalist of the kingdom here, and the diehard loyalist of the kingdom is different from the king's diehard loyalist. Edolas Erza always thinks of the people, but the one in power is the king.

Therefore, Edolas Erza is naturally loyal to the king, and obeyed the king's orders, but isn't it okay to change the king? He can just let her know that their world can live well even without magic.

For this kind of thing, the technology he has now is enough to accomplish everything.

In fact, the power of Gae Bolg: Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death is not small, and it can even destroy six layers of EMIYA's Rho Aias. But how can the power be small? After all, it is a B+ Rank Noble Phantasm

But Asahi can control remotely, so it is not a big problem to save the other party's life.

"After having a weapon, your strength is not even as good as before!"

Edolas Erza looked at Mira mockingly, as if saying 'Don't take it if you can't use it, not everyone can use a weapon.'

"That's what you said, then I'll give it to you, Gae Bolg!"

After its real name was liberated, Gae Bolg instantly shot into the sky, and turned into a large number of spears, which fell like raindrops. The sudden change of scene shocked Elisa.

However, the attack was too fierce and it was impossible to dodge, so she could only resist it, but at the moment the spears fell, the Magic Spear: Ten Commandments in her was destroyed directly.

The Magic Spear: Ten Commandments in her hand is not bad for this world, but in other worlds, it's really not that great.

After a violent storm of bombardment hitting the ground, a lot of huge pits and holes were left on the ground.

Asahi made most of the attacks didn't hit Edolas Erza, otherwise, it is estimated that she would have been bombarded into paste, but after this wave of bombing, there is also a huge pothole on the ground, and a large number of small potholes were densely scattered.

It can be said that the ground is destroyed beyond recognition.

As for Edolas Erza, she was seriously injured and couldn't even lift her hand. She's lying in the middle of the big pit in very haggard state.

"That… What kind of magic item is that? It's too powerful!"

Edolas Fairy Tail's members thinks the spear is a kind of magic item, after all, the concept is almost the same.

"It's called Gae Bolg, and it is quite powerful. Not to mention the weapon in her hand, even a few more city walls can blow to pieces by it. She didn't die because most of the attacks were not concentrated on her, otherwise, she would have already turned to ashes!"

After taking back the Noble Phantasm, Asahi also had to sigh with emotion, 'Gilgamesh is really having it good. He has almost all the Noble Phantasms, there are only some special ones he doesn't. Moreover, there are some God-made Noble Phantasms in this guy's treasury. Should I say, as expected of Gilgamesh?'

Looking at the effect now, he felt that his new ability is indeed quite good, and because Edolas Erza was defeated with the Noble Phantasm he gave, it can be regarded as his experience, but the strength of Edolas Erza is not good, so although she can give experience, it's not a lot.

Of course, Fairy Tail World is a super treasure trove, and there are still many powerhouses here. These powerhouses are all experience for him.

"This kind of power can only be considered to be quite powerful? Then how strong is the real powerful ones!"

Everyone complained speechlessly. As for Asahi, he didn't say much, after all, those might be used in the future.

"As expected of Shodaime-sama, you can take out this kind of super weapon at any time!"

At this moment, Mira also landed. She had touched the Noble Phantasm herself, and naturally knew how powerful the Noble Phantasm is, so she couldn't help but sighed for a while.

"This is not the time to say about this!"

As Asahi stretched out his hand, his hand became as huge as the sky, and with a wave, he grabbed the other people and monsters in the sky, and then threw them to the ground.

Edolas Erza didn't come alone, so Asahi takes care of the people she brought, but none of them died. His control of sparing experience has long been at the peak.

But this time, everyone didn't show any shock. On the contrary, they thought it was normal.

Right now, they feel that it doesn't matter no matter what Asahi did, they can accept it.

The others were left outside, as for Edolas Erza, she was brought into Fairy Tail by Asahi.

"Um… what are we going to do now?"

Mira asked a little puzzled. She wondered why would Asahi bring Edolas Erza in.

"It's very simple, to change this country a little bit. Let me ask you, can you live without magic?"

Ignoring Edolas Erza's eyes that seemed want to swallow him alive, Asahi posed such a question to everyone.

"Of course there is no way to live without magic. If there is no magic, the world will be destroyed!"

The group of people said almost at the same time. Magic is the basis of their survival and they can't live without it, including Mira and the others from Earth Land.