Chapter 344 Modern Science and Technology Product

Magic has penetrated into everyone's lives, just like electricity. For modern people, without electricity, how can they live? No electricity means that mobile phones, computers, TVs, and other electronic devices cannot be used.

Even many things commonly used in life will be directly finished, and everyone will feel as if the end is coming.

But in the past, there was no electricity, and electricity was only produced in the later period. There was no such thing in ancient times.

However, the reason why ancient people can live without electricity is because they have not been exposed to the concept of electricity.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. The same is true for magic power in this world.

"Let me show you something!"

After saying that, Asahi directly took out a flashlight, the kind that can be recharged. After getting Gate of Babylon, Asahi simply threw all the things stored in the space he created into Gate of Babylon.

Anyway, Gate of Babylon is a Noble Phantasm, and the space he created still needs him to constantly maintain it, so Gate of Babylon is better.

After taking out the flashlight, Asahi directly pressed the switch, and then, a beam of light directly hit the opposite wall.

"Did you feel the fluctuation of magic power?"

Seeing the confused look on everyone's face, Asahi gave a little reminder. After that, everyone couldn't help but stared at the flashlight in astonishment, including Edolas Erza, who is a prisoner at this moment.

"How can there be no magic power? How does that thing emit light?"

In two worlds of Fairy Tail World, they are using magic power for technology. After all, if there are normal technology products, Mystogan would have moved back long ago.

"Isn't it amazing? There is no magic reaction at all, but it can emit light. Let me take it apart and show it to you!"

After saying that, Asahi disassembled the flashlight, but after disassembling, the other people looked confused and could not understand what are the things inside. Moreover, there was no magic wave even after it was taken apart.

"Well, there are other things, let me take it out!"

After he said that, Asahi directly took out a car, and then get a few people to sit in there and drove around, but there are still no magic power's fluctuations coming from it. There are also lighters and other things taken out by him, so everyone are shocked and dumbfounded.

"This… how on earth is this done? There is obviously no magic power!"

Lucy held the lighter in a daze, and constantly switching it on and off.

"None of these things use magic power. These things are created by ordinary people who have no magic power in their bodies and their world has no magic power. Since they have no magic power, they took another path, which is called science."

After that, Asahi opened Archive and instilled the scientific ideas into everyone, including Edolas Erza, who is on the ground. The ones he gave is not too deep, after all, their brain would be destroyed if he gave them all the knowledge.

Asahi just transmitted the history of science development to their mind in a slightly general way.

"I didn't expect… Is it really possible to survive without using magic power, is this science?"

Edolas Erza was stunned, of course, the Fairy Tail's people are also stunned.

"Do you have anything to say now?"

Looking at Edolas Erza on the ground, Asahi asked with a smile.

"Please give me these… No matter what the price is, the kingdom can pay any price!"

How can Edolas still have the mentality of targeting Fairy Tail now? With this kind of thing, magic power is no longer needed, and they can live better. As for magic? It can just go to hell.

After all, this world lacks magic power, and it is all stolen from another world, so it can't be used lavishly.

That is to say, their magic team is indeed more luxurious, but for other people, except for some of the magic power provided to the family use, they shouldn't think about anything else.

Just like in the modern world. In a certain area, there is a power outage for a period of time every day, telling you that you can only use the power for a certain period of time every day, and after the power is used up, you can only watch, which is kind of sad.

"You now know how science developed. It has been developed by countless people over a long period of time, so you should also know the value. I believed your kingdom and even this world can't afford it!"

Asahi shook his head. If he really wanted to measure these knowledges with money, then you don't have to, after all, it can't be compared at all.


Edolas Erza felt uncomfortable. She knew that this is indeed a treasure, the crystallization of the wisdom of countless people. She herself can't think of anything that can be worthy to exchange it.

"And even if I give it to you, are you sure that the king of your kingdom will give up magic power?"

"Science is indeed good, as it can even create powerful weapons that are stronger than the power you have now, but this thing is not for personal strength."

"As far as the science I have mastered so far, it is difficult to even target some of the middle-level members of your Magic War Division, let alone you!"

"The king is all about seizing magic power. With the mature system of magic power, he definitely will not replace it."

"So let's not mention about you being able to afford it or not. Even if you gave me the price that can satisfy me, but your king will not use this thing."

Asahi shook his head. The old king's pursuit of magic power has reached the point of madness, and once technology replaces magic, then in terms of personal strength, this king might lose everything.

After all, he has Dorma Anim in his hand, and the combat power displayed by Dorma Anim is also very strong, which can be regarded as his personal strength.

But if it's changed to technology, he must first build a Gundam. Asahi knows that the technology of some worlds can do it, and even people have started traveling the Universe, but what he holds in his hand now cannot do it.

Therefore, the old king will not give up the magic power, and Edolas Erza's idea is undoubtedly… an idiotic dream.

"Yes, with the king's character, he definitely wants to control everything in his own hands, but with science, most of the things will be distributed to everyone. He will never choose to do this!"

The Fairy Tail's people are also very helpless, and kind of disappointed. They also want to promote the development of science, but how can they do it? This is the big question.

"Is it just my wishful thinking?"

Edolas Erza closed her eyes helplessly, feeling a little unacceptable. She knew that hope is right in front of her. Before this, seizing magic power was all she can do, but now that she had new hope, it was destroyed because of the king.

At this moment, the atmosphere cooled down in an instant, after all, this situation is indeed very disappointing.