Chapter 348 Edolas Erza's Decision

After a farce, everyone stopped. After that, Earth Land Fairy Tail prepared a lot of food and drink, and then started a party and chatted with the members of Edolas Fairy Tail.

After some exchanges, they also found that the other party is not a difficult person to get along with, so there was no problem.

Regarding the existence of this door, Makarov also ordered the members of the guild not to spread the news.

Although there are still many cannon fodders in Fairy Tail, and they abandoned Fairy Tail in the later stage, they will still abide by the basic rules. At least they will not mess around randomly, as can be seen in the Battle of Fairy Tail arc.

It's just that they can't hold on anymore in the later stage. But there is no other way, as people have their own choices, right? For the past few days, Asahi has lived on Earth Land Fairy Tail. To be honest, he only needs a part of the knowledge about Fairy Tail World, as for magic, he doesn't need it, as he has already acquired it.

Zeref is proficient in almost all the magic in this world, and the ones that he is not proficient with are those he looks down on.

So Asahi doesn't care about magic, but some magic powered items, which he has not obtained before.

Other worlds don't have magic power, but it doesn't affect the problem of this device. The Fairy Tail World uses magic to create a lot of weapons with great lethality, and there are also some special existences among it, such as the Eclipse Gate.

However, the setting of the Eclipse Gate also makes Asahi a little incomprehensible. When the gate is first opened, and Natsu and the others go from the past to this era, they needed to open the door in two ways. Both sides need to prepare the Zodiac Keys to open the door. Moreover, because she needed to open this gate, Lucy's mother died due to lack of magic power.

But when Future Rogue opens the gate to release the dragons, there should be no one on the other side to help the dragons open the gate.

Therefore, this setting is inconsistent, making Asahi somewhat confused, but this does not prevent him from studying and researching it.

In the past few days, people from Fairy Tail often asked Asahi some questions. To put it bluntly, it is... all about magic.

This was brought by Levy at the beginning. Levy liked books and knowledge, so she regards Asahi as a walking encyclopedia. After so many years, she didn't know how much knowledge Asahi has.

So Levy asked Asahi some things at first, but it is also impossible for Asahi to know everything, so he changed the subject.

The history matter is directly transferred to magic matter, which is what he is really good at, and as a result, Levy tastes the sweetness from Asahi.

Solid Script itself is somewhat similar to Jutsu Shiki, but with a high upper limit, and Jutsu Shiki is also not easy to break it by brute force.

Just like in the Battle of Fairy Tail, Makarov couldn't do anything with the runes, and in the battle with Oracion Seis, Jura also couldn't do anything against Lahar's Jutsu Shiki.

But once the strength exceeds by too much, the technique will be vulnerable, moreover, the trigger conditions need to be set in advance, so this is still a bit troublesome.

However, Asahi, as the magic encyclopedia, knows a lot about this kind of thing, so after listening to some of his suggestions, Levy also benefited a lot.

This caused the other people to ask Asahi about this, which made Asahi speechless, but he did not refuse them. Although it was only a few days, the strength of Fairy Tail's members increased again and again.

In the original work, Zeref can train Yuri and the others to become masters of magic. It should be known that in addition to awakening it yourself, it is best to start training magic since childhood.

But as a result, these people became the Guild Master of Grimoire Heart, one of the Four Gods of Ishgar, and although Mavis became Fairy Heart, she can use the super powerful Law Magic, and even modified it.

The only exception is Yuri, who died early, but whether it is Makarov or Laxus, their combat power is not low, especially Laxus, which has explosive combat power. As for Ivan, he is just a trash.

When a person who is proficient in magic teaches other people, it can indeed make them take less detours and become stronger.

And after these few days of work passed, Asahi also received a communication from Edolas Erza. She had already thought about it, and now, she planned to overthrow the king and become the king herself.

Asahi had predicted she would make this choice from the very beginning. If Edolas Erza didn't make this choice, then there was definitely an accident.

After receiving the news from her, Asahi once again came to Edolas. At this moment, Edolas Erza was already in Edolas Fairy Tail. Although there was still a cold war between the two sides, the Fairy Tail's people also know that what Elisa will do next is very good for this world.

In addition to Edolas Erza, Asahi also saw another very surprising existence, Panther Lily, one of the Exceeds! His combat power in the original work is no less than that of Edolas Erza. Edolas Erza is only the captain of the 2nd Magic War Division, and Lily is the captain of the 1st Magic War Division. Although the strength is not calculated as such, when both parties use their magic item, Lily's strength is indeed very strong, and he is also the strongest Exceed.

Asahi is actually a little speechless about Exceed. Those cats are stupid enough to exile the strongest of their own kind. He wondered what exactly is it that gives them such confidence. After all, such combat power should be properly kept.

"It seems that you have made some preparations, and even brought this... over here too!"

Asahi and Lili greeted each other. Of course, if Asahi doesn't help, it is impossible for them to win against the king.

Although Dorma Anim is currently incomplete because there is no magic power from dragon slayer, it is still made of special metal, and except for dragon slayer, other magics are not very effective against it.

Dorma Anim is just like dragons, who are resistant to magic. If it wasn't for Dragon Slayer Magic, humans of Fairy Tail World won't be able to do anything against those dragons.

The same is true for Edolas Erza and Lily, as their methods are not very useful against Dorma Anim.