Chapter 349 The Old King's Crime

"I have discussed it with Lily. The king has already guessed about the Exceed from some time now, and he also plans to directly attack the Exceed after he has captured enough magic power."

"The king told me about these things, so I used this point to discuss with Lily. After I seize the throne, although I can't guarantee that Exceed's position will be above human beings, but I can guarantee their safety."

"It's better than having no security at all!"

Speaking of this, she glanced at Lily, and Lily was also quite helpless about this. He knew what happened to the Exceed himself. Although the queen's ability is hidden from other Exceed, and only the higher-ups know about it, he is not stupid either. He knows that Exceed is very fragile, at least after he compares himself with other Exceeds.

Moreover, anyone with a little bit of brain can see that there is a problem with the queen's ability of killing anyone with her words.

Since it is necessary to deter, then why not deter by using the human with higher power, instead of just finding some people who are unable to fight.

So the king had already made certain guesses, but they hadn't pushed him to the limit, so he hadn't done anything yet.

After Lily learned of Edolas Erza and the so-called energy that can replace magic power, he also came with Edolas Erza.

He doesn't know about others, but he knows very well that Edolas Erza will never fool him

"Well, before you do anything, this king needs a crime, and this crime can make you take the throne as if it was a matter of course!"

Asahi said with a smile, and his words made both Edolas Erza and Lily taken aback. They didn't think about this issue at first, and even Edolas Erza's idea was just to seize the king's position and it's all done.

But she completely overlooked one point, that is, her reputation will not be very good after seizing the throne forcefully.

In many worlds, the so-called kings and emperors hold power in their hands and have enough troops in their hands, but why are they still troubled by the normal people? It's because they need normal people to become king or emperor.

The same is true in this world. After Edolas Erza and the others seized the throne, what will their reputation be like? They will likely be spurned by thousands of people.

Even if they can come up with things that change the world and change the era, the results will not be much better.

So what they needed now is a crime, a crime that is good enough to pull the old king off the horse.

Asahi knew very well about this kind of thing, so he was ready.

"The king steals Earth Land's magic power through Anima, so Earth Land's people coming to find trouble is also a matter of course. Once the king has caused enough disaster for the entire kingdom, then it will no longer his turn to speak!"

The crime Asahi prepared was borrowing the Earth Land's name. If I find trouble to you after you steal my magic power, it's normal, right? But making trouble is not just that simple. It's best to get enough trouble to pull the old king off the horse.

However, this guy is still Mystogan's father, so Asahi doesn't plan to kill him.

But after Mystogan comes back, his fate will be decided.

"We will all listen to you!"

Edolas Erza and Lily were speechless. They felt that the other party is even more thoughtful than themselves, so they agreed without saying anything. As for the other party's intentions, they didn't want to know.

Because there is no need for him to deceive them. And to be honest, in this plan, the existence of the two is optional.

If Asahi wanted to find someone to be the king, there are too many candidates, so they don't think Asahi will deceive them, as there is no need for it.

If he just wanted to find a puppet to be the king, he can just take action directly, and there is no need to go around with them like this.

"Very good, then you all go back first. Tomorrow, I will take a tour around your royal city!"

Asahi told the two to go back first.

In a flash, it is already the next day. Everything in Edolas is running normally, and the king is naturally trying to find a way to steal more magic power, but the magic power he had stolen over the years was not a lot.

This is all due to Mystogan. He not only blocked Anima from stealing magic power from all over the world, but also specifically opposed the old king.

However, he did the right thing, after all, once this Anima stole magic power, whether it is a human or something, everything will be sucked over.

Just like when the entire Magnolia is sucked over in the original work, everyone was turned into Lacrima. Isn't this equivalent to using life to generate electricity? So it's normal for Mystogan to do this. As long as it's people with a little conscience, they can't do this kind of thing, at least, Asahi can't.

Asahi is not a good guy, and his means are not kind, but he still has a bottom line, this kind of thing has already exceeded his bottom line.


Just when the old king was thinking about how to get enough magic power, a pressure like a mountain fell from the sky, and the powerful pressure instantly made it difficult for the people in the whole city to breathe.

"What's going on? What is this pressure?"

The old king was horrified. With this kind of pressure on his body, he could still move, but it was very slow. The same was true for the others. When he came to the balcony, cold sweat began to flow down.

It's because a man appeared outside their city. He's a real giant, which is more than a kilometer tall. He looks like a mountain, and his huge pupils stared at them coldly.

"How dare you steal the magic power of our Earth Land? You dogs are so bold. I'll give you one hour! Send the culprit out, otherwise, you don't need to continue to exist!"

Asahi didn't say much, but the message was conveyed. It was nothing more than that he was from Earth Land and came after knowing their magic power are stolen.

The old king was still confused at first, but now, it has all turned into fear. Most people don't know the mechanism of Anima's operation, but he does.

It's not just as simple as stealing magic power, as even the lives of the opposite world will be turned into Lacrima.

So at this moment, he felt a chill at his back, and he even feels that he can't breathe. It's too terrifying. If he knows that there was such a terrifying existence in the opposite world, even if he is 100 times braver, he wouldn't dare to steal the other party's magic power.

But he can't do anything about it now. Since the person have come to his door, and he is the reason for it, he has nothing to say.