Chapter 351 Lily’s Choice

"Don't be nervous, even though you were exiled back then, don't forget the purpose of this visit. You can be regarded as their savior."

Looking at Lily who became a little stiff around him, Asahi was a little amused. Asahi is estimated that the Exceed are not very clear about what happened on the human side before, after all, their state is somewhat similar to the state of closed country.

Hearing what Asahi said, Lily sighed. This time, he didn't come here to subdue these cats, but to let them recognize their own situation.

Asahi actually doesn't care about these cats either, and their existence is of little value. To put it bluntly, they are just a group of pets.

Asahi doesn't need these guys, but these guys use their abilities to deter humans, and they are very arrogant, so he must say hello first.

He will not destroy these cats, and he will also give them the right to manage their own country, and the only requirement is not to play around.

"My lord, that… those… cats may behave unreasonably. Please don't take it to heart!"

Lily said helplessly. These cats have intelligence no less than that of humans, but now, they think they are superior to humans, and there is a law that humans cannot enter their territory.

At the beginning, Lily was exiled because he took the exiled Mystogan back, so now, he must make it clear, as he knows exactly how strong Asahi is.

If those cats really make Asahi angry, it will be over if Asahi blows up.

"Don't worry, I know, and if there's no surprise, they won't be able to do what you said!"

Asahi shook his head. He wouldn't spoil these guys, Wendy let these cats throw stones at her, but he wouldn't.

Of course, he will not be cruel, but it is necessary to beat them a little, otherwise, these cats would cause too much problems.

"Lily, why did you come back with human beings? What do you want to do? Don't you know that humans are not allowed to enter here?"

Soon, after coming to Exceed's territory, Lily and Asahi were surrounded by a group of cats.

"I want to see the queen. This time, we come here as human's representative!"

Lily said, but after he said this, the group of cats directly took out their weapons.

"What qualifications do you have to see that the queen? Humans are not allowed to come here, even if they're the king of humans. You have been banished, so leave immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

The group of cats surrounded Lily and Asahi and said so arrogantly, which made Asahi a little speechless. Hen then simply released some coercion, and pressed these cats to the ground.

"Don't worry, I won't be cruel. These guys need education that they will no longer be able to stand on top of humans, and it is impossible to make sense with this kind of guys, we should just go straight to the Exceed's queen!"

Asahi shook his head, and continue letting these cats to calm down and reflect.

However, he and Lily just went all the way, and as long as a cat tries to stop them, the result would only be one, they would be lying on the ground to reflect.

This simple and crude method made Lily speechless for a while, but he had to say that it is very effective.

Soon, one person and one cat came to Exceed Palace, Queen Shagotte, a group of old cats and the two strange guards are also here.

"Lily, what do you want to do? Why did you bring human here? Don't forget your identity!"

Regarding one person and one cat coming all the way, the other cats have long since come to inform them of the situation.

"I know, I don't need you to remind me. In addition, it is not me who came to look for you this time, but this lord. Your little trick has been exposed!"

Lily loves this country, but this country doesn't love him. Since he couldn't do anything, so just let it be. In the future, he will not have much to do with Exceed, so why should he need to be polite?

"What are you talking about? What do you mean!"

The group of old cats were stunned, but Shagotte was different. She was as calm as ever.

"Well, I know that you, Shagotte, should have seen that little bit of the future!"

Looking at Shagotte, who was still calm, Asahi said, and the old cats are collectively stunned. As Lily said, their little tricks have been exposed.

"Yes, I saw it, but I also know that you have no malice, Sir. Exceed has indeed become a bit too complacent, so I will make my ability public later!"

Shagotte can see a part of the future, so she naturally knows Asahi's existence and what he will do afterwards.

"Queen, you…"

The old cats around were all shocked when they heard this and planned to persuade her, but Shagotte shook her head.

"My ability is not a secret for you guys, and you also know why I sent the Exceed's eggs to another world in the first place, but the future I saw has undergone some changes!"

"Now, my ability has been known, but this Lord and Lily have brought us good news!"

Shagotte looked at the group of cats and said.

"That's right, it is indeed a good news for you. In the future, you can just think yourself as how you Exceed will live."

"But don't think about surpassing human beings. After all, human beings already know your abilities."

"On the human side, we will restrict them, but you should also be careful. Knowing that you are not omnipotent, there will always be people who will take advantage of you and target you at that time."

"We can guard some people, but we can't guard against everyone. In short, you should be careful yourself. Since I have brought the news, I will go back now. Lily, do you want to stay?

After Asahi finished speaking, he planned to leave. As for Lily, he still asked.

"No, I don't belong here anymore. Although I still love this place, I'm no longer a cat from here!"

Lily shook his head. He didn't plan to stay anymore, after all, he was a little bit heartbroken when he came all the way just now.

"Then let's go!"

Asahi smiled and didn't say anything more. Then, the one person and one cat disappeared from the Palace. Watching Lily disappear, Shagotte originally planned to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat.

This time, she knew that she was helped by Lily again. Since the country has been helped by Lily, she wanted to keep the other party here, but after hearing Lily's words, she couldn't say those words!