Chapter 352 Cute and Huggable Cat

After the matter with Exceed is settled, Asahi doesn't plan to stay in this world anymore. It's basically settled here, then there is no need to pay more attention to this place. If there's no accident, he estimated that the plot of Fairy Tail will begin soon. Although there were not be many strong people at the beginning, there will be in the future. In short, he would follow the plot, and countless experience will be delivered directly to his door.

It also saved him the time and effort to find them. Of course, in addition to this, there are still some things to do, but for the specifics, he'll take care of it later. After all, he has processed the plot of Edolas in advance, so there will be some change.

"Lily, I'm going back to Earth Land, are you interested in going with me?"

Asahi asked. He is actually very optimistic about Lily. After returning to Earth Land, Lily will become as cute as Happy and Carla, but Lily can also transform into a powerful muscly cat, and his combat power pretty okay.

"Me? Since the Lord needs me, then it's naturally not a problem!"

Lily smiled and agreed. He has nothing much to miss on Edolas anyway. Although he is the captain of the 1st Magic War Division, he is always just a cat.

He also gave up on the Exceed's side, so it doesn't seem bad to leave with Asahi.

"Well, please take care of me from now on, but don't call me lord in the future, just call me Asahi. After all, we are companions now!"

Asahi said with a smile. At this moment, he has directly sabotage Gajeel.

"This… doesn't seem so good!"

Lily was a little embarrassed. He always felt that he would be getting carried away when he called Asahi by his name directly. This is like a king and a commoner. Even if the relationship between the two is good, the commoner won't dare to call the king's name casually.

Now that Lily also knows Asahi's horror, although he is not a commoner, Asahi is not comparable to a king. So Lily is still a little hesitant.

"Then you can figure it out for yourself. I won't force you, but just know that you don't need to call me lord!"

Asahi didn't insist anymore. After all, suddenly asking others to call the area is a bit unacceptable, so he should just take it slowly.

"I understand, Asahi-sama!"

Lily nodded, and then the two returned to Earth Land's Fairy Tail. Once they arrived at Fairy Tail, Lily's muscly form could no longer be maintained, and he directly changed into the cute cat form.

This is also a bit weird. Lily and the other Exceed have magical powers in their bodies, and they are different from the rest of Edolas's people. Since he can continue to maintain the muscly form in that world, it is reasonable to say that he could do it in Earth Land too, but how can he became like this?

In the end, Asahi can only attribute it to the concentration of magic power. It is like, the magic concentration of Edolas is 1, Lily's power is 1.5, and Earth Land is 10.

Then, when Lily enters a higher-level environment, he is weaker than the environment, so he is beaten back to his original shape. However, Lily can still transform, and although the duration is not very long, it is not a big problem.

And Asahi began to integrate magic power into the Energy Source. After complete integration, he can create the Energy Source for Lily, and he can maintain his muscly form at any time, but when not fighting, Asahi still feels that his current state is better, as it's more cute.

"Ah, it's black Happy!"

When Asahi appeared suddenly, the others naturally turned their attention to him, and soon, the group of people saw Lily.

And Natsu, as a single-celled organism, just regarded Lily as Happy.

"He is not Happy. He is my companion, and his name is Panther Lily!"

Asahi introduced Lily, and Lily was also very surprised. After all, all the people here has magic power inside their body, and it is very strong.

This can't be seen in Edolas, and the concentration of magic power in the air is simply like heaven and earth.

"Happy, I found your kind!"

Natsu immediately called Happy, and Happy, who was eating fish in front of the counter, was finally distracted from the fish by the call this time. He also noticed Lily at first, but it was a pity that Lily was not Carla, so Happy was not very interested.

But soon, Happy started screaming because of the appearance of a second cat.

But this also leaves Lily speechless. The matter happened long after he was exiled, but Lily still knows that this cat is one of the hundred eggs that the queen sent to Earth Land.

After Happy screamed, a group of people turned around Lily, and at this time, Lisanna also tapped her palm with her fist.

"I remember, you are Panther Lily, the captain of the 1st Magic War Division, but why did you become like this!"

Seeing Lily's current cute look, Lisanna couldn't understand how a muscly cat became a cute cat like this.

"After coming to this world, I found that my strength was suppressed. Although I can still fight, I can't maintain it for a long time!"

Lily then started explaining about Exceed. These people only heard about the concept of Exceed this time. Before, they only exchanged some things with the Edolas Fairy Tail, and did not know much about this matter.

At that time, after seeing Lily, they finally reacted, and then, they learned about Exceed's situation from Lily, and they also learned that Happy was one of the hundred eggs the Exceed threw into this world.

"So it's like that, then, Happy, let's go find your parents!"

Natsu suddenly said. Although he is usually a single-celled creature, he is still very reliable sometimes, especially when fighting for his companions.

"Can we really find it?"

On the contrary, Happy did not dare to go back. Although he knew from Lily that they had thrown out these one hundred eggs so that the race won't extinct, he was still afraid.

What if his parents doesn't acknowledge him after he goes back, or they are already died without him knowing.

"You still have to face it. Go straight ahead. When you get there, you will directly indicate your identity and someone will be responsible for receiving you!"

Asahi didn't talk nonsense, and asked Natsu to take Happy to find his family.

As for Lily, some people started wondering about Lily's combat power.

"If you are a man, let's have a fight!"

When Elfman heard his sister say that Lily is very strong, how can he hold back?

This guy is not the quiet version of Elfman, but the manly version.

"Lily, try sparing with him!"

Asahi said, and Lily was also very curious about the situation in this world after hearing this, so he agreed without thinking about it, but because the other party does not use weapons, he did not plan to use weapon either.