Chapter 353 Incorporating Magic Power Into The Energy Source

After agreeing to spar with Elfman, Lily quickly regained his muscly cat form. His body rose to more than two meters, and the muscles on the body are also amazing, making Elfman stunned for a while when he saw it.

"I wondered why he became the captain of the 1st Magic War Division at first, but after seeing this, it all makes sense!"

Macao complained speechlessly when he saw Lily turned into his muscly cat form, after all, it was too exaggerated. He also wondered why his style of painting changed when he transformed!

"So, can Happy become like this too?"

After Wakaba said that, everyone who heard it began to make up the picture in their mind. They used Lily's body as a base, then replaced the color with blue, and then put Happy's head on it, and it finally said Happy's signature word, Aye! In an instant, the people who made up this picture with their minds were all greatly impacted. Cana, who was drinking, spewed out all the alcohol in her mouth directly, Wakaba was almost choked to death by his own smoke, and Macao opened his mouth wide.

As for Makarov, this guy likes to sit on the counter, but with this brain supplement, he fell off the counter in fright.

"Isn't the picture of your mind create like this!"

At this time, Mira's devil persona was activated, and she instantly changed her appearance into the muscly Happy, and she also said the word, Aye. Seeing this, the group of people fell to the ground and couldn't get up anymore. Even Asahi felt his scalp numb when he saw this.

'Sure enough, Mira is worthy of being Mira. She really is a devil.'

Of course, this is not the key point. The key is that Elfman and Lily started fighting at this moment. Because of Lisanna's return, Mira recovered, so Mira brought Elfman to adapt to The Beast's power.

Because of guilt, the The Beast has become Elfman's weak point, and caused him to run berserk every time he try to use complete Take Over, but after Lisanna's return, coupled with the suppression of the devil Mira's, Elfman has also adapted to The Beast's power.

Knowing that Lily's power is very strong, Elfman directly used The Beast's form. The two slammed into each other, fist to fist, no weapons, only relying on brute force and skill.

The sound of fists colliding one after another rang, but even if he used complete Take Over, Elfman was not Lily's opponent. As the captain of the 1st Magic War Division, Lily's strength is not a joke. If there's no time limit, and he used his weapon, he would even be more powerful.

Lily can even tie against Erza, so Elfman is definitely not his opponent.

After all, in the face of Erza, who is going all out, the only thing Elfman can do is… being defeated by Erza within three moves.

Sure enough, the situation was only in a stalemate for half a minute, and Elfman couldn't stand it anymore. He was suppressed by Lily and couldn't fight back, but Lily also knew that he already wins, so it was time to stop.

"Lily wins!"

After the winner is decided, the group of people began to cheer. They already regard Lily as one of their own, as Asahi's identity is there.

"He's so powerful, I don't have the power to resist at all!"

Elfman was still a little dumbfounded. Lily was too fast, and he couldn't react at all.

"What Lily is good at is fighting with weapons instead of hand-to-hand. If it's not because this is just a spar, you will lose even faster. But your potential is still good and you still haven't fully utilized it yet, so keep working hard!"

Asahi shook his head and said.

"As expected of being the one who is favored by Shodaime-sama, but do all Exceeds have such ability?"

Looking at the cute and huggable Lily, Makarov seems to have an idea of ​​nurturing Happy. Although Happy is the mascot of Fairy Tail, there is no rule that mascots cannot be strong, right!

"Lily is quite special. Of course, the only difference between Exceed and humans is that they are cats and we are humans, as they also have wisdom and magic in their bodies."

"As long as they are willing, they can learn magic. There is no doubt about this!"

Asahi said, as he remembered Carla in the later stage managed to learn Transformation Magic, and can turn into cat-eared girl for a period of time. However, they seem to have less magic power in their bodies, so learning won't be not as smooth as humans.

Of course, it is completely different with Asahi here. Although the integration of magic power into the Natural Energy Source has not been fully developed, he can open Lily's Second Origin! In the past, he developed Natural Energy Source because other worlds did not have magic power. So he has never thought about incorporating magic attributes into it.

After all, there is no magic power inside the body, and there is no magic power in the outside world. In this way, adding magic power attributes is not only a waste of time but also useless. However, it seems to be okay now, but it will also take time. Asahi wondered if he should go to Dangai again.

"By the way, Master Makarov, I have to leave for a few days. Please take care of Lily can for the time being!"

As Asahi said that, he activated Archive and poured Makarov's Giant Magic into Lily's mind directly.

This magic is very suitable for Lily to learn, after all, Lily is taking the physical route, a pure close-combat route.

"There's even Archive. I wondered how much magics are recorded in Shodaime-sama's Archive!"

After watching Asahi instilling information into Lily and then left, Makarov expressed his envy.

"Master, what is Archive!"

Because Archive Magic is very rare, only few people know it. It is estimated that in Fairy Tail, the only one who knows about this are Makarov, Levy and Loke!

"Archive is a special kind of magic that stores knowledge. Only few people I know can use this magic. It can store all the data you collect, even including image and video data."

"This magic is equivalent to a portable library, and Shodaime-sama is a figure from more than four hundred years ago, so I am not surprised that he can use Archive. But his Archive probably contain the largest amount of information in the world. After all, he's already more than four hundred years!"

After Makarov finished speaking, everyone else also showed envious expressions.

"Amazing, if only I had such magic!"

Levy's eyes shined. For people like her who desire knowledge, this Archive Magic is really good. She wondered how to ask after Asahi came back. After all, she wanted this magic very much.