Chapter 354 Just In Time For Lucy’s Plot

Asahi once again went to the Dangai in the Bleach World. The last time he integrated into the Reiatsu attribute, it took him more than ten years. The more attributes he integrates, the more troublesome it will be.

It is like when combining two items into one, only the variables of the two items need to be considered, but once the third type is added, the difficulty increases sharply.

But fortunately, Asahi himself is proficient in magic, as it is one of the abilities extracted by the system, and he can use this thing better than Reiatsu.

So it's a bit simpler than Reiatsu, but because of the increase in variables, the time wasn't shortened, but was still lengthen. Fortunately, the test subjects are easy to find, as he just brought some monsters over.

And this time, he spent a total of twenty years. Although the magic is a little simpler than Reiatsu, it still took longer, but even so, only little time has passed in the outside world.

This is the advantage of working in Dangai. If they don't need to think about life, plus they can bear the loneliness, then there is no problem in staying here forever. To this kind of person, Dangai is simply… heaven.

After completing the research, Asahi updated the Energy Sources of the people in several other worlds. Regarding his efficiency, the others have nothing to say, as it is too fast.

After taking care of the other worlds, Asahi returned to the Fairy Tail World again, but after he came back, he found that Natsu was gone. Afterwards, he found Natsu is in Hargeon. Without thinking more about it, Asahi immediately went there directly.

The Hargeon incident is the incident that makes Lucy join. Of course, there is the traffickers like Bora of Prominence, which is the kind of person he hates the most. After all, what they have done cannot be forgiven.

Asahi didn't think too much about killing people, but this kind of human trafficker, he will really trample them to death when he sees one.

After reaching Hargeon, Asahi found that Natsu was already lying on the ground, but not because of other things, it's just because he is hungry. In fact, Natsu's current strength has reached S-Rank according to the indicators of other guilds.

But after experiencing Lisanna's incident, Makarov's promotion to S-Rank can be said to become extremely strict.

So even though Natsu has the strength, he is not allowed to become a S-Rank Mage.

However, in Natsu's situation, S-Rank mission is indeed not suitable for him, as the difficulty is a bit abnormal, and it can't be done with just brute force. Moreover, even a normal Mage won't be hungry like this.

To put it bluntly, Natsu is too reckless, and the damage caused on the way to the quest can be said to be more than their quest rewards.

So much so that Natsu is now hungry and can't walk, and so is Happy. Asahi was speechless when he saw this, 'These two people are both careless types. How did they survive until now?

After finding the two, Asahi invited them to a meal before Lucy.

"Resurrect! Shodai, what are you doing here? Do you also know that Salamander appear here?"

Natsu was resurrected with full HP after eating, and asked curiously.

"Sometimes, I really want to see what's inside your head. Just think, if there is Salamander in the city, can this city will still be so quiet? Moreover, don't you remember your own nickname?"

Asahi was a little speechless when he heard Natsu's words.

"So there is no Salamander here? By the way, what is my nickname?"

Natsu asked with a puzzled look.

"Your nickname is Salamander. Because the Dragon Slayer Magic you use of the fire attribute, the outside world calls you… Salamander (T/N: The Salamander in here is the same as fire dragon), so is Phantom's Black Steel."

"As for the news you heard, the Salamander here is talking about you, so that means, someone pretended to be you and was making troubles here. I wondered if those council's people are working hard or lazing around? They don't care about this kind of thing…!"

Asahi thinks that the Magic Council is basically… a cancer. It seems that they are deterring the Western Continent, but the reason why the Western Continent does not fight because Zeref did not show up, not because they are afraid of the weapons in their hands.

Against the Spriggan 12, those weapons are simply a pile of rubbish, and the Magic Council thought that its Etherion and Magic Pulse Bomb, Face, could deter the other party, which was ridiculous.

And Magic Council usually doesn't do anything, and it is not the first time that Bora has done his evil deeds.

Even when Bora did this kind of blatantly, they still didn't appear, but after Natsu finished the fight, they came out.

As for the follow-up plot, in the Lullaby incident, they were scared away and only come out later to arrest Erza because of the matter, in the Oracion Seis incident, they only come after the battle ends to capture Jellal and the others, in Tenrou Island incident, except for adding chaos, they didn't do anything. They are just simply a shit-stirring stick.

"Who dares to pretend to be our Fairy Tail's people and do bad things!!"

Natsu directly exploded when he heard this.

After that, Natsu followed Asahi and left, and then they come to the dock. At this moment, a group of girls were walking around a guy who was wearing flamboyant clothes, and Lucy was also there. However, this was not these girls' own ideas.

Rather, it's because of something Bora had in his hand, the magical devices used for Charm Magic. These girls didn't even know what was going on.

As for Lucy, she was conscious, but she couldn't control her body.

"Isn't Lucy in Edolas? How did she come here?"

After seeing Lucy, Natsu was a little confused.

"Natsu, that's not Lucy from Edolas, it's Lucy from our world!"

Happy understood what happened, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"Oh, then we can't just let our Lucy being bullied!"

After Natsu finished speaking, he rushed forward, and threw a punch towards Bora, and the Charm Magic was also shattered at this moment.

Originally, this plot had to wait until night, but Asahi didn't want to waste time with them until night.

Obviously, Natsu didn't know what happened, so he went straight to the fight Bora. Bora's strength was not strong, he is just a little better than normal Mage, so facing Natsu's fist, he was directly blown away.

"Damn… Bastard, who is it? Who dares to attack me? Don't you know that I am Fairy Tail's Salamander!"

Bora's nose was crushed, and several of his teeth were knocked off at this moment. It can be said that he was disfigured by Natsu.

Because of the Charm Magic has been broken, except for Lucy, all the girls just ran away!