Chapter 355 Violent Happy Is On The Stage

"Um…, is he your companion? Thank you so much. I didn't expect this Fairy Tail's guy to be such a person, using Charm Magic to charm other people. I was so blind that I wanted to join such a guild!"

Seeing the murderous Natsu, Lucy didn't strike up a conversation with him, but instead ran to Asahi and Happy's side, and started complaining. As expected of Lucy, the god of complaints, no matter what the venue, or the situation is, she can still complain.

"That guy is not from our guild. That guy should be the guy who was expelled from the Titan Nose Guild a few years ago. His name is Bora of Prominence. Natsu is the real Salamander. That guy is just a fake!"

Happy said very disdainfully. He recognized who the other party was, as Happy is still very good in this regard.

"Eh… Are you Fairy Tail's people?"

Lucy was stunned for a moment, and then she was ecstatic. She decided to join after hearing about Fairy Tail, but just now, she was disappointed.

But it didn't take long for this disappointment to become a surprise again. Since that guy is a fake, doesn't that mean that she can still join?

"Yes, Natsu is the one called Salamander!"

Happy explained, and after hearing Happy's words, Bora turned around decisively, and ran away. It's not because he was too cowardly, but because the enemy is too scary, after all, Fairy Tail's Salamander is very famous.

Why did he choose this person to pretend as? It's all because his magic is the same fire type, and Salamander's reputation is big enough.

"Bastard, don't run!"

When Natsu saw Bora running away, he immediately chased after him, but Natsu obviously forgot his situation. When he caught up with Bora, Bora had already ran into a ship, and for Natsu, ship is… his weakness.

After Natsu stepped on the ship, his combat power directly fall to zero, and he lay on the deck without moving.

"No, it's a vehicle!"

Happy also yelled in shock.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Lucy is a little confused, 'Is there a problem with vehicle?'

"Natsu is a dragon slayer, and all dragon slayers have a special feature, which is, they would turn dizzy inside a vehicle. Happy, I choose you!"

With that said, Asahi grabbed Happy and threw him out, and then he used Magnification Magic on Happy. In an instant, Happy's body became countless times, and it didn't stop until it was more than fifty meters tall.

A cat that was originally cute has become even more cute after becoming so big, but Happy himself is stunned.

"Happy, go!"

Just when Happy was a little confused, a golden halo appeared, and a golden sledgehammer flew out and it suddenly grew bigger, exceeding fifty meters, and then Happy picked it up.

"Now, use Smash on them!"

Asahi yelled to Happy, and Happy finally turned around. He also knew that he had grown bigger because of Asahi. At this moment, holding the hammer in his hand, Happy felt that he is invisible.

"Eat my hammer!"

Happy smashed the sledgehammer directly towards the ship. Of course, it only smashed the half of it and Natsu was not hit. The people on this ship are all human traffickers, so even if there is accidental injury, it will be fine.


Happy's hammer directly shattered the second half of the ship, causing the sawdust splashed around, and the sea water gushed, which showed the power of the hammer.

"Ahh… Isn't this too exaggerate! What the hell is going on? Is this the Fairy Tail's Mage? Even a cat is so strong!"

Lucy said as her three views have been refreshed over and over again. She thought that Salamander is strong, but he was defeated by a vehicle. And Happy, who she thought as useless, suddenly became so powerful. With the power of this strike, Lucy thought that no one among her Spirits could hold against it.

"I used Magnification Magic on Happy to magnify his body. As for the hammer, it is not a simple hammer, it can explode!"

Asahi suddenly showed a smirk, but Lucy was taken aback. In the next second, the place where the hammer hit the sea suddenly burst out with a burst of strong light, and then triggered a violent explosion. Natsu was directly blown away, and was transferred by Asahi to his side. While the dock and the city behind him were all protected by a magic circle.

Asahi didn't want to be branded as demolition madman, so he directly used his power to protect Hargeon.

In the original work, Natsu procrastinated too much. He could have defeated the opponent in seconds, but in the end, Lucy had no choice but to take action, which caused half of Hargeon to be destroyed. With such a method, it's no wonder they don't have money.

But now, although the explosion is so powerful that the seawater kept pouring in, it is well protected by Asahi, so there is no problem at all.

However, except for Bora, who is a little stronger, was blown up and paralyzed, everyone else was directly turned to ashes.

"Happy is amazing!"

Natsu, who had left the vehicle at this moment, also recovered. Seeing the violent Happy, who showed such great power, he was also stunned.

After that, Hargeon's Rune Knights also came over, and after knowing what happened, they didn't say much. Although these guys made a lot of commotion, they didn't destroy anything this time, so they didn't say anything.

"Happy, change back quickly, we are going back!"

Seeing that Happy still maintain the giant cat form, Natsu raised his head and shouted.

"Natsu, I don't know how to change back, and it's not that I grow bigger by myself! Shodai is the one who helped me grow bigger!"

Happy is also very helpless. Although he enjoys this kind of thing, he has become too big, and he is not used to it.

"Don't worry, Happy, take us to Magnolia!"

Asahi didn't restore Happy, nor did he teleport directly to Fairy Tail, but instead told Happy to bring them back.

After Happy became bigger, it was very comfortable to lie on Happy's body. He's just like a super huge plush toy. And after the Happy became bigger, his wings spread to a height of nearly a hundred meters, and the huge wings flapped at such a fast speed that it felt like they're flying like lightning.

"Hahahaha, it's so amazing, Happy, you're very fast, and I don't have to worry about getting dizzy from vehicle!"

Natsu sat on Happy with excitement and laughed wildly.

"Although I am shocked, why did I come up too!"

Lucy was a little confused, 'Why did these guys brought me along?

"Aren't you going to join Fairy Tail? We'll just go back together!"

Asahi looked at Lucy, who was still complaining, and said.

'As expected of the god of complaints, she really can complain anywhere.