Chapter 360 Need Education

"That's right, I guess only few people will believe this kind of thing, at most, they would only think Makarov is just bragging!"

Goldmine understood that if such words are spoken, the people who can believe them are either the person's closest and most trusted person, or insane, as normal people won't believe in such thing.

"That's right, the truth is the same, but you are kind. In that case, let me give you a small gift!"

Having said that, Asahi directly awakened Goldmine's Second Origin. The way he awakened the Second Origin is different from Ultear, as the person who was awakened will not have too much pain.

The Second Origin can be awakened at will, of course, Second Origin and Energy Source are not the same thing.

After the Second Origin is awakened, to put it bluntly, they would have another container for their magic power. As for what magic power needs to be incorporated, it depends on personal choice.

Natsu chose Laxus' electricity, Gajeel chose Rogue's shadow, and Erza chose Qi.

"This is… there is a second container of magic power in my body!"

In truth, the Second Origin can be regarded as a relatively secret thing, and there are not many people in the original work that can awaken it.

In the beginning, Ultear probably didn't make it, but it was made in the later stage. So it's normal for Goldmine to not know about it.

As for Makarov, he knows very clearly. After all, Asahi has explained to him that the creation of the Energy Source is based on the Second Origin.

"Goldmine, this time, you got a great gift. Shodai has helped you unlock the Second Origin. Now, you can choose to transform a type of attribute magic power in addition to the magic power you own."

"Furthermore, with the addition of the second magic power, your strength can also increase a lot!"

After Makarov finished speaking, Goldmine has a surprise look on his face. It is naturally a good thing to become stronger, and he can't wait to see the result. Among all the Guild Masters here, Makarov is the strongest.

Although the others are not much weaker, they are indeed a lot worse compared to the Ten Wizard Saints.

These Guild Masters used to be the mainstay of the guild, so how could their strength be weak? But Makarov is obviously much stronger than them, after all, this is hereditary.

Parents with powerful magic power will have a high probability of giving powerful magic power to their children. Ultear is like this, so is Makarov, and including August in Spriggan 12.

So naturally they can't be compared with Makarov. Furthermore, it is not a good thing to have a huge magic power since childhood, as it will be a disaster if the body is too weak to control it.

Whether it is Laxus or Ultear, their childhood is not so good.

After awakening the Second Origin, Goldmine also became Asahi's follower, but after that, Makarov did not promote Asahi casually, so the other Guild Masters didn't care.

The group of people chatted in various ways that Asahi thinks it is quite interesting. The old people have a lot of experience, and they are also very good at dealing with many problems.

There is no doubt that some old people are more stubborn, but sometimes, it is indeed good to listen to old people telling stories.

To be honest, at his age, although Asahi has experienced so many things, and it's also not small ones, he feels that his mentality is still very young, so he was inexplicably blended into this old people's group.

After Mira's magic letter was delivered, Makarov was shocked, because several demolition masters in the guild formed a team, which is a terrible match-up.

A single person can destroy a street at will, so if they are deployed together, they might destroy an entire city!

"Makarov, those guys are too dangerous to be left alone. After those destructive guys are here, I will teach them well!"

Asahi said. To be reasonable, the station incident this time, the blame is not on Erza and the others, but the Dark Guild.

But the matter with Lullaby after was different. They literally blew up a village, so they must be educated.

Of course, if there's no surprise, the members of the Council will come to make trouble, and he will be there at that time.

After all, this time, there will be no problem with the village as he is here, but the station on the other side is really not Natsu's blame this time, and it is completely caused by Erigor.

Erigor is good at using wind elemental magic, and the range and destructive power are very large, so how can they expect him to have a small damage range in a fight?

Of course, this class is also necessary, after all, these guys are too destructive and must be handled properly.

"I understand, then I'll leave this matter to Shodaime-sama!"

Makarov, who was very broken at first, had his spirit lit up immediately after hearing that Asahi wanted to help. Fairy Tail really needs to be changed. He still remembers that before Purehito left, it seemed that he was also one of the demolition masters.

It's just that after becoming the Guild Master, this problem was directly corrected. It was only after he became the Guild Master that he knew the difficulties of the Guild Master.

Being scolded twice every three days, he can't bear to live like this, so Makarov has learned it well.

But Fairy Tail is like magical place, as it will turn these people into the demolition masters. Of course, it is limited to only a few people, as the others are better, and they won't destroy things everywhere.

Knowing that Asahi was going to help, Makarov was also relieved, and doesn't worry about these things anymore.

When the night arrived, Makarov found a person was quietly approaching this place.

This person is Kageyama. He was persuaded into joining Blue Pegasus in the later period.

However, Makarov is still an experienced old man at any rate, and Kageyama has not been broken to the point of being hopeless, so after being lectured by Makarov, he directly regretted it and threw Lullaby to the ground.

"What a waste, I still have to do it myself. Wizard is really unreliable!"

After being thrown away by Kageyama, Lullaby became unhappy, and immediately began to grow bigger, returning to its original appearance. It was about a hundred meters tall and it was considered to be the most useless kind of demon.

It is estimated that it was a test product made by Zeref in the early stage. After all, technology is slowly maturing, so Lullaby should be manufactured much earlier than the Nine Demon Gates.