Chapter 361 The Birth of Golden Tyrant

"They finally caught up!"

At this moment, Asahi found that there was a big-sized black cat in the sky, and this black cat is… Lily.

Although Lily has only learned Giant Magic for a few days, his talent is good, so he can already use it. At this moment, although Lily cannot become as huge as Makarov when using Giant Magic, he is still able to grow to about five meters.

As for Natsu and the others, they are on Lily's back. As for Happy, this guy hasn't even started yet.

Happy is like a magic idiot. Even if Asahi has injected magic into his brain, this guy still can't learn anything.

Or that this cat is just too lazy. In the original work, Carla and Lily both have good fighting power, but Happy can only be a mascot from beginning to the end. Of course, in terms of flying, it is estimated that other Exceeds cannot be compared with him.

Jackal, who wanted to blow up the city, was obstructed by Happy, and Happy managed to stay alive while Jackal is dead. Moreover, he has saved Natsu several times in the original work.

Happy will always play the very surprising roles, but at this moment, Happy didn't do anything.

Lily can already become so big, but he is far from the goal of violent Happy.

"It's not bad, I can't just leave this guy be!"

Asahi said as he started to take action against Lullaby. Although Lullaby is not worth much experience, it is still worth something.

After a snap of a finger, dense golden circles appeared in the sky. There were as many as a thousand of them, almost turning the dark night into gold! After the circles appeared, before everyone could come back to their sense, a weapon came out from each of the circles. There are all kinds of them, and they all seem to be made of pure gold!

"It's so dazzling, is this... the light of the rich?"

Lucy said, as she shed tears of poverty. Although her family is rich, a person who runs away from home naturally cannot get any financial support.

Currently, she has a headache every day because of her own rent. Although she can pay it, the process is also a bit tortuous.

"It's incredible, those weapons look very powerful!"

Lily, who had returned to his normal size, had a serious expression on his face. He felt that these weapons exuded a powerful aura, and it is not inferior to some of the top magic items he had seen before.

In fact, Asahi only used the lowest-level Noble Phantasms. After all, if he wanted to use weapon barrage, there is no need to use the advanced ones.

"A lot of weapons, if they are all mine…"

Erza fell into a strange state, staring straight at these weapons without blinking. It must be known that she is using her weapons and armors to fight with versality, and the money she got from mission is usually used to purchase weapons or armors.

After all, Erza's strength depends on this. But now, seeing this, Erza suddenly discovers that those weapons are no less than the weapons she has.

"This seems to be the method of Shodai. I remember that the hammer in my hand was made by Shodai like this!"

Happy suddenly said. He remembered that he used this thing when he turned into the violent Happy before.

"This… This is, how is it possible? How can you still be alive!"

At this moment, Lullaby's eyes widened. This scene was quite familiar four hundred years ago. Lullaby still remembers that he was only a cannon fodder.

As a group of demons originally created by Zeref, he did not have strong strength, after all, he was just a trial work.

But in this era, his level of strength can be said to be kind of strong. Although he has been sealed for a long time because of chaos, but after he escaped, he can continue to cause troubles, but seeing this familiar golden light circle, Lullaby's face is full of horror.

"It looks like you know it too, but I need you to die!"

With another snap of fingers, countless Nobles Phantasms spewed out, forming a golden torrent which shot towards Lullaby.

In the face of this golden torrent, although Lullaby wanted to resist, he couldn't do anything. Every golden weapon that hit him would trigger an explosion, and soon, the explosion swallowed Lullaby's huge body.

However, such a terrifying explosion did not damage the ground at all. This is the control of power.

After a wave of bombing, Asahi directly recovered the Noble Phantasms after they penetrated Lullaby. In this wave of bombing, Lullaby's huge dead tree body was blown to pieces, but apart from the two large footprints he left at the beginning, the ground has not been affected in the slightest.

Lullaby was directly crushed to pieces. Asahi couldn't understand what those people thought. This kind of demon is not unkillable, but they just sealed the other party, and it became troublesome in the end.

"He… he just kills it like that!"

Seeing that the demon at this level was so easily dealt with, the person who was shocked the most here is not the other people, but Gray. It's because he had encountered Deliora.

At that time, after he learned a little magic, he ran to deal with Deliora. Thinking about it carefully, how did a magician who has only learn magic fight against Deliora, which was known to destroy a lot of cities? In the end, the final result of the battle is Gray ruined his teacher. Speaking of which, Gray's role in the original work seems to always add to the chaos at critical moments.

The Deliora incident or the Dragon Controlling Girl incident, he did not hesitate to attack Natsu after knowing little information. It's as if Natsu owes him something. This kind of supporting role is really making people speechless. And among the late-stage Fairy Tail's members, this guy is the most troublesome. (T/N: The Dragon Controlling Girl is the girl in this filler,

Other people are at adding chaos accidentally at most, but Gray is different, as he is actually adding chaos deliberately.

Moreover, one lesson is not enough, and two lessons are also not enough, as if he just likes to make things happen.

Of course, those… are all for later. The current Gray is undoubtedly the most surprised now, as existence of demon is the shadow in his heart, but now, this demon was destroyed so easily.

If they are the one who did it, even if they can do so together, the village will basically disappear, but now that Asahi did it, he didn't even hurt a single grass.

"Is this Shodai's strength? He's so powerful. I wonder if the weapons in his hands can be sold!"

At this moment, Erza was staring at the weapons in Asahi's hand. She was very envious of it. After returning to the guild, Erza was stunned when she saw Lisanna, and after knowing what happened, she regretted for not coming back earlier, and now that he finally saw the real person, she cared more about his weapons.

Asahi gave her the feeling that he is a shining super local tyrant, the legendary Golden Tyrant!