Chapter 363 The Council is Here

"These two weapons… What a powerful ability!"

After getting the two Noble Phantasms, Erza's face changed. Noble Phantasms have level restrictions, and in some special worlds, high-level Noble Phantasms may not be as good as the low-level ones.

It's like Rule Breaker. Although this thing is only C+ Rank, it is absolutely invincible against all magic.

"Those two spears will be handed over to you, remember to take of those boys!"

Asahi gave out two spears and it doesn't feel distressed at all. The reason is that, he can take it back at any time, and also most of the Noble Phantasms are of no use to him. It is better to spread and let others help him to harvest experience.

"Erza, are these two weapons very powerful?"

Although they are a little afraid of Erza, Natsu, Gray and Lucy all threw a very curious look.

"It's very powerful, much stronger than the armor I hold. This red spear is called Gae Dearg. It can cut through the opponent's magical barriers and blessings. It is completely... the nemesis of Jutsu Shiki."

"The yellow one is called Gae Buidhe. Once hit by this spear, the damage caused will be cursed and cannot be healed. Unless this spear is destroyed, the curse will last forever!"

Erza was extremely shocked. These two spears are simply… abnormal, but she felt that it would be better to use less of Gae Buidhe, lest it be destroyed.

The harm caused by this spear is irreversible, and she is also reluctant to destroy this spear. So in the future, unless she faces an opponent who must kill, she will not use it.

But even Gae Dearg is already abnormal enough. Although the magic-destroying attribute cannot be directly assigned to attack-type magic, but the magic of this world, even the Dragon Slayer Magic, relies on the magic blessing to make the physical fitness rise quickly. In terms of resistance to beating, in Fairy Tail and even other guilds, Natsu and the other dragon slayers is almost incomparable.

As for Jutsu Shiki, this is equivalent to a special magic barrier, so when facing this spear, it is completely useless.

This spear is simply the nemesis of barrier. Once they encounter this spear, it will be destroyed easily with just a poke.

In short, Erza is a very happy now, and everyone else's eyes are red when they hear the effect of the weapon in her hands.

These spears is even more valuable than artifact-level existence. Well, the guild leaders of other guilds who heard this also gasped in shock.

They really can't understand how such a weapon exists, as it's too exaggerated.

"Although these two weapons are good, you need to be careful when using them. After all, the weapons are dead and have upper limits!"

Asahi said. Although these attributes are amazing, it is not almighty. Such as when facing Zeref. Let's not say whether she can hit him or not, just talk about the opponent's magic skills, and it is not something these his spears can handle.

Because of Lullaby, this meeting ended just like that, mainly because a group of people from the Council came her, that is, those guys who were scared off by Lullaby's big move in the original work.

Asahi really doesn't know how this group of idiots get here? After all, they ran away when they saw something wrong, faster than anyone else.

Makarov also didn't want to deal with the people from the Council, so he simply left when they arrived. The group of people quickly returned to Fairy Tail. On the way, Natsu and Gray also wanted this kind of treasure.

But it is a pity that Asahi will not give it to them, after all, they are not using weapons, and it will be messy if they get weapons.

Asahi can give his weapons, but it depends on the person. Natsu is okay, as he would just messing around, but if he gave it to Gray, maybe one day the weapon will be aimed at his own people.

Returning all the way back to Fairy Tail, they didn't encounter the things in the original work. After all, everyone was brought back by Lily, and there was no detour. In this regard, Natsu wanted Happy to strengthen his training more than once.

After seeing Lily's situation, he knew tht if Happy can become like this, he won't have to worry about traveling in the future.

After all, he would be finished once in a vehicle, which is a tragedy. As for Laxus, it seems that except for super long-distance missions, he would just run with his own legs for the mission. It can only be said that the disadvantage of the dragon slayer is domineering.

In fact, according to this theory, since slayers Irene, the Queen of Dragons, and Acnologia, the Dragon King, are also the dragon, they will still have motion sickness even in their dragon forms. So in this case, they can just prepare two large enough cars or boats to deal with them, as it will reduce the strength of the two by 99%! (T/N: Well, in the original work, they do that with Acnologia.)

After returning to Fairy Tail, before Asahi had time to rest, he encountered another incident.

The people from the Council came to the door, and the purpose was about the destroyed station. It was Erigor's fault for the station to be destroyed, as Erigor's magic was very powerful in range and power, and it was also very destructive.

Although there are some of Natsu and the others' blames in it, it can't be helped at that time, so they really can't be blamed.

This time, these people came with an arrest warrant. In fact, Makarov also knew very well that they wanted to capture Erza only through a scene, and she will be released in a few days. Magic Council still doesn't dare to tear off the face with Fairy Tail.

But Asahi is unhappy with this. Now that Fairy Tail is his, and he is a person who protects his own people, if it is his own person's fault, then there is nothing to say, but now it is obviously Erigor's fault, so he can't just let them bring Erza away.

"Bastard, I'll beat him to death!"

At this moment, Natsu was dragged by a group of people, and the envoy of the Council opposite was a frog, which seemed to be a race of this world.

It's just that this race is now working in the Council, and these frogs' characters are completely treacherous villains.

However, it is indeed very good for the Magic Council to such people to deal with criminals. The wicked have their own wickedness, but it is a bit too much to deal with people from other guilds, just look at them, even their faces look evil.

"As far as I know, the incident at the station should have been caused by Shinigami Erigor. Don't tell me your Council don't know about this kind of thing."

"Also, the reason why Lullaby was stolen was also because of your Council's negligence. Why don't you check your own problems first?"

Asahi didn't intend to give the other party any face, and when he opened his mouth, Makarov also shut up. He knew that with Asahi here, there's no need to worry.