Chapter 364 Go For a Stroll Around The Council

Asahi has spoken, so the whole Fairy Tail was quiet. Although Makarov is now the president, he respects Asahi.

After all, Asahi is the one who founded Fairy Tail, and he is also not comparable to him in terms of strength and means. So since Asahi has come forward, as long as he shut up, it will be over, and he also knows very well that the Magic Council is going to be unlucky this time.

"You… what do you mean by talking like that? Do you want to be arrested? This is an arrest warrant issued by the Council!"

The Frogman was taken aback. He has always had the Magic Council as his backers, and when he pretends to be powerful, the other guilds would treat him well and even treat him with delicious food. When has he encountered such a hard stubble!

"The arrest warrant issued by the Council? Just right, I also plan to go to the Council to have fun and have a chat with them!"

After saying that, Asahi directly shrunk down the member of the Council to the size of an ant, then wrapped him in a barrier and pinched him in his hand.

"Erza, this matter has something to do with you, come with me!"

Asahi looked back at Erza, and Erza also nodded. After that, Asahi directly used Space Magic and disappeared with Erza.

"It seems that the Magic Council is going to be out of luck. I hope that Shodai will not make matters too big!"

Makarov also has a headache, but he doesn't think Asahi was doing anything wrong, after all, he will also protect his own people.

"Why don't we follow along to see?"

Suddenly someone suggested, which caused the others to show interested expressions.

"Aren't you guys too strange? Even if he is the First Guild Master, the other party is the Council that controls the magic resources of the entire continent. Can one person really compete with such a behemoth?"

Lucy's mouth twitched and she started to complain again. She didn't know whether to say these guys were too easily convinced or something.

"Don't worry, what should be worried about is the members of the Council. Although I don't know how strong Shodai is, he must be much stronger than the Ten Wizard Saints."

"Right now, in the entire Council, there is only one Ten Wizard Saints, Siegrain, and he is still very young."

"Although the Council is not weak, it is impossible to threaten Shodai, and Shodai still has Space Magic, so no one can threaten him at all."

"Furthermore, it's not that I look down on the Council. If they really do something to Fairy Tail, then our Fairy Tail is not weaker than their Council. And they would be the ones who died at the end!"

Makarov didn't look down on the other party, but told the truth. Not to mention anything else, there is still Fairy Heart hidden under Fairy Tail's building, and releasing it can give them with infinite magic power.

With infinite magic power, even a small fireball can be charged to become a giant fireball with diameter with over a kilometer.

So the magic will naturally undergo a qualitative change, even if it is weak mage, they would become much stronger with Fairy Heart.

If he is really anxious, he will directly use Fairy Heart, and then directly send a big gift to the Council.

Of course, these are not the point. Now that Asahi has made a move, he didn't have to do anything. As for Mest Gryder, he has already told Asahi about him, after all, the other party is the First Guild Master, so the series of layouts he made have all been known to Asahi.

So he didn't worry about Mest's safety at all. And the others, who wanted to go to watch the fun, were blocked by him.

It is far from here to the Magic Council Headquarters, and they don't know Space Magic. The only one who can is still working in the Council and acts as an undercover agent.

So when they arrived there, the matter will already be finished. Moreover, he can just wait for the news, after all, there are his old friend in the Council.

On the other side, Erza only feels a dizzy for a moment, and then the scene comes from the guild to the Council.

"This… how could it be possible to move from Magnolia to here in an instant?!"

Erza's eyes widened. She hadn't seen Space Magic before, but seeing them moving from one city to another in such a little time, isn't it a bit abnormal?

Mest can do such thing to, but he needs to constantly shift with several transfer point, and when he teleported to another city, he would be exhausted.

"Don't be limited by your vision to grow, because this world is not as simple as you imagined. Let's just mention the continent under your feet. Among the people I know, someone can tear down this continent and recreate it, do you believe it?"

Asahi said a little amused. It might be unbelievable now, but it won't be anymore in the future. Irene is still Erza's mother, and she can use Universe One to directly restructured Ishgar Continent in the original work.

Unless Irene is defeated, this magic will not disappear, which is simply too overpowered.

"Recreate… the continent!"

Erza's eyelids began to twitch wildly. If it is said that house can be demolished and rebuilt, and even the city can be demolished and rebuilt, she could understand it, but what the hell is the continent? How big is the continent? How can the continent be demolished and rebuilt, it's too much.

Now Erza suddenly discovered how ridiculous the strength she is proud of. If such a terrifying character really exists, then their strength really doesn't need to be said.

Even if she could destroy a mountain, it would take a lot of effort, but the other party can actually demolish the mainland and rebuild it.

"That involves a special magic, and I can do it too, but I don't usually bother to use it. After all, this kind of magic is usually not that useful!"

Asahi can naturally use Universe One too, but he is not bored enough to play around with people's world and continent. When Erza is still in a daze, Asahi took the lead to enter the Council. When he met some people who blocked them, he would all shrunk them and thrown them into the magic barrier.

At this moment, he held a crystal ball with a diameter of fifteen centimeters in his hand. This is the barrier, and the people who have been shrunk are locked in it.

These guys can also look at the scene outside, so they are currently attacking the magic barrier, but with the little attack power the little power they have, even if they are given ten thousand years, they won't be able to break the barrier.

In this way, Asahi and Erza came to the meeting chambers of the Council's members without hindrance. Erza was looking at Asahi's operation in shock. The strength gap was too big, so she is unable to understand how this was done.

But this did not prevent her from being shocked. In this way, the two of them pushed all the way to the meeting chambers. There are some soldiers on the way, but it was useless for them to come. This time, Asahi felt that the members of the Council must be changed.

He planned to take care of these hidden dangers, including Jellal, otherwise, he would not have brought Erza with him.