Chapter 365 Exposing Jellal

"Why is it so noisy outside…"

Inside, the Council's members, who were dealing with some matter, were very angry at the noise coming from outside.

They need to deal with a lot of things every day, and what they need is quietness, but it is so noisy outside.

But before he could finish his words, the door opened directly, after which Asahi and Erza walked in without any hesitation.

"Fairy Tail's Mages? Why did you come in alone? Where's the person sent to arrest you?"

The moment they saw Erza, they thought that the people they had sent over had already arrested Erza, but when they thought about it carefully, the time was wrong, and there is also no magic handcuff on Erza.

The last is… Asahi. They don't know this stranger, so they are confused now.

"You should be looking for these guys!"

Asahi directly released the first guy he caught in the barrier.

"Chairman, this guy is from Fairy Tail. He resisted the arrest and captured us. Right now, there are still many people locked in the barrier in his hand!"

After coming out, the frogman started crying and complaining frantically, which made Asahi's ears hurt.

"Your voice is really bad, you should go back and stay there!"

Asahi was a little speechless, and locked this guy back again. He then looked at these Council's members. There are several people here who he is quite familiar with. There is Org, who is good at doing things in the later stage, but right now, he still hates Fairy Tail.

Next are Jellal, Ultear, Makarov's friend, Yajima, and Michello, who was hunted down by Jackal in the later stage.

These guys are the people Asahi is familiar with. As for the other extras, Asahi doesn't even have any interest in knowing them.

"How dare you attack the Council so blatantly? Do you Fairy Tail want to be identified as a dark guild?"

Looking at the other party's methods, the speaker was in a cold sweat. They just planned to arrest someone and make some scene, and then release them.

Their Council also need to give an explanation to the outside world, right? But now, the other party actually wanted to fight them.

If they had known that this kind of thing would happen, they would directly throw the blame on Erigor and the others, of course, toughness is a must.

Right now, they didn't dare to show their weak side, otherwise, they can't figure out what the consequences will be.

"What a great authority! But that's right, your Council does have this qualification, but your Council itself is a place where a lot of dirt are hidden, hiding some little secrets that others don't know!"

There was a hint of frivolousness in Asahi's words, and the Council's members, except for Jellal, Ultear, and Yajima, all began to scold him, saying that Asahi can't talk nonsense.

"Why? Don't you understand what I said? Then, I'll just say it, Jellal-san, shouldn't it be time for you to come out and say something?"

Asahi said and looked at Jellal. Jellal here is transformed into Siegrain, but he is just Jellal's clone, which he made with Thought Projection, and this body also has sufficient strength.

In order to work more efficiently, Jellal divided himself into two after taking the position of the Ten Wizard Saints.

The strengths of the two bodies are great, but only after they are combined can he show the power of a Ten Wizard Saint.

But even so, the current him is stronger than some S-Rank Mages.

"What do you mean, sir? I am not Jellal. Although I do have a relationship with Jellal, but my name is Siegrain, and Jellal is a criminal, everyone knows this!"

Jellal said with a faint smile. He is very smart and knew that his identity could not be hidden for a long time, so he simply made up an identity.

"Really? Your name is Siegrain? But why do I feel that you are a Thought Projection? I know your secret. Don't you just want to launch the Etherion to shoot at the Tower of Heaven after the Tower of Heaven is completed?"

"The Tower of Heaven is something created by Zeref, and it can be used to revive others. However, in addition for building, it also requires a huge supply of magic power."

"But it's a pity that you can't do it alone, plus everyone on your side can't do it, but the power of Etherion can."

"The Tower of Heaven is like a huge energy storage device. Once the Etherion is shot at it, it will be absorbed and transformed into a Larcima. That plan is not bad!"

Asahi didn't hesitate at all, and directly exposed Jellal. Instead of letting this guy causes troubles later, it's better to deal with him now.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm Siegrain, not Jellal!"

When his purpose was known, Jellal's face sank at this moment. It can't be helped, after all, since Asahi said it here, the others also heard it.

After that, if he still asked for the activation of the Etherion, which is necessary, he will definitely be suspected by everyone.

But if he doesn't take this path, it will take him at least more than ten years to gather this much magic power, as the project is too big.

Therefore, his plan can be said to be completely ruined, and this Etherion is not something that he can activate by himself, as it needs everyone to vote for its activation. That means, Jellal's path ahead is almost directly blocked.

But he still doesn't want to reveal his identity, so even if his face becomes ugly, he still opens his mouth to refute Asahi.

Since he is still too young, some changes have taken place in his expression. Most of the people here are old fox, so seeing Jellal's reaction, their experience tells them that there's definitely problem from with 'Siegrain'.

Their strength can't be compared to Jellal, but those who can get to this level are quite accurate in judging people.

Before this, Jellal's disguise is very good and he didn't show his tail, so these people naturally couldn't see it, but now, because of his anger and frustration, he has shown a flaw.

Although the others don't know the truth of this matter, they can easily see that Jellal must have something wrong.

Even if what Asahi said is not the truth, these people knew that Jellal also hides some secrets.

"Don't just refute it like that. I remember that you are just a Thought Projection now, so your strength is not as amazing as Ten Wizard Saints, then Erza, I'll leave him to you!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to Jellal. And after hearing Asahi's words, Erza also reacted, and she requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and rushes forward.