Chapter 366 Compromise

In the face of Erza's attack, Jellal's face changed. Erza's strength was not weak. Although she is just an S-Rank Mage in Fairy Tail, Erza had become a powerful Mage a long time ago.

In the case of a real outbreak, Erza's strength is no less than that of the current Jura.

Fairy Tail is a real Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, especially Laxus.

He wasted seven years inside the Fairy Sphere. Otherwise, seven years later, he would be able to destroy the fifth-ranked Jura without the Second Origin, and his combat power won't be comparable to others.

And the existence of Erza, Mira, and Mystogan are no less than Jura.

Jellal's strength can be comparable to the older Ten Wizard Saints, but the current him, because using Thought Projection to divide himself into two, can't reach the level of Ten Wizard Saints at all.

Facing Erza's powerful offensive, he can't hide anymore and used the Heavenly Body Magic. At this moment, the meeting chambers has become the arena for the two to fight.

But Jellal soon felt a little uncomfortable, because Erza took out Gae Dearg.

The magic-breaking attribute made the magic blessing on Jellal's body to disperse. Heavenly Body Magic's Meteor is also a kind of blessing, so when facing Erza's Gae Dearg, it is directly destroyed.

Because of that, his speed dropped in an instant. He also used Grand Chariot, but he still needed to make the magic circle in the sky. Seeing the magic circle, Erza directly attacked it, and the magic circle was gone in an instant.

After seeing this, Jellal's face turned green. He also wondered where Erza got this awesome weapon.

This time, from the very beginning, he was restrained to death. In fact, he can't be blamed for this. If there's a need to blame something, he can blame his magic. His magic activation is different from other people, as many of them are blessing types, and it also requires magic circle to activate.

This is true even for Abyss Break, so all of these techniques have been restrained by Erza's Gae Dearg. Moreover, Erza has exploded at the moment, so Jellal's Thought Projection will soon be passively beaten.

"Ultear, why are you still watching?"

Jellal was extremely angry at the moment. Ultear didn't help him, but just watched the show instead. He wondered what is wrong with this subordinate of his.

"I'm sorry, Siegrain-sama, it's not that I won't help you, but there's someone who won't let me. If I move, I'll die!"

Ultear said with an innocent look. In fact, to put it bluntly, she just didn't want to do anything, she was also staring at Asahi.

Asahi didn't mean that, but she also knew that Jellal could not run away this time, so why bother to help Jellal? It's better to just give up.

Anyway, Jellal is just one of the toys in her hands.

Jellal created the Tower of Heaven because he wanted to resurrect Zeref, but Ultear, one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory, knows very well that Zeref is not dead, as Hades has told them.

Since she knew the truth, the Tower of Heaven is just a joke, showing how evil Ultear is.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Ultear didn't intend to make a move, Jellal was annoyed, causing him to be at more disadvantage. He was directly hit by a move and then seriously injured.

At this moment, Jellal also knew that he was not strong enough to win, so after giving Ultear an angry look, the Thought Projection left directly.

His main body could not be transmitted here, but the Thought Projection itself is an incorporeal body, so he just went straight back.

Everyone who saw this scene also knows that what the person from Fairy Tail said is true.

With this revelation, then the matter of the Tower of Heaven is also true. If the other party uses the Etherion to resurrect Zeref, they don't know what to do.

If the Dark Ages come, they will be… sinners. Except for Ultear, all the Council's members, including Gran Doma, broke out in a cold sweat. The current Gran Doma has not yet had anything to do with Tartaros yet.

"Ultear, where did that guy go?"

Thinking of this, the Council's members began to frantically target Ultear. After all, they all know that Ultear and Jellal are in the same group, and they are basically inseparable.

"Well, how would I know? I followed him only because I was just a weak woman, but I didn't know he was a criminal either!"

Ultear said innocently. In this regard, the other Council's members' faces were also darkened. Since the other party did not admit it, they really can't do anything about it.

Although everyone knows Siegrain's identity now, and Ultear is close to him, there is no evidence.

And Ultear is also a Council's member, which is equivalent to their status. Even if they want to let the other party withdraw from her position, they need a reasonable reason.

And if the other party said she doesn't know about it, they could do nothing.

If it's just a normal person, they can just arrest them, and after making a big deal of it, they will ask again, but now, it is different. Ultear is a Council's member, so this method cannot be used.

This makes all members of the Magic Council very uncomfortable, as if a fishbone was stuck in their throats and they couldn't speak.

"Everyone, have you forgotten about us? I have already recorded all of you, including everything that happened just now. What do you think will happen after I spread this thing?"

Looking at this group of Council's members, Asahi took out a Lacrima, and some scenes were playing inside. It was exactly what these people looked like just now, and the whole incident that happened.

As long as Asahi spread this thing to the outside world, then these Council's members will be in bad luck.

Although they will not die or be imprisoned, their prestige will be completely gone, and they must step down from the positions as Council's members.

"You… what do you want to do?"

The people here are nothing more than a group of people who are greedy for power. They naturally don't want this kind of thing to happen, so they immediately make a compromise.

"It's very simple. Don't target Fairy Tail after this. As for the destruction, I will take care of it. Remember not to be too picky. I can give this thing to people in various cities, after all, I am a person with a large social circle."

"So, for the sake of your status, it's better for you to be honest with me. Of course, it doesn't matter if you are not honest, as I will just send you all on the way together!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he released a terrifying killing intent to everyone except Yajima.

His killing intent cooperated with the MEoDP, which caused the real power of death to fill everyone's minds.

Even Ultear was so scared that her face was pale and she directly sat on the ground while trembling, let alone the others, as everyone was so scared that they couldn't move, and even some people were so scared that they leaked out.