Chapter 368 Are You All Idiots?

Without mentioning the affairs of the Council and Makarov, at this moment, Asahi has brought Erza to the Tower of Heaven.

"This is… the Tower of Heaven, I didn't expect them to actually complete it!"

Looking at this tower, Erza's complexion is extremely complicated, after all, this is where everything started.

Back then, she was caught and brought here, was oppressed here, awakened magic here, learned about Fairy Tail here, lost important people here, and was also betrayed here.

Now that she is back, this tower is no longer a half-finished product, and it only need magic power to become a finished product.

"I brought you here so that you can finish everything. Jellal is here. Of course, before you talk to him, you have to deal with the others, who are protected by you and hate you!"

Asahi said and pointed to the entrance in front of him. At this moment, a group of people appeared here.

They're none other than Erza's companions from Tower of Heaven, Simon, Millianna, Sho, and Wally.

"Long time no see, Nee-san, when Jellal said you are here, I still don't believe it, but I didn't expect you to really come!"

Sho looked at Erza and spoke, but Asahi didn't want to talk nonsense with them, and directly transferred part of the memory into their minds in the form of images.

"This… what is this!!"

At this moment, there were more memories in their mind, and these people were quickly immersed in it.

This memory is… the memory of when Jellal threatened Erza.

"Shodai, what happened to them?"

Seeing these people suddenly stopped talking, Erza was a little worried. Even though many years have passed, there are some things that can't be let go, at least, her companionship can't be forgotten.

"It's nothing, I just gave them some information, so I don't have to explain it, as they might not believe it."

"But their brains are not very useful. Although children are indeed easy to cheat, these guys are the few people who are so easy to deceive!"

Asahi looked at these people speechlessly, as these people are really weird.

At that time, Jellal threatened Erza and then blew up all the boats, so Erza could only leave alone. These children then were deceived by Jellal, but when they grew up, it was only Simon who trusted Erza.

This is why Asahi think that there is a problem with their brains. Erza did not have any conflicts of interest with them at the time, and if Erza has a problem, after she awakens her magic, she can run on her own, regardless of the life or death of the others.

But in the end, Erza led the others to kill all the dark wizards in the Tower of Heaven.

What is this for? This forms a paradox with what Jellal said later about Erza blowing up the ship.

Also, afterwards, Jellal planned to continue to build tower, and the others could not leave without a boat, but some problems should also be seen from this.

In addition, prisoners are not just children who grow up, so if the adults think about it carefully, they should have found that there is a problem.

The embarrassing things they did when they were young will feel embarrassing and ridiculous in retrospect when they grow up, but they still chose to believe in Jellal.

Of course, now that they received the memory, they finally know the truth.

"How could it be possible? We were deceived by Jellal and helped him complete a tower!"

Sho and the others' expressions collapsed a bit, but Simon showed the same expression, as he's not surprised.

"I'm sorry, Erchan, we…"

Milliana looked at Erza with a guilty expression on her face, and now she was also thankful. Fortunately, she didn't attack Erza immediately, otherwise, it would be difficult for her to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

"There's no need for that. Now that it's clear, then we should go to the culprit and settle the account."

Erza didn't ask others to apologize, as she never blamed these people.

"I didn't expect to be the target of being used in the end, wait, Simon, why are you so calm?"

Seeing Simon's face that didn't change at all, the others were a little confused.

Although Simon is usually calm, but after experiencing such a thing, his mood  should be a little fluctuating.

"I have never doubted Erza from the beginning, but because there is no evidence in my hand, and we are all on Jellal's side, so I don't have to say much, otherwise, we might be dealt with by him!"

Simon said. He already knows very clearly, and there is no need to say more. In this regard, the others are very speechless.

Simon showed his powerful feeling at this moment, but this also made them even more guilty.

Simon chose to trust Erza because he believed that Erza would not do anything to betray them, but the others were different. They wavered and did not trust Erza.

"Well, now that this matter has been clarified, it's time to talk to the culprit!"

Asahi directly transferred everyone to the highest level. This is where Jellal is located. And right, there is no one except a few of them.

As for the Trinity Raven in the original book, they haven't been hired yet.

"It looks like you already learned the truth!"

Seeing the group of people who appeared in front of him, Jellal squinted his eyes.

To be honest, he is not very panicked now, because his power has been combined. In this case, it is not too much trouble for him to fight them, even with Erza's magic spear.

Jellal, who had regained his self-confidence, was naturally not afraid of them.

"Jellal, how dare you deceive us!"

Sho was angry when he saw Jellal. This young naive man could not suppress his inner thoughts, but his magic was too trashy.

This kind of Card Magic is not that amazing, as even Jellal does not need to do anything, and just use his magic power to cancel it out.

"Attacking me with the magic I taught you, Sho, you are always the most naive one…!"

Jellal said disdainfully, which made Sho even more angry, but he was pulled by the others. They aren't Sho, and knew the strength of Jellal. As one of the Ten Wizard Saints, they are not comparable to him.

"Jellal, looking at you, it seems that you are still confident, ah, so sure that you can beat us?"

Asahi said with a bit of surprise, where the confidence and courage were inflated because of the combination of two, but he was right after thinking about it.After all, it was Erza before, and it is estimated that this guy thought he was just a supporter. The existence of the class.