Chapter 369 Finishing Jellal

"Although I don't know who you are, but since you are with Erza, you should also be a Fairy Tail's person."

"Among Fairy Tail, the other I'm afraid of except Makarov is only Gildarts, but unfortunately, neither of them are here!"

Jellal said with disdain, but he seemed to have missed one person, which is Laxus.

When Laxus exploded with all his strength, he would be able to press Jellal on the ground at this stage.

"It's normal for you to think so, but Fairy Tail is not as simple as you think!"

After saying that, Asahi snapped his fingers, and a large number of golden circles opened. Right now, Erza is not comparable to Jellal.

So naturally, he needed to take action himself. As for Jellal's words, he felt it was just a joke.

Why is Fairy Tail called Fairy Tail? It's because they have powerful cheat, the Nakama Power. By saying we are the Fairy Tail's Mages, they would be more powerful than the enemy, and even Acnologia can't do anything.

To put it bluntly, cheating is as simple as eating and drinking for them, and it is normal to for the enemy to be killed by the plot, but it is a pity that Jellal does not know it.

And he didn't have any chance to know. Although he didn't plan to kill Jellal directly, he still planned to let Erza end him.

But with Erza's character, she will still suffer if there is no accident. Of course, this is not the time to talk about this.

Asahi planned to abolish most of Jellal's combat power, so countless Noble Phantasms shot out crazy.

The highest level of the Noble Phantasm that Asahi can get now is A+ Rank.

Even though no real name was liberated, in the face of such a barrage attack, Jellal couldn't stop it! Countless Noble Phantasms fell like golden raindrops, which made Jellal even see a scene where he used Grand Chariot, but this one is much more powerful than Grand Chariot.

A large number of Noble Phantasms shot out, and it is not just a wave, but wave after wave, like crazy bombing.

Half of the Tower of Heaven was destroyed under this frenzied bombardment.

"It's too exaggerated, is this the legendary throwing money to kill people?"

Seeing Asahi madly shooting all kinds of golden weapons, everyone is speechless. They felt that Asahi is like a local tyrant, using money to hit people. All of his weapons are made of gold, so now, the sky is full of golden glitters.

As for these people, there are magic barrier arranged in advance, so they are not affected by this bombardment.

But at this moment, they all have a vague thought in their hearts, that is, they feel sorry for Jellal.

His plan fails before, and now, a local tyrant actually used money to smash his face, and even the Tower of Heaven is collapsing.

After working for it for a few years, all of Jellal's plans have been directly ruined.

Even if he was to start from scratch, it would take several years to rebuild such a high tower.

And the most important thing is not this, but that he might not be able to live until then.

Soon, the bombing was over, and at this moment, the tower was also in ruins. Seeing this, Jellal was very depressed.

He thought that Asahi was just an extra with mediocre combat power, but now, he discovered that the other party is too powerful, and these waves of bombing made him doubt his life.

And the most helpless thing is that he couldn't do anything against it. After being suppressed by Asahi's firepower, his defense is quickly broken. As for fighting back, he doesn't even think about it.

After being bombarded crazily like this, he was very doubtful of his life, and his physical injuries are also very serious.

If he can use 100% of the combat power before, he can now use 30 % at most, and it is also overestimated.

"Erza, I'll leave this guy to you. You should take care of it yourself, but I still have to say, be careful, after all, this guy will do everything!"

Asahi reminded everyone to be careful, but although these people listened to it, it is estimated that they will still suffer a loss.

After Asahi stopped, it gave Jellal some breathing space.

Erza and the others plan to settle everything, but to be honest, by asking them to really kill Jellal, they still can't do it.

Moreover, Jellal's acting skills are now activate, and his performance is the same as in the original work.

As a result, this group of people were deceived again, and except for Erza, the others are trapped by Jellal's Bind Snake.

"I told you to be careful, but my words seemed to be just winds for you guys!"

Asahi is very speechless when he saw this.

Jellal did not feel any guilt or hesitation at all when he acted, while Erza and the others showed all kinds of hesitation.

"Let me go, or I will kill them!"

Jellal didn't have the idea of ​​killing these people, as he needs to leave here now, and these people are hostages, which is his shield, so he can't kill them, otherwise, he will be finished too.

"Have you forgotten one thing? I know Space Magic!"

Asahi looked at Jellal with a smile and snapped his fingers, and then, the few people disappeared under Jellal's bewildered expression, and then appeared next to Asahi, and the Bind Snake on their body are also directly removed.

But at this moment, including Erza, everyone are like children who have done something wrong, bowing their heads and admitted their mistakes. At the same time they admit their mistakes, they are also very upset with Jellal.

Originally, they thought that Jellal's situation could be changed, the same as when he was a child, but now, it seems that it is completely useless, as this guy can no longer be saved.

"Any last words?"

Asahi asked the last sentence, and Jellal's expression changed. Then, a bunch of blue runes suddenly trapped everyone around him.

"Since you won't make it easy for me, then I'll drag you to be buried with me. This is Square of Self-Destruction. Let's all go together!"

Jellal looked crazy at this moment, as this Square of Self-Destruction is his last resort, a trick to kill everyone with him.

It was also the trick that Brain, of the Oracion Seis, taught him. He intends to drag everyone to be buried with this island.

"Looking at your young age, how can your memory be so bad? Is it because you were beaten up just now?"

Asahi said speechlessly.

"What do you mean? Now that the Square of Self-Destruction has been activated, it can't be reversed, so it's useless no matter what you say!"

Jellal was initially taken aback, but soon calmed down.

"That's why you said you have a bad memory, have you forgot that I know Space Magic?"

After Asahi finished speaking, everyone appeared in the air outside the Square of Self-Destruction, and seeing this, Jellal was dumbfounded instantly.