Chapter 370 Will You All Join Me In Fairy Tail?


Jellal is dumbfounded, but his magic will not stop just because of that, and the Square of Self-Destruction has been activated to the final stage.

At this stage, he couldn't break the magic himself. Only someone who was proficient in this kind of magic like Brain could modify it.

But where to find this kind of person now? Of course, Asahi directly pierced his heart with a Noble Phantasm as he doesn't want to waste more time.

However, the Square of Self-Destruction was activated, and the entire Tower of Heaven was directly exploded into a big pit, which was quickly backfilled by the sea water until it disappeared.

Such a big island just disappeared immediately, and has disappeared from this world.

"It can be regarded as suicide!"

In Asahi's eyes, his Noble Phantasm penetrated Jellal's heart at the end, but in the eyes of others, Jellal's has self-destructed, which also made their faces very complicated.

Even if they feel a little sad, Jellal did it himself, so they couldn't blame anyone.

When everyone was still feeling sad, Asahi transferred the group of people directly to Magnolia.

"What a powerful Space Magic. I don't even know when he activated it, but the place has changed!"

Several people who have studied magic think that this magic is crazy, as the other party just took others to move around, and he didn't need the consent of others.

"Shodai, thank you so much this time. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to settle everything from my past!"

At this moment, Erza directly bowed to Asahi, after all, Asahi helped her a lot this time.

If it wasn't for Asahi, she couldn't imagine imagine what would happen in the future.

"It's just small things, then you guys, what are your plans next?"

Asahi didn't care about Erza's thanks at all, and he didn't need it. After that, Asahi set his sights on these people.

"We… maybe we will go out and take a look at the world along the way. When we find a suitable guild, we will join directly!"

After taking a look at Erza, Sho said. In fact, it's not that they don't want to join Fairy Tail.

But they felt ashamed towards Erza, so they chose to leave. In the original work, these people quietly left with the boat, and it is basically because of guilt.

Otherwise, they can stay with their companions, which is indeed a very good choice.

"You decided to reject it, but since I saved your life, you all need to join Fairy Tail honestly for me!"

Asahi directly broke their plan with a single sentence, causing the others to look shocked.

'Isn't it so overbearing? Although what he said makes sense, why does it feel so strange?'

"If you feel guilty, then you should honestly repay the others. Is it useful to go far away? That is just avoiding responsibility!"

Asahi said another sentence, and the others immediately lowered their heads. They were indeed planning to escape from the beginning.

"It turns out that you guys think so, but justlet this matter go like this. Since Shodai has already spoken, then you guys will honestly join me in Fairy Tail!"

Erza's face became serious. Since Asahi has spoken, what else is there to say? Besides, they are companions from the past, isn't it better to reconcile? That's why she said that.

"Then… then we'll join Fairy Tail, by the way, this…"

Looking at Asahi, suddenly Simon, Sho and the others don't know how to call him. Asahi hasn't said his name until now, and from Erza's appearance, she respects Asahi very much.

"You should just call him Shodai like me. After all, you are also from Fairy Tail. In addition, this is our First Guild Master!"

Erza said. Since everyone is no longer an outsider, then there is no need to hide it. So before Asahi could say anything, Erza has finished speaking.

"First… Guild Master, wait… Fairy Tail… seems to have a history of more than four hundred years!"

Because Erza joined Fairy Tail, they have collected a lot of information about Fairy Tail, but now that they heard about Asahi's identity, they felt that it is a bit strange.

With a history of more than four hundred years, being the First Guild Master is like a joke.

"For the specifics, I will make it clear to you all later. For now, you only need to know that he is our Fairy Tail's First Guild Master!"

Erza said. In truth, she didn't believe this kind of thing when she first learned it. If it wasn't for the others' guarantee, she probably thought it was just a joke.

But now that she has also seen Asahi's method, it is indeed too exaggerated. From the time Council's envoy come until now that everything is done, it hasn't been half an hour. They went to the Magic Council's Headquarters from Magnolia, and then went to the Tower of Heaven from Magic Council's Headquarters, and now, they are back again. She always feels that it is not very real.

"You can go and bring them to join the guild first. I still have things to deal with in the evening!"

Asahi has not forgotten that he has made an appointment with Ultear. Since he is the First Guild Master and Precht is also the Twelve Guild Master, he naturally can't let him alone.

As for Ultear, the sacrifice she made in the end was indeed great, as no one would do such thing.

It took almost all her time to return the world by one minute, but without the support of a huge vitality, she is just courting death.

In the end, Ultear also paid the price and became an old woman. Although she did a lot of wrong things before, she paid a huge amount afterwards.

But this one all originated from an idiot mother. Seriously, Asahi had some doubts whether Ultear was born by Ur.

As an existence comparable to the Ten Wizard Saints, Ur was easily fooled by Brain.

Moreover, she simply believed the nonsense of others, and even gave up without seeing the body of her own daughter.

Asahi can't understand how her brain work, as a normal mother won't do such a brain-dead thing.

Soon, Simon and the others joined Fairy Tail. There was nothing going on in the guild, so the time flickered and the night came.

Asahi came to the edge of the town where the Magic Council's Headquarters was located, and saw Ultear with a sad face.

"Si… Sir, I wonder why you are looking for me"

After seeing Asahi, although Ultear didn't want to get involved with Asahi, that wasn't her choice.

"Don't worry, it's not that I want to do something to you. If I want to do something to you, you won't be able to survive now!"

Asahi smiled and shook his head, also made Urrutia heave a sigh of relief.