Chapter 373 Lyon: Who Am I? Where Am I? What Am I Doing?

"U… Ur, wait…, no, how come there are two Urs? It's not right, Ur, you should have already turned into ice? Where have Deliora gone to?"

The person who rushed in was naturally Lyon. At this moment, he took Sherry, the two strange looking guys, and a group of subordinates.

But after seeing the scene in front of him, he is completely stunned. His mind is blank, and only one sentence remained, 'Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?'

After all, Ur, who should have been frozen, appeared, and another person similar to Ur and a stranger appeared, moreover, Deliora has disappeared completely, and he didn't know where it has gone to.

He moved Deliora here just to defeat Deliora and surpass Ur, but now, the situation has changed.

Looking at Lyon's strange appearance, even though he is wearing an ice mask, Ur can still see his true identity.

Regarding these mentor and apprentices, Asahi is a bit speechless, as they will always do things that are surprising to the extreme.

Ur, leaving her daughter alone. Even if she knew the news of her daughter's death, she should have investigated the truth directly, regardless of what people say.

As for Lyon, this guy is also very amazing. It is understandable that he wanted to surpass Ur, but here comes the problem.

The strength of this guy is not enough, and his strength has not even an S-Rank, so Asahi wondered where he got the confidence to challenge Deliora and surpass Ur? Does he not know that Ur has the best chance to become one of the Ten Wizard Saints back then?

Although she is very strong, the position back then is full, so there is no way for her to be promoted.

But even after possessing such huge power, Ur was pushed to desperate state and was forced to seal Dalioola.

It's impossible for Lyon to not have heard of Ur's situation, but he still chose to find trouble with Deliora. Asahi seriously doubts whether this guy wanted to confront Deliora for suicide.

As for Gray, he's much worse. As soon as he learned a little magic, he went to confront Deliora and got his teacher killed.

But this is not enough. With the Dragon Controlling Girl, he caused a lot of trouble for Natsu. If it weren't for Natsu's powerful vitality, it is estimated that his life would be gone.

In the later stage, because of his father's word, he fought against his own companions who have been with him longer than his father, even ignoring the fact that he has cheated others and still owes them a lot.

The operations of the masters and apprentices are basically heartless, in short, Asahi felt very speechless.

"Lyon, you've already grown up so much!"

Ur, who turned into ice, was completely unconscious, so she didn't know what his apprentice had done.

"You… You are really Ur!" Looking at Ur, who is exactly the same as before, Lyon still wonders if this is true or not. After all, there are many kinds of magic, like Transformation Magic, to transform people's appearance.

"You little bastard, when did you become so courageous that you dare to call your teacher by their first name!"

Hearing her apprentice directly call her name, she was angry and slammed her fist on Lyon's head.

"Bastard, how dare you hit Reitei-sama!"

Seeing Ur knocking Lyon's head so easily, Sherry, who is a faithful licking dog, is angry.

"Reitei? But if you don't have the strength to become the emperor, you will only be beaten to death!" (T/N: Reitei means Sub-Zero Emperor.)

Ur looked at her apprentice with a complicated face. Emperor is important title, so if it is known by other Mages, Lyon might be beaten to death directly!

"This feeling… You are really Ur, hahahaha. It's really Ur, no, how did you come back to life?"

Seeing Ur at this moment, Lyon is very excited. After all, this guy likes Ur, and the relationship is too messy.

"Why are you asking like that? Are you not happy that I'm still alive?"

Ur glanced at Lyon with a murderous gaze. At this moment, Lyon felt like he had gone back to the past, and he immediately turned into a licking dog.

"Of course not, I'm very happy that you can come back to life, but where did Deliora go and who they are?"

Lyon said. After all, of it wasn't because of excessive yearning, he would not use this suicidal method.

"Deliora is dead. As for them, one is a benefactor who helped me recover, and the other is my daughter, Ultear. I told you about her before, right? She can be said to be your senior sister!"

After Ur glanced at Lyon, she didn't hide anything.

"Ultear, your daughter, wait…, isn't your daughter already dead? I remember you were sad about that for a while!"

Lyon is dumbfounded, did she get the promo buy one get one free when resurrected?

"There's no need to worry about Tear. Don't ask nonsense, and tell me what you are doing here."

Ur frowned and didn't bother to explain, but asked the question of what this guy is doing here.

But upon hearing this question, Lyon broke into cold sweat. How can he dare he say that he was here to deal with Deliora? Isn't it just courting death? So his cold sweat just flowed out.

"Let me explain it!"

Ultear rolled her eyes and explained everything, without concealing that she is also guilty in this matter. After all, now that the truth has become clear, it is not a problem to tell Ur everything.

However, Lyon did not escape Ur's strike on the head in the end, and he was hammered to doubting life.

But this guy still looks very happy, after all, as a licking dog, he will be happy no matter what his master done to him.

"Ur-sensei, are you tired? Come and have a drink!"

After beating Lyon, Sherry began to show affection crazily, and her object of affection is … Ur. As for the reasons, it was naturally because the other party is Lyon's master.

As long as she strikes at the other party's master and get the master's acknowledgment, she won't need to be afraid of not being able to take down Lyon. After all, Sherry has been chasing Lyon without any good results, so she has already figured it out, and simply switch to Ur.

But her thought is right. After all, in the original work, the girl who had a crush on Lyon finally became her little sister, Sherria. As for Lyon himself, he fell in love with Juvia inexplicably, and constantly fighting with Gray.

This is also a bit weird, but now Sherry is showing affection to Ur, it is estimated that Lyon will not be able to escape afterwards. Although this guy has some problems with liking his own teacher, but no matter what Ur said, it is estimated that Lyon will do it.