Chapter 374 People Who Have Zero Favorability Towards Gray

"Do you my stupid apprentice? It seems that you have been with him for a while. Lyon, have you forgotten what I taught you? As a man, you have to be a man, at least, don't let others' kind intentions!"

Ur has begun to play the role of teacher again. She can see that Sherry is very good to Lyon, and the other party's infatuation can also be seen.

So Ur doesn't mind being the matchmaker, and Lyon may also feel that he owes Sherry a little too.

After Ur spoke, Lyon didn't say any more nonsense, but nodded, planning to give it a try first.

As someone who holds Ur as the most important person, he probably doesn't have that kind of...concept, and thinks that Ur is just asking him to be friendly with Sherry. After all, he and has the same type of preference, which is Ur's type.

Lyon also said that he would find a guild to join in the future, and the guild he joined is not surprisingly Lamia Scale. After all, there are people from Lamia Scale under his command.

"It's good if you figure it out. Don't disappoint others' good intentions. If it's really suitable, then treat them well. By the way, it's time to see him where Gray is!"

Ur said. Since she has already seen Lyon, she also wanted to see Gray again.

"Seeing what he was doing? That bastard was the culprit who caused you to use Ice Shell to seal Deliora!"

Lyon was upset when he heard Ur mentioned Gray, after all, if it wasn't for that bastard, he wouldn't have lost Ur.

Although Ur has recovered now, he is still unhappy with him.

"That's right, that guy has nothing to see!"

After reconciling with his mother, Ultear's favorability for Gray also dropped directly to a negative number. Among the members of Fairy Tail, the least pleasing one is basically… Gray.

This guy's skill in causing trouble is definitely top class, and not to mention Ultear and Lyon, even Asahi has zero favorability for him.

If it wasn't for this guy is still a member of the guild, Asahi wouldn't bother with him. Asahi also thought that he wouldn't create the Energy Source for this guy, at most, he would only open his Second Origin.

He can just say that there is a problem with his physique, as he will not cultivate this guy who specializes in causing troubles.

It can be said that in the entire plot, others treat him as a companion, but he just uses his companions as tools, the kind that can be shouted and killed at any time. In short, Asahi will not give him enough benefits, so there's no need to even think about it.

"Okay, although he went beyond his means when confronting Deliora back then, am I not fine now? Moreover, the contradiction with Tear has also been resolved, so let's go see him!"

Ur naturally knows what her daughter and his older apprentice are thinking. If she is Ultear's shoes, she will definitely want to kill Gray.

But Ur is… Ur, so she still has to go and see, after all, the other party is her apprentice.

She didn't blame the other party either, as it's just because he's too hot-headed back then.

"That guy is in Fairy Tail, he is a member of that guild!"

Ultear said very uncomfortably, while Ur blinked in surprise.

'Fairy Tail? Isn't it the abnormal guild mentioned before? The guild that is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers? I didn't expect Gray to hug such a thigh, it's incredible.'

"It seems that you are planning to go to Fairy Tail, let's go then!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he directly used Space Magic and transferred the group of people to Magnolia.

"Where is this place?"

Suddenly the surrounding scenery changed, the group of people asked with some confusion.

"The city where Fairy Tail is, Magnolia!"

Asahi said after glancing at the crowd, but the faces of the group changed quickly.

"This… Is this really Magnolia? What a terrifying Space Movement Magic. He actually brought so many people, and came here from Galuna Island in an instant!"

Lyon and the others are shocked. They felt that it's too exaggerated, as the Space Movement Magic itself is very rare.

Moreover, the difficulty of learning it is very high, and many people want to learn, but didn't manage to do so.

In addition, when moving, if they want to teleport over a long distance, they also need to teleport multiple times.

If they bring another person, the consumption will increase exponentially, so it is very surprising that so many people are transferred so far at one time.

"Stop making a fuss and let's go. By the way, you have to go back to Galuna Island later, as there is still the crystalized fumes you left behind in the sky, so remember to break it when you come back."

Asahi suddenly remembered that there is still a layer of crystalized fumes above Galuna Island that causes the memory confusion of the local demons, but he is too lazy to take care of it, so he let these people handle it by themselves.

And Lyon nodded immediately. Facing such a terrifying existence, he didn't dare to disobey the other party's order.

Then, the group of people came to Fairy Tail.

Even after the previous series of operations, the time have not yet reached twelve o'clock in the evening, and the boisterous atmosphere of Fairy Tail generally does not disappear until midnight.

If they encounter something worth celebrating, then they might party all night.

Seeing a group of people coming in, Fairy Tail's members were all dumbfounded, especially Gray, who walked directly towards Lyon's direction. He was dumbfounded when he saw Ur looking the same as back then.

But after quickly explaining it clearly, everyone was also surprised that there was still such an emotional thing about Gray.

However, they have nothing to say about Gray's ability to court death. After learning some magic, he actually went to confront a demon like Deliora, who is no weaker than Ten Wizard Saints, they all wondered where he got the confidence from? Makarov's expression when looking at Gray also changed. He was shocked after hearing that this guy almost killed his own teacher. And if it wasn't for Asahi, Ur would be completely finished.

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't mean it either!"

Gray is also helpless. He really didn't mean it, but the hatred blinded his eyes back then, which made him lost his ability to judge.

At that time, he was still a kid, so how could he think so much? That's why he almost killed Ur.

But Ur said that she didn't mean to blame him, so Gray was relieved.

But Ultear and Lyon are not so easy to talk to. The attitude of the two towards Gray is very very cold.

But Gray couldn't say anything about it. After all, he's the one at fault back then, so it's normal for people to neglect him and showed cold attitude.