Chapter 380 Phantom Lord Becomes A Dark Guild

Magic Council's Headquarters.

At this moment, the members of the Council are also having a meeting because of the information about Phantom Lord. Because this information comes from Ultear, they immediately started to deal with it.

After all, this is the command from Asahi, their misfortune star, so they really don't dare to disobey.

"That… damned woman, no wonder she disappeared. It turns out that she used her beauty to seduce that monster!"

At this moment, the Council's members, except for Yajima, are full of hatred.

In their opinion, Ultear completely relied on her young beauty to hug Asahi's thighs, and it seemed that she has succeeded.

They also want such a thick thigh to hug, but they don't have Ultear's capital.

"Fortunately, I have a granddaughter. I will see if she can help me with this!"

Michello's small eyes moving around. His granddaughter looks pretty good, so he intends to try his luck.

If the other party really likes his granddaughter, his life will be better in the future, and his granddaughter's life will also not be sad.

If she knew that he can find such a strong person as her husband, it is estimated that she will be very eager. After all, the rules of this world are like this.

The Council's members all have their own thoughts. If they knew what the other party likes, then they will have an opportunity to take advantage of it, but it is estimated that they will be disappointed soon, as there is actually nothing between Asahi and Ultear.

He just took Ultear to solve the matter about Ur, and along the way, he poached Ultear directly from Grimoire Heart.

The small thoughts of these guys are destined to be useless.

"Everyone, now that the information is in hand, I checked the records about the past, and found that Blue Skull was indeed a dark guild, and someone indeed escaped back then."

"After comparing the information, the magic used by the other party is the same as the magic used by Jose, the Guild Master of Phantom Lord."

"Basically, it can be judged that Phantom Lord Guild was established by the Blue Skull's remnant."

"There are also some unsavory things I have found in recent years. With all these, Phantom Lord can be designated as a Dark Guild. What's your opinion?"

Crawford said, and everyone else rolled their eyes when they heard this. Who would dare to have some opinions? Even if they were Jose's umbrellas, they didn't dare to show up now.

Now that Jose has provoked the misfortune star, he can be said to be finished. They don't want to be an umbrella of someone who is already finished.

"Since everyone has no opinions, then let's start voting!"

After Crawford finished speaking, many members began to vote, but undoubtedly, they all chose the choice that Phantom Lord is a dark guild.

With the current situation, no one will be foolish enough to choose another option.

"Unanimous vote, then, Phantom Lord is a dark guild from now on. Summon the army of each city, and immediately arrest all Phantom Lord's members. Also, release the news and don't attack Phantom Lord's headquarters!"

When Ultear passed the message to them, it is only said that Phantom Lord needs to be convicted, and there is no need to directly attack the headquarters, as Asahi will take care of it himself.

In this regard, Crawford showed no opinion. At any rate, Jose was a Ten Wizard Saints, and they did not have the ability to confront Ten Wizard Saints.

Inviting other Ten Wizard Saints will also need them to pay a lot of money. Since the other party want to take care of it himself, they can just let him do it.

After the decision was made, the documents issued by the Council were transmitted to various cities using magic at an extremely fast speed.

In Fiore, the soldiers in each city began to move quickly, and take care of Phantom Lord's branches. At most, they would only have a Mage with mediocre strength there, therefore, they are unable to resist, and soon, the Phantom Lord's branches in each city are seized.

And the news about Phantom Lord turned into dark guild has also been transmitted to various cities, and soon spread everywhere. The people who got the news were all in disbelief, especially those from Mage Guilds.

"Hahahaha, those bastards from Phantom Lord are finally finished. Damn, it would be great if they were judged to be dark guild sooner!"

Inside Quatro Cerberus Guild, Bacchus looked at this piece of information in his hand with excitement. Phantom Lord do all kinds of dirty things, so most people hated them.

As for Quatro Cerberus, although no one dared to provoke Bacchus, the others were different. Some their members are indeed targeted by Phantom Lord.

But there is no evidence, which makes Bacchus very unhappy, but it is impossible for him to directly find trouble with them.

After all, Phantom Lord is not a dark guild, so he can only hold it back. And recently, Phantom Lord have been jumping more and more, and their movement is getting bigger and bigger, but it's fine now, as they have jumped out of the fence.

He was naturally refreshed and wanted to watch the show. After putting away the information, Bacchus went out!

"Bacchus, where are you going?"

Goldmine asked in surprise.

"Of course I want to go to watch the show. This city we are in also has those Phantom Lord bastards, so I'll go and see. It would be best if I can help, after all, I'm already holding back for so long!"

After saying that, Bacchus left, and the others looked at each other, and just followed out in a swarm.

Especially those who have been targeted by Phantom Lord, they are full of excitement. In this regard, Goldmine, the Guild Master, is helpless and can only follow them out. Moreover, he is also very curious.

This kind of scene appeared in various cities. In Ishgar Continent, if the light and dark guilds added, there more than 500 of them, so many cities are crowded with multiple guilds.

As for Magnolia, others have thought about it, but then they all gave up. Makarov is a real Ten Wizard Saints, and his reputation is famous enough.

Whoever dares to make trouble is probably looking for death, and Makarov's ranking is only after the Four Gods of Ishgar, and they won't dare to do anything.

They just think about it, but don't dare to enter Magnolia.

Even Phantom Lord has no branch in this city.

Other guilds went to help, vent their hatred, and have revenge.

In Phantom Lord's headquarters, Jose also got the information. Under his tables, there are a lot of shattered Lacrima. These Lacrima are all used for communication, but now, no one picks up his calls.

Although the headquarters has not been besieged, he knew that Phantom Lord is finished this time.

After so many years of painstaking efforts, it is all in vain.

"Damn, those bastards in the Council actually dare to do this to me! When I finished dealing with Fairy Tail, it will be you guys' turn next!"