Chapter 381 Jose Can’t Sit Still

"Master, what should we do now! We can't even get in touch Gajeel and the others anymore, so there must be an accident, right? It's so sad!"

Aria, who was blindfolded, was right beside Jose. Two of the Element 4, and the Iron Dragon Slayer, who were sent to go to Fairy Tail, are gone, and Aria crying after saying that.

This guy's character is like this, he likes to fake crying, but this fake cry can't hide his despicable character.

"How can there be such a coincidence? Just after sending them to target Fairy Tail, we have a problem ourselves. It must be Fairy Tail who attacked our Phantom Lord from behind the scene. Activate the Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II, and directly attack Fairy Tail."

"I will give you enough time, Aria, bring Juvia with you to find Lucy Heartfilia. As long as we catch her, there will be hope for our comeback!"

This time, Phantom Lord suffered a huge loss. Its reputation was gone, and it was directly reduced to a dark guild that everyone scolded and beat.

But as long as Lucy is caught, Jose will have the capital to make a comeback. Right now, he will attract firepower and attention from the front, creating opportunities for Aria and Juvia.

"I see, I will go to find Juvia now!"

With tears in his eyes, Aria left, and soon, the entire Phantom Lord's building began to vibrate violently.

Then, the building began to transform rapidly, from a gorgeous building directly into a castle giant.

This is Jose's trump card, the Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II, which he continued to build all this time.

Fairy Tail has nothing like this, but it's because the Fairy Tail's members wreak havoc everywhere, and Natsu couldn't even afford to eat at one point, let alone letting the guild save money to make this kind of thing.

It can be said that Fairy Tail is most powerful guild, but its funding is also the worst.

However, this kind of thing has improved a lot recently. Erza's education is still effective, and with Mira's help, Natsu and the others have not caused too much damage during their missions these days.

This also makes Makarov was so excited that he burst into tears. It was not easy for him. When he was young, he received the Guild Master's position from Precht, and he has been holding it until now. God knows how much pressure he has resisted.

The destructive power of Fairy Tail can be said to be a headache for every generation of Guild Masters.

Of course, these are not important. Coming from the sea, Phantom Lord's Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II quickly arrived at the sea behind Fairy Tail.

"Master, it's not good, Phantom Lord's people are here, and they also brought the giant magic robot!"

Someone quickly reported it to Makarov and others after finding out about this, and they are so shocked that Makarov quickly took everyone out.

As for Lucy, Gajeel told Makarov about her situation, so Makarov let her stay in the guild.

But Asahi saw a rain cloud covers the surrounding at this moment, which means that Juvia is here.

Juvia's physique is special. She has a natural physique. When she is in a good mood, the dark clouds in the sky will disperse.

But when she was a child, Juvia was despised by everyone because it rained wherever she went.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if her mood can be good.

She then entered Phantom Lord, but Phantom Lord has no bonds or feelings at all, so Juvia's situation is getting more and more serious.

Basically, there are heavy rainstorms wherever she goes, so now that the rain cloud appears, it means that Juvia has also come here.

Therefore, Asahi stayed in the guild directly. As for Jose and the others, it was easy to deal with. Makarov and the others couldn't end the battle directly for a while, so he can just take care of it later.

Soon, almost everyone left, but since Asahi is here, naturally there is no need to worry about Lucy's safety.

"Fairy Tail's people has left, and Lucy is not among them. That means she should be still in the guild, let's go and catch her first!"

After Aria finished speaking, he flew towards Fairy Tail's building, and Juvia also quickly went to Fairy Tail's building.

"Sure enough, that guy Jose only knows how to do some small tricks, but letting the remaining two of Element 4 kidnap people, his planning is not bad!"

After the door was opened, Aria and Juvia saw the confident Lucy and Asahi. Asahi sat in his seat and looked at the two people in front of him indifferently, and Lucy didn't look worried at all because Asahi was here.

After all, she now knows that Asahi is a super thick thigh.

"You know we are coming?!"

Aria and Juvia couldn't help being stunned, but suddenly they both remembered that Gajeel is among the Fairy Tail's people just now.

"That fellow Gajeel really betrayed us, damn it, he actually revealed our purpose!"

Aria's face is ugly at this moment. They had almost guessed when they found out that Gajeel is among the Fairy Tail's people, but now, they found that this bastard has directly defected.

"Don't say that betrayal is so ugly. He is just abandoning evil and doing good things. Your Phantom Lord is now a dark guild, so what qualifications do you have to accuse others? By the way, Juvia, if you join our Fairy Tail, I can help you get rid of the dark clouds over your head!"

Asahi asked. Dealing with the dark clouds over Juvia's head is very simple, one way is to make Juvia happy, and the other way is a little rougher, which is, Asahi can directly disperse the dark clouds in the sky with brute force.

"Can… can you really help me drive away the dark clouds?"

Because Juvia has always been covered by the dark clouds, Juvia can't see the sun even if she wants to, which is very sad. This is already considered obsession. So if someone could really help her, she will naturally be very happy.

"Hey, hey, Juvia, what are you doing? If you want to get rid of the dark clouds, I also can help you!"

Aria was dumbfounded. He knew that Juvia has always been in a sad mode, but he didn't expect her problem to be from these dark clouds.

If he had known it earlier, he could help disperse the dark clouds.

Although the dark clouds on Juvia's head are related to her physique, not magic, both Aria and Jose can easily dispel the dark clouds.

After hearing Aria's words, Juvia also became a little more sober and did not continue to dwell with this issue.

"As a gift, I'll let you take a look at today's sun!"

Seeing this scene, Asahi naturally knew about Juvia's situation, and a flame blasted directly into the sky from the door. The flame then exploded, causing the dark cloud to disperse, and the sunlight fell directly into Magnolia.

After seeing this scene, Juvia was completely attracted by the sun, and she didn't even have the idea of ​​fighting anymore.