Chapter 382 Poaching Juvia

Sunshine can be said to be what Juvia wants to see most. After all, she has been in a gloomy state since she was a child.

Even though the dark clouds in the sky have something to do with her will, powerful people can easily disperse the dark clouds.

But the idiot Jose just didn't see what Juvia's problem was, and Juvia herself was a fool.

She doesn't know why, so she has always been under the dark clouds all the time, so now, Juvia's face changed after the sun appeared.

She no longer became gloomy. As for Aria, he has a dumbfounded look. Don't look at this guy being blindfolded all the time, as blindfolded doesn't mean that he can't see anything. This guy can be regarded as very talented, as his pair of eyes is very special.

Aria's magic is somewhat similar to Yuka from Lamia Scale. Yuka uses Wave Magic to release a wave shield in front of him. Any magic cannot invade the wave and cannot survive the wave.

But it's too tasteless, and it is not very useful against powerful people. As for Aria, his Airspace can instantly empty the others' magic power.

Even Makarov has suffered lost from this guy's sneak attack in original work. It can be said that the ability of this bastard is indeed very useful.

"Who gave you the confidence to be in a daze in front of the enemy?"

Aria, who was still in a daze, has his face changed instantly when he heard this, and he jumped to the side to dodge. After dodging, a few Noble Phantasm passed through where he was and exploded behind him.

Looking at the ground shattered by the Noble Phantasm, Aria's back was filled cold sweat. Their Mage's physical fitness is good, but they are not invincible.

With this level of impact, if it wasn't for him dodging in time, he would be finished.

"You dodge really fast, so this time, let me see you try to dodge again!"

After saying this, Asahi directly took out a long spear, Gae Bolg: Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death. It was different from the spear he gave Mira in Edolas. One was AoE Noble Phantasm, and the other is an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm.

After taking out the spear, Asahi did not hesitate, and directly liberated its real name, and aimed the spear at the other party's heart.

Aria couldn't react at all, and was stabbed by the spear of in the heart in an instant. This is an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm, and even Saber can barely block it by relying on his super intuition. As for Aria, there's no need to even think about it.

His heart was pierced directly, and even Aria didn't know how Asahi did it.

"Juvia, Phantom Lord is not suitable for you, and after today, Phantom Lord will become a history. You should join Fairy Tail, after all, you are destined to become a member of Fairy Tail!"

Asahi threw out the olive branch. In fact, everyone in the guild knows about Juvia, as there's Juvia in Edolas Fairy Tail.

They also know that Juvia has a high probability of joining Fairy Tail, but Makarov also has a headache regarding this.

Juvia is a member of Phantom Lord, so how would she join their guild is a big problem.

However, everyone knows that Juvia has a high probability of joining in the future. As for how she would join, it is not clear.

"Juvia… Juvia agrees!"

Juvia, whose face was a little red, didn't care about Aria's death, or that she had never regarded Aria as a companion.

But seeing Juvia like this, Asahi's face also changed. He was too busy thinking about poaching the other party that he forgot Juvia's most famous attributes, this girl is a nympho. In the original work, it can be said that her way of clinging to Gray is very crazy.

Moreover, she is a very jealous person, and has drowned the guild's building with tears several times, and this time, it is estimated that her subject of love has become him.

But after thinking about it, Asahi didn't care much anymore. He felt that he will just cross the bridge when the time comes.

"Since you have joined, then go and follow me. I still need to deal with Phantom Lord, after all, our feud can no longer be stopped!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he took everyone to the coast, along with Aria's body.

After coming to the coast, they saw the giant magic robot has already begun to activate the Magical Convergent Cannon: Jupiter. As for Erza, she still tried to stop the attack like in the original work, but she used Gae Dearg this time.

But Gae Dearg is mainly aimed at defense, barrier and other magical blessings. So facing this type of impact, it is a bit disadvantageous.

Seeing this scene, Asahi directly projected a special Noble Phantasm, Rule Breaker! Although this thing is a low-rank Noble Phantasm, it is more exaggerated than Gae Dearg in terms of destroying magic.

After this dagger hit the cannon's barrel, the magic power completely disappeared. It can be said that Rule Breaker is really overpowered against magic.

"Shodai, you are here, wait… Juvia"

Seeing Asahi coming, the group of people were all excited. Makarov had already gone to find Jose and settled the account. As for the others waiting outside, they were attacked by Jose's shade, but now that Asahi is here, it is naturally the best situation.

But after seeing the person brought by Asahi, the faces of the others also changed.

However, they suddenly realized one thing. It is estimated that Asahi had already completed his instigation, so he brought Juvia here.

At this moment, Jupiter has been broken, and the giant magic robot needs to be recharged, but this time, it is estimated that the giant magic robot cannot be recharged, because the battle between Makarov and Jose has already begun.

As a result, with the giant magic robot as the center, huge fluctuations in magic power make the sea water continuously boil and cause explosions.

The magic power of Ten Wizard Saints is nothing to giant dragon, but to average magician, it is already extremely terrifying.

Once Ten Wizard Saints acted, their destructive power is basically huge, and it will cause the world to change.

It can be said that they affect the environment with their magic power.

"Master has started. But the battle between Ten Wizard Saints is really terrifying!"

Looking at the giant magic robot with purple-black and golden magic power constantly erupting, Erza and the others are constantly amazed, and even now. they can see a large number of Mages jumping out of the giant magic robot, as they are unable to withstand the impact of these two people's magic power.

'Well, I can't let you steal my experience!'

There's no way Asahi can let the experience go. If this continues, Makarov will definitely kill Jose soon.

He didn't want to see this scene, so with a Space Magic, he directly got Makarov out of the fierce battle.

"This is… Shodai…"

Makarov was a little confused. He was still fighting with Jose just now, but now, he suddenly people appeared here.

"With this kind of person, don't talk too much nonsense, just kill him and be done with it. You must know that kind people are always easy to bully. And you were like this before."

After saying that, Asahi snapped his fingers directly, and a golden light circle appeared.