Chapter 383 Caladbolg

Caladbolg, also known as the Spiral Rainbow Sword, is an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, and a single blow can slice through the tops of three hills.

EMIYA has also projected Caladbolg before, and it was used as an arrow. It was powerful, and the power of the explosion is also exaggerated.

But now, the one that Asahi used is not a fake Caladbolg EMIYA created, but a real Caladbolg.

The appearance of this sword is much more gorgeous than the one made by EMIYA, and it is very big. After grabbing the hilt, Asahi glanced at the giant magic robot, and then liberated the Noble Phantasm.

Caladbolg itself should be a sword, but Asahi used this thing as a throwing spear this time and threw the Caladbolg directly.

And it was not thrown with Gate of Babylon, but with his own power.

Like a shooting star javelin, the liberated Caladbolg fell on the giant magic robot with a terrifying light.


A huge mushroom cloud rose up with countless flames, and the huge storm washed the sea water to the shore, and triggered a public storm. The dark clouds attracted by Makarov and Jose's battle were blown away in an instant.

The terrifying aftermath continues to erode the surrounding sea and earth, and this aftermath has lasted for half a minute before it dissipates.

At this moment, Fairy Tail's members were all lying on the ground while doubting life. There are no more traces of giant magic robot on the sea, as it has disappeared without a trace along with Jose.

Even the large hole that was formed in the center caused the sea to pour back, but it could not be filled up for a while.

As for those Phantom Lord's members, who managed to escape, they were also dumbfounded when they watched this scene. They felt lucky to run fast.

As for the ones who didn't run out, they were all Jose's loyalists. If they die, they die. This Caladbolg directly dealt tons of damage, which allowed Asahi to earn a lot of experience. He felt that the experience he gained from Fairy Tail World is very fast.

To put it bluntly, the powerful world and the world with high basic combat power are like this, as it is very fast to gain experience.

It's a pity that Asahi planned to surprise Jose with Aria's body, but now, before he could see the surprise, the person has already gone. It is indeed a tragedy among tragedies.

"It's done, everyone, let's go back!"

Looking at his masterpiece, Asahi nodded contentedly, and then called everyone to go back. At this moment, everyone came back to their senses, but there still had lingering fears when they looked into the big pit, which is still poured with sea water.

Fortunately, the explosion happened in the sea just now. If it broke out in the city, they estimated that the city will be gone.

"Shodai, what exactly is that weapon just now? It's so powerful!"

Erza, who is a fan of weapons and armors, began to inquire again. Of course, although she yearned for that kind of weapon, she also knew that she could not be too greedy and she had already obtained some good things.

"That sword is called Caladbolg, you must have seen its power just now. After liberated, the sword light emitted by it can slice through the tops of three hills, but now, it seems that it is also good for throwing!"

Asahi said indifferently. Since this kind of things are bound to his Gate of Babylon, they will not disappear.

Moreover, he has a lot of Noble Phantasms here, and there are some that is much stronger than Caladbolg. Even if these Noble Phantasms exploded, it can still regenerate.

"Shodai, you are really willful!"

Erza and the others' mouths twitched when they heard this. If they had such a weapon, they would probably be reluctant to let go of it even for a second, and they would treat it like their own baby, but this guy, he really doesn't care at all.

"There are many of these things in my collection, moreover, there are more powerful ones!"

Asahi said, causing the others to be shocked again. They didn't expect that Asahi would have more powerful ones, which is heaven-defying.

And what Asahi said is naturally the EX-Rank Noble Phantasm like Ea, but Ea can't be used casually, and the same is true for other EX-Rank Noble Phantasms, as all of which belong to the world-destroying type.

After asking for a while, everyone stopped talking to Asahi. The gap between them was so great that there was a huge gap in their vision.

Therefore, in order not to be hit all the time, it is better not to ask casually. After that, Gajeel and Juvia also directly joined Fairy Tail.

No one would say much about Phantom Lord's demise, after all, Phantom Lord is already a dark guild, so even if it is destroyed, no one else will say much.

Even the Council issued a message that Fairy Tail's behavior this time is worthy of praise, and it has also made Fairy Tail into Fiore's number one guild, making the other guilds confused.

The Council usually clamored with Fairy Tail, but this time, it turned into a licking dog directly, which is kind of strange.

But Asahi's existence can indeed turn the members of the Council into a group of licking dogs.

After dealing with Phantom Lord, Fairy Tail didn't have any major problems this time, but the Fairy Tail's building really needs to be refurbished.

More than four hundred years ago, the headquarters of Fairy Tail was on Tenrou Island, and Tenrou Island was different from the original. Currently, besides Tenrou Tree, there is also a luxurious palace.

More than a hundred years ago, Mavis moved the guild to Magnolia, but since then, the Fairy Tail's building has continued to remain unchanged until now.

In fact, there are already some problems with the building, and Makarov has reinforced it several times, but some things are still a bit too old.

As for the appearance of the guild, it has been kept in the same way, as it can give the guild a sense of history, however, during the renovation process, it can't be helped that there will be some change from the original appearance.

This is not too much of a problem, so Asahi simply used some methods to transform the Fairy Tail's building.

This transformation is very simple. In the beginning, Asahi directly used Enchantment Magic to strengthen the entire building.

Many parts of the guild are made of wood, but after this strengthening, its strength is even more exaggerated than that of diamond.