Chapter 393 Laxus, Who Dare Not Be Cranky Anymore

After an hour passed, Asahi, the Thunder God Tribe and Laxus returned to Fairy Tail again.

It's just that at this moment, the Thunder God Tribe and Laxus are all pale, and they also look depressed.

The Fairy Tail's members who saw this scene have their eyes widened, as Laxus's appearance at this moment is very rare.

"Okay, let's get along well in the future, and there won't be any big problems."

Asahi looked at everyone and said. All of them were shocked, because after saying this, Laxus didn't show any respond.

Normally, Laxus would definitely open his mouth to mock, but this time, Laxus's action has confused everyone.

"Shodai, what did you do? Why did they become like this!"

Makarov, as Laxus's grandfather, was a little surprised. After Laxus and the others left silently, he couldn't help but ask. The changes from before and after are too great, Laxus changed from being rebellious to a good boy, the contrast is too great to accept.

"I didn't do anything, well… I just educated these four guys. I have a friend who likes to educate his grandson with his fists."

"His grandson has been educated with his fist since he was a child, and he called this fist the Fist of Love."

"I also learned from him this time. I first beat up these guys, and then I had a good reasoning with them!"

Asahi said that he didn't do much, but everyone was speechless when they heard his words.

'Is Shodai exaggerating? Isn't it a bit too much to educate his own grandson with his fists?'

"Is it that simple?"

Makarov always felt that things were not that simple, but he didn't know the details clearly.

"It's that simple, but I added a little something in the middle. When I punched them, I prepared ten times the pain package for the Thunder God Tribe. As for Laxus, that kid has good willpower, so I prepared 100 times the pain package for him!"

Asahi said and then revealed his big white teeth.

'Ten times the pain, 100 times the pain? What does it feel like? Are you a devil!'

Everyone cursed in their hearts at this moment. Even Mira, who is known as a devil, looked at Asahi in shock.

Mira feels that she is already evil enough, and although she is not the same as before, she is still evil, but now, compared with Asahi, she is still very pure.

Thinking of feeling 100 times the pain, everyone suddenly mourns Laxus for a second.

'He's really unlucky. We can provoke anyone, but we can never provoke Shodai, you mustn't provoke him!' Just as everyone thinks, Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe do think that Asahi is super devil.

But in the face of such a devil with super combat power, they really didn't dare to say anything, and if they are beaten, they will be beaten.

In fact, besides beating them up, Asahi also told them a lot of truth, including those things in the Edolas. After knowing that he was the Guild Master there, Laxus didn't say much anymore.

He is actually quite good to other people, and it's just that he can't express it. In addition, it is also because of what happened when he was a child, otherwise, Laxus wouldn't have become like this.

Asahi directly told Laxus that as long as his performance is good, the position of the Guild Master will be his in the future.

As for Fairy Tail's strength, Asahi told him that he can't always pursue strength. Although strength is important, the most important thing is the companion.

Laxus usually did not get approval, so Asahi gave him approval.

He directly told Laxus the secret of Fairy Tail, the Fairy Heart.

Mavis is the Eleventh Guild Master, and the secret of the Fairy Heart has only appeared since Mavis.

This is a secret that only the Guild Master can know, so after Asahi told Laxus this secret when he was chatting with Laxus alone, Laxus felt that he has been recognized.

Therefore, his mentality has also improved a lot, and the plot of the Battle of Fairy Tail will not appear, but his awkward personality is still there.

There is no way to reverse it so simply, as he can only slowly change it later.

Asahi talked to Makarov and others about the specific situation, the Fairy Heart's matter was excluded, so the others were also relieved.

Now that he has been persuaded, that's good, as they don't have to be enemies with Laxus in the future.

"Laxus… that little bastard, I hope he can be more mature!"

Makarov is also happy, but the character of this guy is also a bit awkward, so he won't deliberately praise the other party.

"By the way, Shodai, in a few days, it will be Magnolia Harvest Festival, do you want to participate?"

After the Laxus's matter, Makarov suddenly remembered that a festival was coming soon.

Fairy Tail will also joined with the one called the Fantasia Parade. This is not a tradition four hundred years ago, but a tradition after Mavis moved the guild to Magnolia.

On this day, Fairy Tail will prepare for a magical parade, and to put it bluntly, it is a large-scale parade-type performance.

"Fantasia Parade is interesting, but I won't participate. You can figure it out by yourself!"

Asahi naturally knows what this is. It can be said that the contribution Fairy Tail gave to this city is very great.

Most Mages will not participate in such things, after all, the status of magicians is much higher than that of ordinary people.

And this kind of performance is performed for ordinary people, so most Mages don't like to participate in it.

They won't do such thing without money, but Fairy Tail is different, and the Fantasia Parade has even become a trademark of the city.

On this day, many people from other city and guilds will also come here, which can be said to be the most lively day.

There are still three days before this day. Originally, this day should have been interrupted when Laxus started the Battle of Fairy Tail, but now, but such thing is no longer needed, and Laxus is also not expelled.

"That's really a pity!"

Makarov did not force Asahi, after all, this kind of thing is voluntary.

This time, Gajeel did not sneak into Raven Tail. Makarov's undercover plan is useless now, as Raven Tail will be dealt with by Asahi in the future. As for now, he'll just wait to watch the Fantasia Parade.

And it seems that before the Fantasia Parade, Fairy Tail also has a beauty contest coming.