Chapter 394 Fairy Tail’s Beauty Contest

Time flies, and a few days passed, and Fairy Tail was also working hard to organize the Fantasia Parade.

There is also the girls, who are constantly working hard to prepare for the contest, and today, Fairy Tail's beauty contest is happening.

Of course, since it is a beauty contest, it is not surprising that the top rankings are just few people.

Mira, Erza, and Lucy, the first two are very high spec girls. As for Lucy, she also has a good figure. Although she is a bit weird, it does not affect too much, and the others are inferior to them.

And Juvia is now also in the cute style, of course, she often hides in the dark and stares at Asahi, making Asahi speechless about this.

He didn't expect that he would replace Gray's position, but back then, it is the best way to poach Juvia, so he could only accept it.

The stage had already been prepared. The Fantasia Parade is at night, and as for the daytime, it was of course the beauty contest.

"This year… a lot of newcomers have been added. I wonder if Erza can directly hold the number one position this time!"

Macao and Wakaba started talking lecherously again. They are actually kind of weird. Both of them are more lustful, of course, it is normal to be lustful, but both of them are also extremely loyal to their family.

So what they are talking about are just lip service. The beauty contest soon begins, and the first one to appear is… Mira.

Although Mira is not the winner last year, her position cannot be replaced.

Although she used to be a tomboy, she has already attracted countless fans when she first debuted. Although Erza is also very popular, she is obviously better, as people like cute girl more.

Of course, Asahi also thinks so, and after Mira took the stage and started dancing, a burst of cheers exploded immediately, but this time, Mira had recovered her Magic, so with her evil nature, the others were probably going to be unlucky.

Sure enough, after the solo dance, Mira instantly turned her head into Happy's, making the group of men, who are looking at her dance without blinking, collapsed in an instant.

"Hahahaha, it is really interesting!"

Asahi couldn't help but laugh heartily. Although he knew that Mira would often come up with such things, he didn't expect Mira to be so evil this time. She actually gives others a wonderful performance first, and then hit them directly.

Asahi couldn't help but laughed, after all, during the Fantasia Parade in the original work, Mira also went from a beautiful princess to a huge salamander, stunning countless of her fans.

"Cough, after Mira's magical power is restored, she still uses this method, so this time, if there's no accident, Erza will be the winner!"

Makarov was a bit speechless. In the past few years, Mira could still compete with Erza, but now with her evil nature returning, isn't it clear that the opportunity was thrown to Erza?

"I think it's… it's interesting, so next is… Erza. Well, with her competitive and eager character, the others should have no chance!"

Asahi opened the mouth and said. And sure enough, after Erza appeared on the stage, she changed into her special armor, and then started performing a phantom sword dance, which caused bursts of cheers from below.

When it comes to contests, Erza definitely has to compete for the first place every time, as she has a strong personality, but Mira doesn't care about such thing.

After Erza came down, the others also went up one by one, basically, all of them started showing their beautiful magic.

Although Lucy doesn't have much talent, she also wins a lot of attention by relying on her cuteness.

Juvia used her Water Magic, but her eyes were only staring at Asahi from start to finish. This time, Evergreen didn't make any trouble, and performed a normal magic.

Since Laxus didn't plan to start a civil war, he naturally didn't need her to do anything.

After some competitions, Erza successfully took the first place, Mira took the second, and the third was Lucy, who was so cute and 'explosive'.

But after the competition, Asahi went to find Erza, as he had forgotten one thing before.

When Erza was young, she lost one of her eye. Right now, her right eye is a fake, but it is also because of this eye that Erza was not completely petrified when the original Laxus started the civil war.

"Shodai, is there anything you need from me?"

When Asahi called her into a room alone, Erza's face became a little red. She naturally had a good impression of Asahi, after all, Asahi has helped her a lot.

By prescribing the right medicine, there is basically no girl who cannot be captured, of course, Asahi did not deliberately do it.

These strategies are all in line with the plot, but he made the plot a little messy, as he didn't strictly follow the plot line.

"There is something. Your eye, I can restore your eye, so do you want me to do it?"

Asahi asked. There's no way he would do such thing with Erza's approval.

"Can my eye really be restored?"

Erza asked in a daze.

"Of course, restoring the eyes is actually very simple!"

Asahi said, as it is easy to recreate it.

Whether it is the Yin Yang Release from the Naruto World or the creative power from Bleach World, both have this ability, so Asahi naturally has this ability too.

It is also very simple to just use a partial rewind time, but returning time is not a wise choice.

It's because Erza is still young at that time, so if he rewinds the time of her right eye, Erza would have one small and one big eyes.

Thinking of Erza's unproportional eyes, Asahi couldn't help but chuckled in his heart, 'Sure enough, I couldn't do it like that, I should just create one normally.'

"If you can, please do it Shodai!"

Erza lost her right eye when she is in the Tower of Heaven. Since the Tower of Heaven has become a thing of the past, and she also wants to completely abandon this past, this fake eye is no longer needed.

"Don't worry, it will be done soon!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he took out Erza's fake eye, and then used the creative power of Bleach World to create an eye out of thin air.

Even life can be created with the creative power of the Bleach World, of course, it is limited to the Bleach World. In other worlds, this ability will be greatly reduced, but creating some body parts is not a big problem.

Of course, there's no way of creating Rinnegan and the like with this. If he wanted to do that, he can just contact Orochimaru and the others.

It's just that if someone doesn't have enough strength, they can't transplant the things created so casually, otherwise, they will suffer from it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Erza felt that the view she saw was half dark, but it quickly recovered. This time, her eyes had completely returned to their normal state.