Chapter 406 Everyone Is Defeated

"This is… Shodai's means. He actually blows up the sea of ​​trees!"

Looking at Asahi's actions, Erza and the others felt ashamed. They also know that Asahi did this because he does not intend to let those dark guild's people go.

After a wave of blasting, everything was dealt with. Although the destructive power is indeed great, they are not in a city.

If they were in the city, Asahi would not use such exaggerated means, and Brain and the others were in a cold sweat when they saw this.

At this moment, they felt chill in their hearts. They can't understand if the other party is so strong, why would they let them unseal Nirvana and bring Nirvana out.

It was only after Nirvana was brought out did they destroy the sea of ​​trees. They wondered if such thing is necessary? They are all caught in deep doubt at this moment.

"Why don't you do it from the beginning?"

At this moment, Midnight had already come back to his sense, and he looked at Erza and asked with some doubts.

"Perhaps because Shodai wants us to experience it ourselves, so he doesn't plan to deal with the enemies casually."

Erza said, as this is the only answer she could think of.

"Is that so? How ridiculous, so we are your whetstones? Doesn't he know? If the whetstone is too hard, the sword will easily be broken!"

After he said that, Midnight immediately twisted Erza's armor, but Erza already know about his ability, so she instantly replaced her armor with the stretchable clothes like in the original book.

Moreover, Erza didn't intend to play around and defeat the other party directly this time. She knew that Reflector Magic can only distort one object at a time.

With multiple attacks, he won't be able to distort it, and what's more, Midnight's Reflector Magic is simply useless against Gae Dearg.

At this moment, Erza also knew this, and she directly took out Gae Dearg, and then rushed towards Midnight quickly. However, Midnight didn't know about Gae Dearg, so he planned to use Reflector Magic to twist the other party's weapon.

But using Reflector Magic, he was stunned to discover that there is a problem with his Reflector Magic.

The scarlet spear in the other party's hand didn't seem to be distorted at all, and it rushed directly in front of him.

Because it was too unbelievable, Midnight almost failed to avoid the attack, and was grazed by Gae Dearg.

Midnight was very frightened. After rolling on the ground for a few times, he managed to draw some distance from Erza.

"How is it possible? My magic actually failed!"

Midnight stared at Erza, still in disbelief. He is wondering how could his magic failed.

"I know that your magic is Reflector Magic, but this weapon in my hand can nullify some magic."

"And the Reflector Magic you used is in this list!"

Erza said calmly.

"There is actually such a thing? But even if the Reflector Magic is useless, so what? I never rely on just one magic. I can just kill you with other magics!"

After saying that, Midnight's body became distorted and started swelling, and soon, he changed from a normal human to a hell-like existence.

The huge body gives people a full sense of oppression, but Erza doesn't feel much about this oppression.

"Give up, it's useless. I already know about your magics, and your Illusion Magic is very rough."

"After all, there are some things that can't be simulated casually with illusion!"

Erza said. Then with a wave of Gae Dearg in her hand, the Midnight in front of her disappeared, and the monster turned into normal Midnight again.

It's just that Midnight's face at this moment is not very good, and there is a feeling of being scared.

The monster just now was just an illusion. In addition to the Reflector Magic, Midnight can also use Illusion Magic.

Everything is fake, and since Erza knows his information, it's easy to crush him.

Soon, Midnight was directly shot down by Erza with Gae Dearg, which can be regarded as defeated by Asahi himself.

But on the other side, something went wrong.

Natsu was stunned because of the transportation, and maybe because of a butterfly effect, he was also poisoned at this moment.

But because of his strong body, he just passed out, and his life would not be in danger.

However, even without Natsu, Cobra's hearing was completely invalid because Asahi gave everyone a layer of protection.

But he still had the Poison Dragon Slayer Magic, so he teamed up with Racer and defeated some of the alliance guild's members.

There are also some problems on Hoteye's side. He was not affected by Nirvana, so he was still in the dark side.

Originally, Jura could completely bully Brain, but against Hoteye's magic, he was soon defeated. Hoteye was simply Jura's nemesis.

In this way, except for Erza defeating Midnight, all the others were defeated.

Even Ichiya and the others were sneak attacked by Shirley, as Shirley turned to the dark side because of Nirvana.

As for Lucy and Lily, they didn't face the Oracion Seis's members at all, otherwise, the battle will be over.

"I don't know if the luck of these guys is good or bad!"

Asahi used Space Magic to gather everyone into one place, and then healed them at once.

After waking up, Jura and others were ashamed. After all, it was their problem, but they failed.

As for Natsu, he was clamoring for revenge. After all, he was defeated because of poison.

"Although I didn't defeat the enemy, I still got some news. Their destination is Cait Shelter, but I don't know what their ultimate goal is!"

Jura learned about the other party's destination, but he wondered why the other party would want to go there. He planned to find out, but was disrupted by Hoteye.

The two sides fought for a while, and the result was that Jura was defeated.

"Cait Shelter? Why are they going to our guild?!"

Wendy and Carla are shocked, they didn't understand why would the enemy target their guild.

"I know a little bit about their purpose. But before that, Happy, are you ready? I will hand over this big guy to you later!"

Asahi intends to give Happy a chance to show off. When Happy heard this, he immediately jumped up, while Natsu and Lucy directly remembered of the violent Happy back then. They felt that Happy at that state is indeed very powerful.