Chapter 407 That Day, Brain Remembered The Fear of Being Dominated By Happy

"Happy, smash!"

Asahi threw a Noble Phantasm to Happy. When Nirvana was about to reach Cait Shelter, Asahi directly enlarged Happy, and Happy's size instantly surpassed Nirvana's. At this moment, Nirvana is only half of Happy's huge body, and Happy is also holding a golden hammer in his hand.

The size of Nirvana is equivalent to a small city, and Happy has now surpassed the size of this city.

Roubaul was already shocked when he saw Nirvana appearing in front of him, but when he saw Happy, he was dumbfounded. This is the first time he has seen such a huge cat, and not only him, the other people on Nirvana are also shocked.

"Happy has become so big! Although I have seen it once before, it has obviously become weirder this time!"

Looking at Happy's huge body, Lucy started to complain, but it was indeed very strange.

After all, it is different from Giant Magic. After using Giant Magic, even Makarov's small body will become muscular.

That is the characteristic of this magic. It is not only as simple as making the user bigger, but also makes the user possess terrifying combat power.

So after using that, their huge size would look terrifying, but Happy is different.

He was directly enlarged by Asahi. Although he is extremely large now, his proportions are still the same as his normal state.

There is no muscle at all, and he's just like a doll that has been enlarged countless times.

"What the hell is that?"

Brain looked at this scene with a dumbfounded expression. Their loss is not very serious this time. Although there is no Angel at the beginning and Midnight was defeated by Erza, there are still a few others left.

But the current scene has shocked Brain. He has seen the huge size of Nirvana, and thought that Nirvana would be invincible, but seeing Happy at this moment, he couldn't understand what's going on anymore.

But before anyone could answer his question, Happy suddenly raised the giant hammer in his hand.


The giant hammer slammed towards Nirvana, making it fall onto the ground. It is said that only by destroying several nodes at the same time can Nirvana be destroyed, but to put it bluntly, that destruction method is just a choice for those without strength.

People with strength will not need to do such a thing. They can just destroy this thing directly and violently.

The current Happy has this strength, and once the hammer's ability is activated, a huge shockwave will erupt.

This shockwave is not something Nirvana can't bear. Even though it can heal itself by absorbing magic power from the ground, it can only be limited to a small area, and it is completely impossible to resist this kind of super-wide bombardment.

The moment the hammer fell and the golden shockwave erupted, Nirvana was smashed to the ground, and its back was completely crushed.

Even the muzzle can't function anymore. Although it is recovering, the speed of recovery is quite slow at this moment.

"No, no, this is Nirvana, a magic item that claims to be able to change the world. Why is it so vulnerable?!"

At this moment, Brain wanted to save Nirvana through the operation panel, but it was a pity that Happy would not give him a chance. Seeing that he hadn't destroy Nirvana with one strike, Happy raised the giant hammer again.

A golden shockwave that is more terrifying than before wrapped around the hammer and slammed onto Nirvana.


The roar that was even more terrifying than before, and Nirvana's huge body was smashed by Happy's hammer. This time, Brain and the others were not spared, and they are all seriously injured. Although they did not die, they have lost the ability to fight.

"Hahahaha, that's amazing, great job Happy!"

Natsu, who had left Nirvana a long time ago, yelled at Happy, and Happy naturally saw Natsu as well, and then gave his thumbs up.


The silly catchphrase made everyone a little amused, 'Sure enough, Happy will always be Happy, no matter how huge he is, Happy will never change.'

As for Carla, the way she looks at Happy is completely different now.

She thought that the other party was just a super unreliable guy, but now, Carla's impression of Happy has changed. Although it was Asahi who helped, Happy in this form is also not bad.

"Let's go and see those Oracion Seis's members. They are not dead yet!"

After saying that, Asahi took back the magic from Happy, and Happy returned to his normal size again, and then he flew around everyone.

As for the hammer, Asahi gave it to Happy. It was not a big deal, and Happy could help him fight big monsters in the future, and harvest experience for him.

"How is it possible?! Nirvana is gone!"

At the same time, the four people and a snake lying in the ruins all looked at this scene in bewilderment.

On this day, Brain will never forget, and can never forget the fear of being dominated by Happy. Happy will probably become a very big shadow in his life.

"Nothing is impossible. To put it bluntly, Nirvana was also created by people, so it naturally can be destroyed by people."

"You who treat this kind of thing as a trump card are simply a trash!"

After Asahi arrived in front of Brain, he said ruthlessly. There is nothing to say about this person. Everyone else can be forgiven, but he alone can't.

Basically, everyone else was brought out by him from the Tower of Heaven, and this guy himself is heinous and commits all kinds of evil.

The research institute, where Ultear was sent by Ur at the beginning, was also controlled by this guy.

In short, the things this guy has done are enough for him to die a million times.

As for the others, they are not completely hopeless. Because of that, Asahi plans to imprison this guy in the Hell of the Bleach World, and use it as an experience pack in the future.

"Trash? Hahahaha, you can really say it! But you still make a mistake! You shouldn't have defeated all Oracion Seis's members!"

Brain suddenly laughed, and the seals on his face began to fade quickly.

The Oracion Seis's members represents the six layers of seals, and now, following their defeats, the seals began to be lifted.

"Although you can change to another personality, do you think that with your strength, you can do anything even if your other personality increase your strength by ten times?"

"If it's just a trash body, even if it got a better personality, it is just a better trash. At any rate, it is still a trash in essence!"

Asahi, who is very disgusted with Brain, said speechlessly. The essence has not changed. It can be said that his body's limit strength is ten, but Brain can only use one or two by himself, so this combat power is nothing, and it's no big deal even if his personality changes.