Chapter 408 Poaching People Again

"You know Zero's existence?!"

Brain's whole person is not good. He believed that Zero's existence is something that only him and the other Oracion Seis's members know, and Zero's strength is the strongest among them. He is the Guild Master, and he is also another personality of Brain.

But this personality cannot be controlled, and will do some outrageous things, like destruction and destruction.

In terms of personality, Zero is similar to Acnologia, but in terms of strength, he is not at the same level at all.

That's why Brain thought of a way to seal Zero. If someone wanted to let Zero come out, they can only defeat them, and this is considered their trump card.

His idea is also very simple. If he dies, he wanted everyone to die together. After all, even if he falls, Zero will take care of the rest.

But now, he suddenly realized that his thoughts seemed a little too naive, as the other party clearly knew his trump card.

And compared to the violent Happy just now, Brain suddenly felt that it is useless even if Zero came out.

"Damn it!"

After shouting angrily, Brain's consciousness became blurred, and Zero took control of his body.

"What a waste. He was defeated by someone else and made my body like this. Brain is always a waste!"

After Zero appeared on the stage, the nature of his magic power changed, and there's also some change in his appearance.

Zero at this moment seems as if he has rabies, as his eyes are red now. However, the injuries that Brain has suffered is now given to him when he controlled this body.

After all, their body is one, and it is not possible to change bodies after their personalities change, so now, Zero is seriously injured.

In this case, Zero's combat power is damaged, so he is naturally very upset.

"He is a trash, and you are just the same. Now that you have come out, then don't even think about leaving!"

As soon as Asahi said that, he snapped his fingers and chains shot out from the golden circles in the sky, which is none other than Enkidu.

Although strictly speaking, the stronger the divinity, the stronger this chain will be, but even if it's dealing with a guy who doesn't have a divinity, it's still pretty good, at least, it's impossible for Zero to break free.

Zero didn't have time to react and was bound by a large number of chains, and can no longer move.


With surprise, Zero used his own magic power to break the chain, but his magic power was unable to do anything except moving the chain.

After all, Enkidu is not something he can destroy.

Immediately after, Asahi snapped his fingers again. This time, Zero disappeared from here and was teleported to the Bleach World's Hell.

"As I said, no matter which personality it is, you are always a trash!"

Before Zero disappeared, Asahi's words were still lingering in his ears, but at this moment, he had come to a very special world.

This place is very special, and after he entered, a chain directly penetrated his body.

Hell has been transformed, and now, even people with physical bodies can be chained and their physical bodies can also be restored.

Seeing Asahi get rid of Zero, the last three Oracion Seis's members felt cold in their hearts.

"Don't worry, that guy is a special one, so the treatment is also special, but I won't do anything to you casually."

"The three of you haven't reached the point of being hopeless, and by the way, Hoteye, your brother, Wally is in Fairy Tail."

"He has a good life now. Surrender to me, and then you can see each other!" Asahi first act on Hoteye, as this guy is the same as Angel. One is trying to find his younger sister, and the other is trying to find his younger brother.

"Wally?! You mean, Wally is really in Fairy Tail?"

Hoteye's whole person didn't feel good in an instant. He didn't expect after constantly looking for him, his brother is actually in Fairy Tail.

"Of course. You will see him later, and you will definitely recognize him, after all, you two, how should I put it… a bit square!"

Asahi felt that these two brothers seemed to have been smuggled over from Minecraft. Hoteye is a little better, as his square is not particularly obvious, but Wally is the real deal, as the edges and corners looks very clear.

"I see… As long as I see Wally, I can do anything!"

Because of the butterfly effect, Hoteye was not reversed by Nirvana, but this is not necessary, as it's already enough to touch his weakness.

"Very well, then you should go and join a guild called Crime Sorciere. I will give you the contact information, and by the way, Angel is also there!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he turned his attention to Cobra and the snake beside him.

Being glanced by Asahi, Cobra was flustered. Zero has disappeared, and he also didn't know Midnight's life or death. As for Hoteye and Angel, they were recruited by the other party, so it was his turn now.

But although he was flustered, he would not compromise casually. This is his thought. Although he was defeated, he still has his own pride.

"Cobra, right? Do you know that the snake next to you was turned into this way by someone else's magic? She is not a snake, but a little girl!"

Asahi looked at the snake next to him. This snake also joined Fairy Tail in the later stage, but it is a human.

It was removed in the later period, and after she turned back into a human, she joined Fairy Tail.

"What did you say?!"

Cobra was a little confused. This snake can be said to be his most valued companion.

Unlike other Oracion Seis's members, who he only regarded as colleagues at best, this snake is his treasured companion.

"I will help you remove… the magic on her, but you, like Hoteye, must join Crime Sorciere, how about it?"

Asahi said. As long as he holds the weakness of the other party in his hand, there is nothing that can't be done.

"If what you say is true, then I promise you!"

Cobra said resolutely. After Hoteye's example before, he believed in Asahi's words.

And Asahi naturally didn't try to fool him, and directly transformed Cubellios back into her human form, a little girl with purple hair.

The magic of this world is indeed very special. Such things often occur, as there are all kinds of special magic, and even time and space can be involved casually.

"It… no, she really is a human!"

After watching the snake turn into a human, Cobra was shocked, and after communicating with the other party, he understands the other party's situation.

Because of this, Cobra at this moment has also become Asahi's subordinate.

And if there's no accident, you will definitely become a diehard loyalist in the future.

Now that Cobra and Hoteye are done, Asahi sets his sights on the last person, Racer.

At this moment, Racer didn't know why, but he suddenly became a little curious at how the other party would solicit him. He asked himself, and he knew that he didn't seem to have any weaknesses that can be grabbed. He is completely different from Hoteye and Cobra.